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Author's note; A new story for my version of Omegaverse. This is set in the same world as the previous two books, but does not share any characters with them. This is effectively the start of a series of books, though in that world. For people reading my books for the first time, you don't have to read the other Omegaverse books, but please read the prologue of The Omega is a Novelist to understand this world.

I've been sitting on this story for a while, but finally felt some inspiration for it. Ps, I understand nothing about Rugby, the sport I chose to be in the book and picked it long before I knew about the World Cup being in Japan soon! Coincidences!

I'm also sure that you will figure out who the stars of future books will be. I hope you enjoy.

People believe in soul mates, that there exists a person out there whose soul perfectly fits like a puzzle piece to their own. Perhaps they were once one soul, split in two and placed into two vessels, usually one male and one female, though no one said that this was a hard and fast rule.

Others say that this is nonsense, that it is just a way to explain the extreme compatibility of two close people. It is just finding that person who not only is compatible physically, but mentally as well... well that existence is like finding a speck of 24 carat gold dust in a mountain of mud. So the likelihood that just one person out of billions could be perfect for oneself is so small that it could not so far fetched as to call them your soulmate.

But what if there was a third factor added into this search for the perfect partner, the perfect mate? And what if this factor came down to a secondary gender?

There exists three secondary genders in this world:

Alphas who have the greatest fertility and now stand on top of the pyramid overall in terms of physical appearance, wealth and ability, though the latter were thanks to a few centuries of social engineering.

Betas who have low fertility, but have the highest population overall. They have been demoted to worker bees in terms of society, but that does not mean that they lack intelligence or looks, it is just that they are not looked upon as favourably as a person who can easily pass on their genes without fertility treatment or blessings of luck.

And then there are the Omegas.

Omegas are considered as dregs of society, as lowlifes and scum, but this is through no fault of their own. It is fear and misunderstanding that labels them so lowly. Omegas suffer heats, like a female animal, usually three or four times a year and their pheromones can be so strong as to attract Alpha males that happen to be close by. As if they are screaming out to be fertilised by those males. And it is a fact that their fertility rivals that of an Alpha, for when an Omega falls into their heat and is taken by an Alpha Male, there is nearly a hundred percent chance that they will fall pregnant with a strong, healthy foetus, so long as no preventative measures are taken.  Even if that taken Omega happens to be a man.

But it is also a fact that the resultant child has a fifty percent chance of being born an Alpha and fifty percent chance of being born an Omega, meaning most Alpha's would never take the risk of introducing one into their family. As once an Omega is in the bloodlines, there will always be a risk of an Omega birth in generations to come and that is considered as a taint.

Yet what if the soul mate of an Alpha happened to be an Omega? Does the Alpha throw away the chance at becoming one with the most perfect person on this world for them just because of their gender or do they say that this is Fate?

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