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Double update because I had more time to write this week!


The six boys didn't live in the same house. Not exactly, at least. Each of them had their own residence and their own responsibility to shield it from the humans' eyes, but their homes were built in a circle with a main building in the middle. 

This building was the place where they relaxed, had dinners together, watched movies like they were still part of the human world.
It was a pure coincidence that the six of them had been placed together in a circle – they could've been placed anywhere in Seoul – and it was only due to luck that they had been able to become friends through the chaos of their demon lives. 

It was Taehyung who suggested bringing the young demon to the main building, which they usually referred to as 'the Pit'. After a short exchange of opinions, a decision was made and the six boys indeed made their way into the Pit. 

As Taehyung had his hands full supporting the boy on his back, Jin opened the metallic doors for him. Taehyung made his way to the set of couches in the big room while Namjoon took Jimin aside to talk and Jin and Yoongi went off somewhere to take care of Yoongi's wound. 

Yoongi would heal, yeah, he was a demon after all. He wouldn't die from a scratch like that. Still, it would take an hour or two if they didn't treat it and if there was anything Yoongi didn't like, it was waiting for wounds to heal.

"Do you think he will pose a threat after he wakes up?" Taehyung asked Hoseok, who had followed him to the couch and watched as he carefully laid the boy down. 

Hoseok shrugged. "I don't know, did you?"

"I remember feeling very scared." Taehyung mumbled. His memories of his first days as a demon were blurred and he couldn't picture what it had been like, but he did remember what he had felt like. 

"I can't remember if you went on a rampage." Hoseok said. He chuckled at the thought.

"Imagine our cute Taehyungie going on a rampage, ha!"

Taehyung bit his lip. "You should see me when I'm hungry..." he mumbled, but Hoseok didn't hear it. 

Taehyung looked at the boy once again and frowned. The boy had to be around Taehyung's age when he died. He couldn't be much older than eighteen. At most he was twenty.

"Taehyung-ah, you're staring at the boy while he's sleeping." Hoseok said, snickering. "It's kind of creepy."

"So?" Taehyung snapped. "It's not like you don't stare at Yoongi-hyung when he's sleeping."
That shut Hoseok up. 

After a few minutes of staring at the boy, hoping he would wake up, Taehyung let out a deep sigh and got up from the couch. He was starting to feel impatient, and sometimes impatience made him hungry. He had to leave.

He grabbed his coat from the couch – not remembering having taken it off – and walked to the door with firm steps. 

"I'm going out! I'll be back in an hour!" he yelled, not waiting for a reply and closing the door behind him. 

To be honest, hunger wasn't the only reason Taehyung wanted to leave. He was actually a little scared of the situation and he had to take a break to collect his thoughts. 

While he walked into the city, Taehyung thought about the danger of what he and his friends were doing. They were supposed to bring the newborn demon to the Council, untrained and still filled with chaos, but instead, they were now keeping it in their circle with the intention to teach it control better than any of them had been taught. 

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