Chapter 3

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I never knew how hard it was being a guy. And being one undercover as a girl justs brings all the fun. Note the sarcasm.

"Riley, can you come here and help me? I can't seem to understand this problem?" I heard Hikaoru ask me. I looked up and saw that Kaoru and Haruhi were already helping him. Why do he needs my help? Unless they are all a bunch of idiots... I'd put my money and that one.

"This is it boys, this is war, what are we waiting for? Why don't we break the rules already," I sang under my breath, Awe jeeze. that's a good song. Some night by fun. Sheesh. Why are they so good?

"Riley here's the question and," he continued on but ubruptly stopped when i took his pencil and leaned over him correcting his mistakes. it was quite easy actually. I get math because me is smart yeah!

"What do I stand for, what do i stand for? Most nights, I don't know," I sang as i came back to my desk. I continued humming the song, finishing my own work in record time. By then the clock read i still had another half of an hour. I asked if i would be able to be excused since i finished earlier, and i was let go. i ran to the bathroom just to fix everything up.

Like I said, being a boy undercover means i gotta cover up. After that, I walked outside the boy's bathroom and was greeted by Tamaki.

"Why Hello Riley, what you up to?" he asked me, we were just standing infront of the boy's bathroom door way.

"Nothingmuch Tamaki, what are we doing for the theme for the host club today?" I asked him, lunch was two periods away after all, and anyways, i kinda have to know.

"Oh, well, we were planning on going with a-" i choose not to listen, i think he said something about suits and dressing up all fancy smancy or something. Yeah, something along those lines.

"Well see ya later," i said stopping him in middle sentence.

"Can't you let me finish?" he complained. I shook my head at him, adn walked. He caught up with me.

"Were are you going?" he asked me.

"No where in particular, just walking around to get used to everything. afterall this is kind of a new school, and i only ever saw it in photos that my cousin showed me a few years ago," when he wanted me to go to this ischool. Funny, even after all this time, he somehow knew i was going to end up here.

We continued walking together until we ended up in an open place where there was a fountain, and younger students.

It would have been nice to have started school here thoughi must admit. I like there unforms better then these ones. Well, at least if i was a boy i wouldn't have to wear a big puffy yellow dress.

"So how do you like it here?" Tamaki asked me.

"It's alright, I don't have to use the yellow dress," i said with-out thinking.

"And why would you ever wear that?" Tamamki questioned weairdly. I was already trying to come up with something.

"Just saying, if i was a girl it would suck to wear that," i said calmly.

"Oh, i see," he said.

We then went into a silence. Awkward some people would say, but i don't believe in awkward silences. I beleive in the beauty of silence, but out of the corner of my eye, i saw him fidgit around obviously feeling awkward.

"So what are you up to later?" he asked me.

"Nothing much really," i said.

"Would you wanna go out with me?" he suddenly asked. My eyes went wide and my head snapped to him. His eyes were wide open and he had a hand covering over his mouth and cheeks, yet i was still able to see his blush. He turned to see my reaction then sigh and explained removing his hands.

"Kyoya told me after i.. er told him my attraction towards you... He thought it was only right, after all, i though I was going bi, which wouldn't have been bad, but i wanted and explanation," so Kyoya told him. What a sheeze head. I nodded.

"Will you?" he asked me. I never knew how to say no nicely.

"I can't," i said simply. This time his head snapped towards me.

"If we went out, there would be an uproar for the girls, they'd think things and stuff, that wouldn't be good for the club, and what would the other members think?" i said looking straight ahead now. I saw him nod though.

"So, i guess the only time we would ever go out... would be when everyone knew?" he asked.

"Maybe... but Tamaki, ... I'm sorry, but your not the ideal guy for me, i would think of you like someone who would always be there me, yes, but not in that kind of way," i saw hurt in his eyes but he nodded.

You see why i don't like being a guy undercover? Once people you get to know, knows about it... they develop a weird crush.

"I see so, this is kind of awkward for you.... I always knew how o help people go out, but I really could not find someone for myself," he sigh unhappily.

"You will," I said bluntly.

"Huh?" he said looking towards me, I met his confused glare with my own calmed one.

"One day Tamaki, you will find the one you have been waiting for, and for once... You will feel what you helped so many other people felt," I told him. I saw his eyes lit up as he hugged me.

"Thank you, I really need that," he said quietly. I patted his back... Not good at this stuff.

There, and so not edited sorry xD

You want me to what? Host? Cousin are you okay? (Ouran Host Club FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now