"i love you?"

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ship/s: main; anyone from the M ninjas!
others; none

universe: either!

writing prompt:

person a: i love you?

person b, sighs and shoves clothes basket into a's arms: you can't keep saying i love you to get out of chores

words: 102

warning/s: nothing

additional notes: too cute not to write ??? been sitting in my drafts of 707 x reader oneshots and its a bit ambiguous soooo i decided to use it here!

happy reading!!



you stared at him with a blank expression. clothes basket resting on your hip, your fingers tapping on its side. you waited for his explanation, yet he couldn't do anything but twiddle with his thumbs.

you tapped your foot impatiently.

"i love you?" he managed to finally blurt out.

you sighed. you shook your head and shoved the basket in his hands.

"you can't keep saying i love you to get out of laundry duty."

he was about to say something when you turned on your heels and left.

"but i'm busy!"

"yes!" you called out, a room away. "busy doing laundry!"

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