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"The world is full of monsters with friendly faces and angels full of scars."


"Did you watch the news yesterday?" Yoona heard someone ask. She was completely lost in thought. She had been trying to study European Rights, but her mind had wandered off and now she was somehow thinking about rabbits on the moon.

"Yoona, hello?? Did you walk off to the moon again?"

Yoona looked up and stared at her friend in surprise. "How did you know?" She asked softly.

"I've known you since kindergarten, I think it's not that much of a surprise I can guess what's going on inside your head." Yeonmi answered, snickering. It made Yoona laugh, but she was a little embarrassed.

She was glad Yeonmi accepted her wandering mind; others hadn't been all that friendly about it. 'You live in your own world' they'd say. 'You're not thinking straight' or 'your mind is weird' were very common lines as well. Yoona had gotten used to it and by now she didn't really want to care about the comments anymore. What was there to care about? She was just being herself, she didn't want to act any different.

"So what about the news?" She asked after a moment, closing her book. She wasn't going to continue reading it anyway. "Did I miss much?"

"So you didn't watch it?? Woah, you're probably the first person not to know about it. It's huge and it was all over the news! Minah only heard of it though, she didn't watch the news. I've been going around talking to peopl-"

"Alright, alright, so what is the news?" Yoona asked, becoming impatient as she was getting more and more curious. Yeonmi always knew of the exciting news and each and every time she had told Yoona about it like this - overly dramatic - it had to be something good.

"There was this town yesterday that got completely bombarded with misfortune. Lots of people died...but all of them were accidents." Yeonmi started.

"That's terrible..." Yoona muttered softly, already sinking into her imagination as Yeonmi started to explain about the deaths. Yoona had never heard of so many accidents in one town on one day. She was extremely suspicious.

"Alright, but are they sure those people didn't get murdered?" She asked Yeonmi in a whisper, not really in the mood to let anyone in on their conversation. "It's all too much of a coincidence."

"Yeah, I don't believe it either. But can you imagine! That means the town was targeted and those deaths were either very well planned or very randomly picked."

"Both of those options are scary..." Yoona said with a nervous laugh, feeling a shiver run down her spine.

"Yeah, I know right? They better not decide to call them accidents for good, 'cause they really need to find the culprit."

The two of them continued talking for a little while in the library - there was no scary library lady or man to shut them up - and they eventually went from talking about Town Misfortune to talking about boys. Not because Yoona liked it, but because Yeonmi couldn't keep herself from starting about it.

"So this guy walked in, hair all messy AND HE TOOK OFF HIS SHIRT." Yeonmi exclaimed, earning some weird looks from the other people in the library.

"Yah! Be more quiet!" Yoona whisper-yelled. "And what's the big deal? It was hot yesterday, he was probably melting."

"I was in the room."

"You were in his house, Yeonmi-ah. He's Minah's brother." Yoona said, rolling her eyes. "Speaking of a house," she started, making Yeonmi snort at the comment, "I have to get going. I have to hurry and pay the rent to Ms. Choi and she doesn't like to wait."

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