Chapter 7 You Fools... Your Not Supposed To Be Smart!

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Chapter Seven

Not edited, and no I don't own anything about The Ouran High School Host Club... Sadly, teehee, anyways on to the story.

I got out of my car, and headed towards the entrance to their mansion. I really don't know how this is going to end, but let's hope it's a good ending.

"Welcome to the Hitachiin Manor, please, the brothers are waiting for you to join them, if you follow me," A maid was talking to me before I was even able to open the door, it just swung open. Kids these days, can't even open a door.

"Thank you," I nodded to her with a smile, seeing she must be in her twenties, and I was disguised as a boy, she ruined my moment by blushing. Gosh darn it.

I followed her into the house, around a few corners, up a flight of stairs, down a few halls, until we reached a door that read 'The Hitachiin Brother's Room'.

"Right here," She smiled again, I nodded, with out a smile this time, so she wouldn't blush.... A plan that should have sucseeded but did not.

I walked into the room just as the boys were changing... Why do I always have to walk in at the wrong times? Why are you picking on me lord? Gosh darn it.

"Sorry, but if you don't mind, clothes would be nice you know," I said cockily. Must keep acting... must keep acting, they are not affecting me in any way.

"You could knock you know," Kaoru told me.

"Your just jealous you don't have our bodies isn't it?" Hikaoru added.

"have your tiny body? Haha, no thanks," I told him.

"You don't have to insult because your jealous," he commented smirking. You know what? I kinda like being a guy because there is so less drama than being a girl. Friends are far more better... haha no offence ....

"Jealous of what exactly?" I said laughing.

"We'll... You know what?" Hikaoru (author's note... i dunno the spelling and well you know me..... i never edit so BLAH),came at me.

"What?" I asked him.

"I dunno, I was wondering that was all," once he said that we all laughed.

I looked around the room and noticed how open and... fancy smancy it was. I thought rich kids would more or less pick and choose what they wanted. But this room was more or less looked like a mother came in and did it herself... and plus, there was only one bed. How... weird.

"So what's up?" I asked them hacing nothing else to say.

"Dinner's ready, but our parents aren't home," Kaoru told me.

"They won't be here for dinner," Hikaoru conitnued.

"Oh well," I told them in a 'whatever' tone. Like it happens all the time... when it doesn't.

"Are your parents ever home?" Kaoru asked me.

"Does it really matter?" I asked.

"Kind of, I guess to us, our parents were never home, even when we were littly," Hikaoru told me. Sighing I sat down on the bed.

"Yeah... my dad was always there for me. When I needed help, he was already one step ahead of me, always had plan A through to Z," I told them honestly. 

"So I guess you wouldn't understand eh?" He asked me. 

"But i never always lived with my father you know," I told them looking up. I could still see my mother... lying on the couch, of our apartment. Stilol see the drink and empty cups. The gross food that didn't settle in her stomach on the ground.

My dad was ever good with woman. So when he had me, a heir for his family, he knew that he had to get me from his ex-wife of four years.

It wasn't good i guess, I was four years old afterall when they split so I didn't understand. I'm glad that I didn't guess now that i am 16...I fully understand, I am more knowledge about my mother.

"What do you mean?" Kaoru asked me. I looked up suddenly, not realising i even looked down, and shook my head with a small smile.

"Nothing, nothing, it's okay," I smiled again.

"Oh?" Hikauro asked.

"No, so food?" I asked, trying to distract them.

"Yeah downstairs," Kauro told me unsure.

After we ate and everything, they decided that we should watch a movie. 

"Which movie?" I asked.

"I dunno, well let you decided Riley," Hikaoru told me.

"Yeah," Kaoru agreed.

"Well....,"- I didn't even finishedbefopre Hikaoru blurted out.

"Are you a girl?" 

"I am sorry what?" no, they aren't supposed to know, what gave me away? hmmm.... It must have been when I was denying that my past was nothing to worry about. Something about my ... DAMN IT! I must have not oticed it, but I guess i was so caught up in my own emotions, I hadn't realised that I was speaking in my ordinary voice isntead of lowering it. 

"Yeah... we were kind of debating it.. I mean no offence," Kaoru told me. So they are still debating it? 

"I mean, your voice seem to be higher and you seem more defensive about everything before, so that what made us deabate it," Hikaoru told me.

Should I tell them?

Can I tell them?

"Can you guys keep a secret?" I asked quitely. It's too late I guess... If I don't tell them there going to think i am gay, and they will tell the rest of the group, in the end, I won't really have a reason to be in the host club... 

"Well of ocurse Riley," Kauro told me.

"Good...," I said.

"I'm am so sorry for lying to you and the others, but, Kyoya had asked a favour... and I couldn't deny it. I mean I asked him so much in the past, yet he never asked a single thing. So when he did... I had to accept," I told them quietly.

"So he asked to be in the host club?" Kauro asked me, I nodded.

"But why?" Hikaoru pondered.

"Because, apparently the Host Club wasn't making the amount of money they should have been, so he asked me a favour," I told them.

I thought it was obvious.

"Can I ask you guys to not tell anybody? I know they have a right ot know, but I don't think they should really," I chuckled.

"I got to hand it to you though, you fooled everybody, even Mori-sempai!" Kaoru told me. I nodded with a laugh.

"Fooling people is what i am good at," I smiled devishly.

"Okay, promise when you do a prank, you will let us join you?" the said together making me laugh.

"Sure," I replied.

"Good," they said. They more or less looked relieved.

Which is funny, they were afterall the mischevious of the group right?


Not edited at all, quite short



Sorry for 

that, but I updated the chapter I 







to do



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