you have eyes

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kai: just do it lloyd! you can do this! you're the green ninja for fuck's sake!

lloyd, exasperatedly: hush down kai. and yes! okay! i'll do it!

lloyd walks over to y/n who's busy talking to a friend

lloyd: uh, he-- hey! y/n! uhm... can i -- can i talk to you... about... something? [[ awkward laugh ]]

y/n: [[ excuses herself from her friend ]] so, lloyd? what's up?

lloyd, nervous as fuck: uh... well... you... you have eyes, right?

in the background, you can hear his friends facepalming

y/n, confused and looking at him with an eyebrow raised: yes?

lloyd, already regretting everything: and -- and they're e/c right?

another facepalm from his friends

y/n, still confused but slightly amused ( hey i rhymed ): [[ laughs ]] what is this about?

lloyd: [[ sighs ]] i suck at conversations, especially with you -- but! will you go to the dance with me?

y/n: [[ smiling ]] of course, lloyd. i'd go to the dance with you.

lloyd, just confused and overall in shock: re-- really? you mean this?

y/n: you just embarrasses yourself in front of me, and that's cute, so yes! i mean this.


hey! hey! hey!

havent updated in a long time and this is sucky as fuck. i had this in my drafts for a long time. i wanted to make it in story form but i somehow couldn't soooooo

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