cuddle me

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ship/s: main; kai x reader
others; none

universe: either

writing prompt: none

words: 375

warning/s: none (?)

additional notes: whoop de doo it's that time of the month for me and im in absolute agony.

this is self indulgent since i am craving to be in my boyfriend's arms right now.

and i also just realised i havent done a chapter for kai in this book so here y'all go!!

happy reading!



im omw

kai's last message.

i lock my phone and sigh. i've been dealing with this pain for about three hours now. i hate it.

periods are the bane of my existence.

i lay down in a fetal position. groaning whenever i feel an intense wave of pain wash through me.

fuck periods.

luckily, it's a saturday and that means i could spend the rest of my day in bed without the guilt of being unproductive crawling on my back.

why is kai taking so long?

after a few more minutes of groaning, pouting, and internally complaining about why is my boyfriend taking so long, a knock is heard on my door.

"come in!" i shout out, sitting up right and feeling a sudden rush of blood come out... well... down there.

i cringe.


my door opens and reveals my boyfriend.

"heard you were in pain," he remarks, walking over to my bed.

"yes," i snap back, "i told you i am."

i lay back down on my bed, facing away from him. the cramps are making me want to take my uterus out.

"how you holding up, sweetheart?" he coos, running a hand through my hair.

comforting, yes, but the feeling of comfort doesn't last. my uterus is trying to die or something.

"it's as if god is making me pay for all my sins by making my uterus kill itself."

i hear kai clear his throat. a thing he does when he doesn't know what to say.

"that's a lovely way to describe it," he states.

i chuckle. "glad you like it."

i could feel him lay down next to me.

"what do you need?"

"chocolates," i answer halfheartedly, teasing him a bit. he fully knows how cuddly i get during that time of the month.

"and?" he replies in a teasing tone. he scoots closer to me. feeling his warmth against me just sends a warm feeling in my stomach.

"you!" i exclaim, sitting a bit upright, opening my arms for him to accept. "c'mere and cuddle me you ass."

he laughs just before placing his arms around me. his warmth engulfing me and bringing me comfort that i've been looking for the past three hours.

"thought you'd never say that."

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