the one where lloyd embarrasses himself

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ship/s: main; lloyd x reader

universe: movie!! ( i fucken forgot to add that)

writing prompt: a comment from an ask reddit

words: 725

warning/s: lloyd torture ( i love writing lloyd's embarrassing moments with y/n)

additional notes: i read this on an r/AskReddit and ive been laughing ever since. it just seems so lloyd that i HAD to write this! so here you go!

i wrote this in a hurry so mistakes!

happy reading!



lloyd could hardly believe this. is he even awake? is this all just a dream? someone pinch him.


well this must be real. he must be awake. he just pinched himself and it definitely hurt like a bi—

well anyway, here he is now. walking hand in hand with y/n, in the local fair, each with some cotton candy. it's like a dream come true. lloyd was sure that she'd never say yes. but with all the (literal) pushing from kai, he got to be on this date with her.

almost out of hearing range, a guy was shouting, "knock down all these bottle in two tries and get an amazing prize!" and you bet, lloyd's head turned to see where this voice's coming from.

it's from a guy with a huge moustache almost covering his mouth, standing in front of a booth. the booth is colourful, twinkling with red and white lights and numerous coloured teddy bears hanging all over it.

lloyd saw this opportunity as a way to show off his (non existent) motor skills to his wonderful date. i mean, he is the green ninja, why not show off?

"hey y/n," he said, getting her attention.

she looks at him, an eyebrow raised too.

"i want to win you a prize." he pointed over to the booth with his thumb.

y/n shrugs and they run towards the booth.

"excuse me," said lloyd, trying to catch the guy's attention. well, he got ignore for the first three— no five times.

the booth guy looks at lloyd head to toe. definitely, either sizing him up or judging him whether he could even throw the ball.

you didn't hear it from me but it's definitely both.

"alright kiddo," booth guy said, walking over to the inside of the booth, kneeling down, stood up straight, and had a ball in hand. "$3 for 2 tries."

he throws the ball at lloyd. surprisingly, lloyd catches it (only after fumbling with it for a moment). y/n, in the sidelines, couldn't help but giggle a little.

booth guy smirks and crosses his arms, watching lloyd warm up to throw the ball.

and 1, 2, 3, lloyd gets in position. he walks a few inches away from the booth. his left hand at the back of his head, aiming to hit the target behind the perfectly stacked glass(? plastic?) bottles a few feet away.

lloyd closes his eyes, wishing — praying to the gods above that he doesn't make a complete fool of himself. y/n is here and so are a lot of people!

well, he's stalling.

he opens his eyes and with all the force and energy in his body, he throws.




he looks distraught. not at the fact that he didn't knock down all the bottles. no, he didn't even come close. the ball was sitting by his feet, not even five centimetres away from his shoes.

he looks wide eyed at the ball.

what the fuck?!

he gives the booth guy a nervous chuckle. booth guy returns it with a look that said what the fuck? the crowd behind and around him roars with laughter.

he looks over at y/n, who holds in a giggle to give him a thumbs up.

lloyd chuckles along with the crowd and picks up the ball.

he does it again... and again, the ball hits the floor with a thwunk!

what is happening?! he knows how to throw a ball!! he swears he knows!!

booth guy walks over to him and whispers, "do you not know how to throw, kiddo?"

i swear i know! my dad's been teaching me how to! i swear i know how to throw a fucking ball, i just don't know what's happening!

"yes... yes i know. i– i just—"

"you know what kid?" booth guy places a hand on lloyd's back as a sign of comfort. "this is a sorry sight to see. why not just choose from the prizes. see it as a gift."

lloyd never wanted the earth to swallow him up whole. "no– no. it's fine. i'll..." he sighs, "i'll get going."

and with that, he leaves. he walks straight to y/n with red cheeks, and never looks back.

"do you really not know how to throw?"


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