from who?

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ship/s: main; ??? x reader

universe: movie

writing prompt: 'after an awful break up, y/n finds a sticky note on her desk. with an eyebrow raised she inspects it. a sketch of a sunflower and a "hope this makes you feel better - a friend." who the hell is this friend?'


warning/s: mild language

additional notes: this is based on the script i wrote for our creative writing class. i fell in love with it and here's a ninjago version of said script.

this'll probably have 3 or 4 parts? we'll see.

i have a full blown explanation as to why i have been inactive the entire time i said i'd update after the story.



with two ice cream cones in hand, kai thanked the cashier before dashing over to the table where you and nya sat. once he reached the table, he sent you a small smile which you never saw considering you were staring off into the corner, looking upset as ever.

he nudged you.

"here's your ice cream," he said, handing you one of the cones. "this'll make you feel better."

dumbfounded, you had no choice but to accept. it was your favourite flavour after all.

"thanks," you muttered.

he sat down next to his sister, who was glaring at quite a bit.

"hey, where's mine?" she asked in faux anger.

kai looked at her, rolled his eyes, and began to take a bite out of the ice cream.

"you aren't the one going through a break up," he said. "you get yours."

nya rolled her eyes and began to focus on you.

again, your focus was at the wall. it's been like this for what? over two weeks?

nya snapped her fingers in front of your face to get you to stop looking at that goddamn corner all the time for ninjago's sake.

"y/n!" she exclaimed.

and that got your attention.

"what?" you spat in annoyance. you licked the ice cream in your hand as it had already began melting.

"it's been three weeks," she said. she sent you a small smile of pity.

you rolled your eyes at them.

"and so?"

"you're still hung up," said kai in an all knowing tone.

"i am not!" you protested.

the two hummed in agreement in a sarcastic manner.

"sure," snorted kai, "if he walked by, you won't look at him like you're begging him to go back to you?"

you pursed your lips. "damn right, smith."

and as if on cue, your ex and his circle of asshole friends walked by. and as if on cue again, your gaze followed them. your eyes focused on the leader. the smug look on your face turned into a sad, longing -- pleaing one. the sadness present in your eyes glinted.

even your friends sitting opposite from you on the table saw it.

nya coughed to get your attention back to her. and it did. you looked back at them.

"what?" you questioned in a small tone.

you looked so heartbroken that it pained the smith siblings' hearts. especially kai's.

it was he who you that told you getting in a relationship with that good for nothing douchebag was certainly not a brilliant idea. but nope, you protested. you told kai that jake had some redeeming qualities and would actually take care of you.

kai still wasn't convinced. he still said no don't do it. but your heart was saying yes go for it!

and you did what your heart told; you went for it. and after two months, you found out that he cheated on you. you were expecting it since after a month in the relationship. he never really bothered with you after that first month time mark.

he cheated on you. and were the smith siblings surprised? hahahaha no. not in the slightest.

and here you are now, looking heartbroken as ever just from seeing jake and his asshole friends walk by your table in the cafeteria.

a sigh left kai's lips. "nothing. just finish your ice cream. we have class in about five minutes."


"well, that's the bell," you said in the midst of the loud bell signalling that lunch is over.

you stood up. "i'll see you after classes." and left without waiting for a nod or anything from your friends.

your mood was well ruined --- beyond ruined. seeing jake always set you in a bad mood. not necessarily in an angry mood, more like in a mood where you just want to die and/or be in bed all day and wallow in self pity.

but why would you do that? jake was and always will be a good for nothing person. why ruin an afternoon of learning because of that douchebag? you were running for valedictorian after all.

so that's what you did. you huffed and walked right over to your next class. you shoved that memory of seeing jake further into your mind.

you got to the classroom first. not really first first, but one of the few first people. you headed over to your usual seat.

nothing odd. nothing peculiar. well, except for the bright yellow sticky note on top of the desk.

certainly odd.

with an eyebrow raised, you inspected the note.

a sketch of a sunflower and a 'hope this makes you feel better' - a friend.

who the hell is this friend?

[ a/n: so hey, who do y'all think this certain friend is (;

on a more important note, it's alex and i'm back! i'm so sorry i haven't updated anything ( especially 1:11 ). there are no reasons other than my complete lack of inspiration. i've been trying to write for the entire month of october. it's probably from the exhaustion of school works that piled up during september.

anyway, anything that i've written for the month of october ended up either deleted or crumbled up thrown into my trash bin. so yeah. anything i wrote didn't feel natural or anything.

it didn't feel alex. so yeah, i kinda gave up writing for a bit. but that changed when my bf commissioned a story and i kinda got my rhythm back after writing that so here!

i'll be able to update maybe by mid november. it's not a promise tho anyways! ]

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