Chapter Twenty One

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When one has finally tasted that which longed for and found the sample not only delicious but down right addictive, one is going to want to eat more and savour thoroughly.  And so, with the excuse of washing away the physical proof of completion, Zandre proceeded to use Ichiro's weakness to the pleasure that his touch could provide as his fated half and ate once more in the shower.  Utterly spent, Ichiro could only collapse into the larger man's arms, lifted, dried and tucked beneath the duvet of that man's bed.  Not one word spoken about sleeping in a guest room!

Despite all denials to the contrary, Omegas bodies were naturally receptive to being taken by attentive men, whether they were born female or male, but it was still Ichiro's first time receiving and Zandre was not exactly small in that department.  Thus, the Omega woke feeling quite abused; his arse felt abnormal and stung as if someone placed vinegar onto a paper cut, his waist and hips felt as if he'd been thrown by a really sizeable Martial Artist and he'd landed awkwardly on the mat below and his throat felt as if it had been rubbed internally by sandpaper.  There was a slight sting on the back of his neck, though he couldn't recall why that would be the case. Oh and he had a bit of a headache, probably due to the alcohol.

Said alcohol, amongst other things, were currently being blamed for his bedridden state.  Not one thought regarding the fact that it had been he who freely rode that silver-tongued demon, was allowed to settle in his mind and relieve said devil from some of the blame.  Definitely not.  Demon, Incubus!  He had to be in order to convince him to throw away a lifetime's sworn oath to protect his backdoor virginity for words and deeds that promised him to the heights of Heaven, only to finally abandon him to this current living hell, having got what he wanted and fled with his soul!

Ignoring the minor detail that every cell of his body not screaming in discomfort was actually humming in sheer contentment, he chose only to dwell on the shame and not the fact that it had actually felt pretty good. He buried his face into the pillow beneath his head, which just happened soaked in the combined aromas of himself and that Alpha and therefore didn't notice the scent of coffee as it began to permeate throughout the room.

Entering the room, with a good morning gesture of a caffeinated beverage, said Demon was creeping quietly into the room, not sure if the Omega had yet woken. His eyes gazed upon the unmoving man, the sheets messily arranged over his languid form and a renewed hunger began to stir in his stomach.

For him, last night had been beyond expectation. Beyond words. He could say he was somewhat experienced when it came to intimate matters, but he could not say that he was all that experienced. There had been a couple of flings and small relationships in college and university, all of which did not amount to much in the end.  And then there had been 'Lani. He laughed inwardly; he'd once believed that sex between him and his ex-girlfriend had been good. Memorable. But the memory of such had become faded to the point of not even being a speck of ink on white paper, just due to one night with this man, his Omega.

Ichiro's body had responded to every touch and had told no lies as he lost himself to pleasure riding on top of him. His dark cavity had wrapped around Zandre's member like a glove upon a hand, the tightness just so, stroking its entirety to the point of inducing mindlessness. His hands had wandered where they would, the rich tone of his skin looking ever darker against the backdrop of the glistening jade white skin stretched across Ichiro's lithe and virile body. When he had released inside, pouring his essence deep within Ichiro's walls, coating the man's inner body with his scent, he hadn't been able help lamenting that despite this, nothing would come of it. Ichiro's reproductive tract would not open until he was in heat.

Shaking his head, he recalled how that essence had begun to leak out of Ichiro as they took a shower together and he'd thought it was too pitiful, thinking it was much better if a part of himself remained inside the Omega. So, he had taken advantage as Ichiro had his back to him and quickly slipped back inside, almost causing the Omega to collapse at the knees as he had yelled out in surprise.  He'd held him by the waist and proceeded to enjoy their connection and all the other man's intimate places that he could easily reach in this position and Ichiro had quickly succumb to him once more. This time he had been in control and he had not been about to let loose the reigns of his possession, Ichiro could only cry out in pleasure and try to grip with the tips of his fingers the gaps between the tiles as he was mercilessly plundered. When their releases came once more, Zandre had not been able to help the instinct that overcame him and bit down on Ichiro's neck.

This marking didn't really mean anything more than of the strawberry marks dotted about Ichiro's collar and chest, it wasn't permanent, he hadn't broken the skin so it would fade with time. It would be different once Ichiro fell into his heat, though. He'd make sure of it.

Zandre finally noticed that Ichiro was not as unconscious as he was making himself out to be and he chuckled beneath his breath, only to be gifted with an angry glare. The chuckle turned into a slight cough and hidden politely behind his loosely closed fist. He sidled over to the bed and placed the cooling coffee upon the bedside cabinet. "Hey, good morning," Zee smiled, his eyes were sparkling and he seemed to almost glow with warmth. Ichiro felt even more put out by how sated he looked, didn't want to look at him anymore.  "How are you feeling?"

"How do you think?" Ichiro snapped bitterly, before wincing and burying his burning face into the pillow once more.

"Does it hurt?" Zandre asked with genuine concern, reaching for the tempting flesh, while restraining his selfish desires.  His fingers began to knead the base of Ichiro's spine and the Omega couldn't help but quiver and moan softly, his tender bones relaxing into the massage.

Still, he wasn't about to let Zandre off completely free. "Hurts, hurts a lot," he grumbled into the pillow.  "All your fault."

"Yes, Yes," Zee agreed, amicably, the contented smile on his face not fading in the slightest. "Blame me. I didn't prepare you enough."

"Shouldn't have prepared me at all," Ichiro complained, then paused before feeling the need to explain his words more clearly.  He could literally sense the incredulous expression upon Zandre's face at that moment. Arching his back and glancing over his shoulder, he confirmed his suspicions.  "I never said that I'd have sex with you!" He told the man.

"I told you that I wanted to fuck you," Zandre reminded him of the warning he'd given him the night before. "What did you think would happen when you agreed to come with me?"

"Maybe a hand job or something," Ichiro shrugged his shoulders, before rubbing his sore temples. "You know, take the edge off." Zandre could only shake his head, bemused. He continued to massage Ichiro's back and hips as they fell into comfortable silence and Ichiro couldn't help but enjoy his touch. "Forget it," Ichiro said finally with a sigh, returning to hug the pillow and trust himself to Zandre's skilful hands.  "I was being an idiot."

"Yes, you were," Zandre agreed with a chuckle.

"You are still not forgiven though," Ichiro winced. Now that the ache of his hips had lessened, the pain in his derrière seemed that much more pronounced. Who told Zandre to be so big! Really, a cock that size wasn't supposed to be stuffed into a tiny hole like his formerly virgin anus. What did it matter that it touched in all manner of wondrous places and brought forth a plethora of new pleasurable sensations? He vowed that no matter how good it felt, he wasn't allowing a man to take that place ever again!

The Alpha sighed, really, Ichiro's face was like an open book. Not a single thought within the Omega's mind could escape Zandre's observant eyes as they flittered across it.  "What would you like for breakfast? I'll bring it to you in bed, if you like."

Ichiro did indeed like and the atmosphere in the room once more became cheerful and soft, with just a touch of remnant pink.

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