missed opportunities

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ship/s: main; cole x reader
others; none

universe: movie or series ( y'all choose )

writing prompt: soulmate au

words: 333

warning/s: cliffhanger ( does that count? )

additional notes: a shortie soulmate au

i wrote this during creative writing class & [[ shrugs ]] it's short.

happy reading!!



a busy street means bumping into dozens upon dozens of strangers. i hate it, but i have no choice. how on earth would i get to school? i bite my lip as i wait for the streetlight to turn red.

just thirty more seconds.

i look over to my right, then my left. no familiar faces. great, i'm going to school alone.

the light turns red and the cars come to a halt. i walk along with the people beside, behind, and in front of me. i have my arms crossed in front of my chest. protection of some sort since people tend to be a bit rowdy

halfway through the street, with only seven seconds left, i felt it. the so told spark that one would feel the moment their soulmate touches them for the first time.

i thought it was a myth -- a fairytale that our parents would tell us to make us believe in love. i always scoffed and rolled my eyes at it.

it was beyond ridiculous.

sure, f/n told me that it happened to her, but... i rolled my eyes and gave her a dismissive reply.

i was quick to dismiss it, call it a hoax -- a fairytale... yet, it happened, to me.

the shock... it felt like a tiny jolt of lightning that erupted from my elbow.

so that's where we first touched.

i felt the jolt from the tips of my fingers to the heels of my feet. it was shocking ( pun intended ). shocking, intriguing, fascinating.

i want to drop everything and chase after my soulmate. but i couldn't, i can't.

he's going to the opposite direction and i'm just a few steps away from the sidewalk.

three seconds left.

curse it. the time i finally felt the shock, and my soulmate's way out of my reach. but... but i did see something.

raven black hair.

that was all... that was all that i saw.

raven black hair and a warm look in his eyes.

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