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This is noooottt edited at all whoops, enjoy <3


Gimeon was in front of Jimin, growling loudly while the royal demon remained calm and reserved. 

There were a few other demons from the Council in there, but all of them were lower in rank than Gimeon, so Jimin did feel threatened by the growling figure in front of him. He was making the choices here. 

"How could you let this happen?" Gimeon growled. "We needed that new demon!"

Jimin wiped the spit that flew from Gimeon's mouth from his face and looked at him with his blue eyes that were threatening to burn. 

"As I told you already, the demon went berserk and there was nothing else we could do. It wouldn't obey me, let alone one of you. We had to kill it." 

That earned him a slap across the face. 

"You killed it without permission, Jiminie." Gimeon said, his words like poison. 

Jimin took a deep breath and glared at Gimeon. "We did not have a choice." He growled back. "You wouldn't want a demon to go completely out of control, now would you?"

That shut Gimeon up. Jimin knew that they weren't supposed to know about the Council's plan and he had to pretend he didn't. It was unusual for the Council to accept out of control demons and therefore Jimin used it as an excuse for killing the new demon. 

"Alright. I'll admit that we're not usually in favour of demons going berserk, so your actions are justified and will be recorded as so." Gimeon said, though he was obviously reluctant and spoke through gritted teeth. 

Jimin had to suppress the smirk that was forming on his face and he nodded, bowing his head slightly. "Thank you. I'll take my leave now."

With that he stood up from his seat and left the room, not looking back. 

Once he got outside he was attacked by Taehyung who jumped at him and clamped his arms around him like a monkey.

"You survived!!" he yelled in Jimin's ear. 

Jimin chuckled and patted the boy on the back. He was taller than Jimin, which made it hard to hold him like that. "There, there, Taehyungie. I'm alright. I was always going to be alright; you can't be sent to Hell for killing a demon that has gone berserk."

"I was still worried..." Taehyung pouted, getting off of Jimin. 

"There are other things we should be worried about," Jimin said in a whisper, "Jungkook's getting hungrier by the minute."

"Yeah, he was being a pain in the ass this morning." Taehyung sighed. "We'll have to bring him something- someone soon."

"Before he really goes berserk." Jimin said, giving his friend a knowing look. 

The two friends left the Council's headquarters and went back to their circle. Their journey didn't take very long as they lived only minutes away from the building. This was slightly risky for them at the moment, but in their world it was an honour to live as close to the Council as they did. 

Jimin was feeling nervous about the fact that they had to bring Jungkook 'food' soon and he wished it didn't have to be that way. He wished they could just keep Jungkook off the Council's radar and teach him to control his hunger. But Jimin also knew that it was impossible to teach a newborn demon control if it had never killed before. Jungkook needed to know what it was exactly that he had to refrain himself of from doing.

"Should we check on them?" Taehyung wondered. 

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Jimin replied. 

Since yesterday there had always been two of them with Jungkook inside Taehyung's house to make sure he wouldn't escape and go on a rampage – or worse, go to the Council. This afternoon Namjoon and Jin had taken on the job and both Jimin and Taehyung trusted them with it. 

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