Chapter Thirty Four

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In reality, preparing for a flight with only half a day to spare was a nearly ridiculous notion and in fact, they only managed to check in at the terminal as the last announcement to board the flight came over the tannoy.  Utterly out of breath and most assuredly the last ones to board the plane, the three brothers and one newspaper editor were let aboard with underline disapproval marring the flight attendants otherwise perfected smiles.

Saburo bounced excitedly in his seat as the aircraft began to ascend, however the moment the announcement came that passengers could unfasten their seatbelts was a prelude to the following moment when he fell fast asleep.  Jiro, who was sitting beside him, covered his younger brother with a blanket before settling in to read a dissertation on economics recommended by his teacher in sixth form of the same subject.

Ichiro remained nervous as he looked out of the tiny window at a black sky, checking over the things he threw together in his luggage in his mind.  In actuality, he was still somewhat in shock; when he lounged in bed that morning wallowing in self-pity, he never would imagine that just a few hours later he would be grabbing clothes and their passports (which fortunately had a couple of years left on them) and rushing to the airport.  He never imagined that he would be flying a good portion across the world to find a man, a man who'd just so happened to have completely stolen his heart.

Uncle Keith had been reluctant for them to go.  He knew the hopes that Ichiro's father had for him, even though they were unrealistic and were as heavy as those the man's own parents had thrust onto him.  But because Keith loved him, he still wished to try help him.  But seeing Ichiro flounder and draw deeper into depression reminded him of his own struggle to get the one he loved to acknowledge him, to love him back.  It was impossible for himself, yet reading the editorial due to be released the following day, Keith understood that he could not continue to be selfish and hold Ichiro back anymore, even for that man (Ichiro's father).  So he helped all three boys pack their things and wished them a safe journey.

"What are you thinking?" Livvie asked him after muffling a wide yawn behind her hand, glancing to the restless man beside her.

Ichiro chuckled slightly, revealing his nervousness within the tremor of his voice. "Me and him... things have not exactly been smooth between us. I can't help worrying that I'm running over to see him and things still won't work out..."

Livvie looked at him with an incredulous expression upon her face. "Are you stupid or something?" He couldn't hide the flash of hurt in his eyes caused by words spoken harshly due to tiredness, so she apologised quickly and continued; "I'm not an expert in relationships. Alpha men want an Alpha woman who'll conform to society's needs, while I refuse to bend and Beta men find me too intimidating. That's why our mutually beneficial relationship worked for me. As for love... well, I can't say I recognise what love is, but if declaring to the world, literally, that as an Alpha man you pick an Omega male despite image, reputation or everyone's expectations isn't love, then I can only say that love isn't real.

"Plus, you have the added bonus that he's your fated pair," a sly smirk twisted her lips and added a wickedness to the dim sparkle in her tired eyes. "Can't you only get hard for him now? How you ever thought that he might be in a similar situation as you?" Ichiro blushed as he placed a hand over her loose mouth, glancing around them. They were only in cheap seats on the plane after all, everyone could hear everyone else's business even at a whisper! Fortunately, most seemed to be snoozing or quietly listening to music and not paying them any attention. Livvie chuckled beneath his hand, not repentant, and grabbed his wrist to free herself before declaring she was going to catch some shut eye. "Wake me at breakfast!"


Kick off started late afternoon and although there were no troubles with the flight nor connections, they arrived in the hotel a little after lunch. Needing to shower and refreshen up, as well as travel on the train to the venue meant that the game was already underway by the time they had arrived. Livvie took the four V.I.P tickets from her purse and flashed them in front of the staff at the doors, feeling even more pleased as they were personally guided towards them.

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