Chapter Two; Cymatic Adventures

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Okay, so my dad was okay with it, I was returning favours Kyoya did for me, I now have a son, blah blah blah.  As long as no one was making me decide my own decision he was totally fine with it. Mainly because he wants me to know that I can make my own decision, just as long as I know the consequences and take full responsibility.

So then I changed my direction and started heading for the park, because I still remember my sister being there.

"Oh! Your here!" My sister Charlotte said. I nodded to her.

"Why did you want me to meet you at the park?" I asked her.

"Oh well there was some Ouran students who wanted to meet you," she said. I felt my eyes go wide. Uh-oh.

"Wait a sec, hold on Charlotte, don't be surprised when they think I am a boy-" I was interrupted by screams. Oh gawd, I have to deal with this at school, now here? I don't think I can handle it.

"RILEY! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU KNEW CHARLOTTE!" I heard one girl scream.

"Um, yeah she's my sister," I said calmly.

"Oh my god! Riley, can you sing for us?" One girl that was close to me asked, a bunch of other girls agreeing by nodding.

"Umm, I'm not sure that would be allowed, you know Kyoya," I said, a bunch of girls agreeing. I then realized that was a bad thing to ask as they started to grab their purses. Meaning they were prepared to pay.

"Hang on a sec, i'll call Kyoya here," I stopped them. I hit speed dial number 4 and Kyoya answered right away.

"Riley? What's up?" He asked.

"We seem to have a problem here in the park, you know some girls skip school? Anyways, the girls that skip school are here in the park, the funny thing is, they are in their uniforms," I laughed to myself.

"And the problem is?" he asked me.

"Come one I thought you were smart. They recognize me, and my sister wanted to me to meet them as myself, but I can't if they recognize me you idiot," I told him, then in the background I heard Tamaki's voice.

"What does he mean 'as myself?'" he asked.

"When I say that I mean that I may be a wonderful host at your school, but I just don't care when I am not in school, sheesh kids these day," I said.

"What is yourself?" Tamaki obviously grabbed the phone from Kyoya because he was right in the speaker phone.

"Myself? Well, I am too hyper and such," I said, ha, that's good enough.

"I will be right there," Kyoya had grabbed the phone from Tamaki.

I quickly hanged up and turned back to everyone.

"Okay, Kyoya will be coming here any moment now, in the meantime, can I get some coffee?"  I asked them

"Oh I can get it!" Some girl said. She ran to get me some coffee. Ah, the perks of being a host. I walked over to my sister who was obviously waiting for an explanation.

"Um, yeah, phone dad and ask the question you want the answer to," I told her. Is it just me, or do I sound like a fortune cookie right now?

She signed but went over a bit so that she can hear dad. 

Oh jeez, I think I have to go to my own school now. What am I going to do about all of these girls though? I can't let them tag along with me to my school!

I saw Kyoya's car pull up and I couldn't be happier to see Kyoya Otori.

"Cousin, I don't know what you pulled me into, but I want out!" I told him in a laughing matter, even though this is NO laughing matter.

You want me to what? Host? Cousin are you okay? (Ouran Host Club FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now