Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Please note that Alpha men are just like any other men and as such their weak spots are just the same as any other men.  Weak spots include the back of the knees, the eyes, the throat and as everyone knows, here, the groin!"

As each word seemed spoken with its own underline, a black marker circled those areas on an A2 sized outline of an non-specific Male.  The last area mentioned was circled three times in ink.

The girls of the self-defense class and its token man as they'd dubbed the petite beta who was amongst them, sent glances to each other.  Shane looked even more uncomfortable, sheltering said 'weak area' noticeably.  The Omega holding the pen did not notice their looks, busily scowling at the print while his mind superimposed the image of a certain Alpha on it's face. 

"Oh and I wouldn't bother with the belly," he added, tapping it after placing the lid back on the pen.  "While it may cause winding if it is unexpected, there are people who have trained this area for various reasons, this core becoming a strength not a weakness."  That bastard had a particularly strong core and the area was flat and smooth as well.  "Plus, some people just have really thick skin.  Outrageously thick skin, totally shameless."

"Ichi," one of the girls called to him to inquire; "Are you alright?"

"Peachy," he replied in a flat tone, slamming the marker onto the easel supporting the picture.  "Anyway, let me show you a few moves and you girls can try them out!"

"Spare me!" Shane pleaded, causing his female classmates to giggle.  The door to the hall opened attracting all of their attention.

"Ichiro could always demonstrate using him," one of the girls whispered as she pointed towards the tall, broad man filling the entrance before all of them attempted to imagine their slender teacher subduing the hulk of muscle before them.  After some attempt, they all shook their head in unison.  That was one mountain they did not believe could be moved.

Ichiro had also naturally witnessed Zandre stepping into the hall and automatically resisted his bodily reactions even as he turned away determined to at least give a show of ignoring him.  Of course he was very aware of his presence regardless that his back was turned to him.  His scent had hit him immediately, drawn into his nasal cavity as he instinctively drew in a heavy breath.  And it was as if he could already feel the hard plains of his body pressing against his back, the heat of his body enveloping him, his stiff member pressing against...

"Ichiro," Zee called to him, his voice sending shivers down Ichiro's spine and despite how much he wanted to ignore it, to ignore him, he could hear the pleading note in Zandre's tone.

Again he saw the girls (and Shane) exchanging glances, before their eyes fell on the heavily circled board and enlightenment seemed to fall.  Curious expressions became knowing ones and with a sigh of reluctance, Ichiro knew that the situation could no longer be left alone.  He shooed all of his class away, suggesting that they start stretching and warm ups.  A few giggled, but then soon fell into a loose argument of who was going to pair with Shane.  It wasn't that any of them liked him per say, but Shane was not a large man, even a little weak in appearance with his skinny body and quiet personality.  He inspired their mothering instincts... even if half of them were actually the man's juniors.

While they bickered amicably, Ichiro indicated that Zandre should follow him to the little kitchenette to talk.  A memory of being pressed against the cupboards and countertop flickered through Ichiro's memory and he couldn't help the flush that rose in his cheeks.  Forcing the thought back down, he turned around, his spine straight and shoulders back, meeting firmly Zandre's eyes.  He almost regretted doing so, for there was so much sorrow and regret in those eyes, pure and genuine remorse.

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