2: Best day ever!

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Brittney POV

Did she just say cousin?! She is Niall Horan's cousin?! As in the Niall Horan that I absolutely adore?! As in the blond boy from One Direction?! I stand there still frozen while all the other boys walk over with him and they all talk to Alli and Niall walks over to me. "Hey love." he says. "Hi" I say still shocked. "Are you a friend of my cousin?" he asks. "Yes we have been friends since third grade." I say back. "Well I'm glad you two are friends." he says. "Why?" I ask completely confused. "Because if you two weren't friends I wouldn't be able to have met the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." he said to me. Did Niall Horan just call me beautiful?! "Thank you!" I say blushing like crazy. "Anytime." he said.

Madison POV

So I just found out one of my best friends is related to the most amazing boyband ever. Better than that she knows all of them. You know that explains whty she has been gone a lot lately she has probably been with Niall he has been in Ireland and yes I do check his Twitter regularly along with the other boys. I had dropped my iPhone but nefore I could bend down to pick it up Zayn Malik comes over and picked it up for me. "Thank you." I say as he hands me my phone seeing the lock screen picture. "That's a nice picture of......well...me." he says with a smile. "Thanks again." I say. "Do you want to change the picture?" he asks. "To what?" I ask. He put the camera up on the phone and takes a picture of me and him together. "There you go that one's much better." he says. "How so?" I ask. "Because you're in it..." he says "and I already put my number in your phone and that's the picture you will see for me. I messaged it to myself so that it can be my lock screen to." he says. I just stand there quietly freaking out because he basically just said that i was pretty. "Love? Are you going to say anything?" he asks. I snap out of it. "Oh, yes thank you for the picture and now give me your phone." I say. Like he said the lock screen was him and I. I put in my number and my full name. "So your name is Madison Paige Taylor?" he asks. "Yeah but my friends call me Mad or Mads or Madi." I say. "So I'll call you Paige." he says. I look at him confused. "Why?" I ask. "Because I wanted to be diffrent." he says. "That's fine with me." I say.

Kayleigh POV

Alli was talking to Niall? Really? She knows I love those boys! Niall goes over to Bri and Zayn to Madi. I was thinking about walking to the bathroom so i was gonna ask Katelin to go with me but before I could get to her I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Louis Tomlinson standing right behind me. "Can I help you?" I ask cheekily. "Yes um....there was this really pretty girl standing over here..." he said. I thought he was just gonna ask if I knew where she went. I've never been the best looking so I was going to point him in Mad's direction. "and she looks a lot like you." he finishes. I start to blush and start freaking out, not only did I meet Louis Tomlinson from One Direction, he thought I was beautiful. "Well then I guess you are looking at her." I say back jokingly. "Great and what is your name?" he asks.. "My name is Kayleigh Rigby." I say. "That's a lovely name Kayleigh Rigby, mind if I get your number?" he asks. "Yes" I say while he hands me his phone. I hand him mine and he takes a picture of himself and says "Here you go, I'm under Superman." I put in my number and take a picture of myself and say "I'm under Supergirl." "That's fine with me!" he says.

Katelin POV

My best friend is realted to the best boyband in the world?! My best friend that is basically like a sister to me is related to Niall?! She is talking to all of them like she would talk to us, like they are her best friend, why wouldn't she tell me this? I have to go talk to her. I walk over to her and wait on her to be done talking. As soon as the break between stories comes the tall curly haired green eyed boy starts talking, but not to her to me! "So you are the one she never stops talking about?" he asks. "I guess so." I say while laughing. "I like your hat." he says to me as I notice he also is wearing a black beanie. "Thanks I like your's too." I say. "Wanna trade?" he asks. "Sure." I say with the biggest smile ever, He gives me his and I give him mine. His kind of smells like apples. His was a bit big on me and I could tell that his was small on him. I stand there and laugh while he tries to get the small beanie to hold back all of his hair. "Well I guess that isn't going to work but I'll wear it anyway." he says while laughing. "Why are you laughing?" Iask. "Because it looks as though my hat has eatten your head!" he says laughing even harder now. "Give me your phone." I say while laughing about his comment. I put my name and number into his phone with a picture of myself in his huge hat. "Here you go." I say. He starts laughing and says "That's gonna be my lock screen now." "Why?" I ask. "Because you just look so adorable!" he says to me while I blush.

Allison POV

So I just told all my best friends that I was related to Niall. I didn't tell them before because either they would be extremely fangirly or think I was lieing. All the boys had split up and gone with a diffrent girl and only me and Liam are left. The thing is I have liked Liam ever since the band formed back in the XFactor, but I've always been to afraid to do anything about it because Niall is like my older brother and if me and Liam dated and things ended badly it would probably start a fight between them and end the band. "So it's just me and you now." he says. "Yeah looks like the boys were really impressed by my firends." I say laughing. "Yeah I saw Harry looking at Katie ever since you guys walked in." he said laughing. "So how has your life been Allison?" he asked. He always called me by my full name which I really didn't like but I didn't let it bother me. "My life has been good, except for the fact that all five of us girls live at Katie's house which isn't really that big at all, and you would hear Brittney scream everytime she checks Twitter and Niall has just tweeted something." I say. "Sounds nice but why do you all live in the same house? I mean you, Brittney, and Kayleigh are only 17 and Madi is 16, and technically Katie is under age too." he says. "Well Katie will be 18 in two weeks and we all graduated high school already." I say back. "Even Madi?"he asked surprised. "Yeah, she is rather smart." I say laughing. "So I'm guessing it's time to eat." he says. "Well we should go get in line before Niall, he'll eat the whole buffet." I say. Me and Liam ar eone of the first people in line and I guess Niall got side tracked with Brittney because he is all the way in the back. We all got some food and sat at the same table. Brittney and Niall were sitting together, Madi and Zayn, Kayleigh and Louis, and Katie and Harry. You can tell Harry really likes Katie. He keeps getting close enough to kiss her but she keeps on eating! Niall and Brittney are so cute together they both love food but never gain any weight! Madi and Zayn I can't really tell, they would talk for a while and seem like they are getting along but then they would have an awkward silence."So how has everyone's day been?" Uncle Bobby asks. "My day was amazing!"Harry said. "I had a pretty good day as well." Zayn said. "Well what about you son?" Uncle Bobby asked Niall. "Hm, sorry dad I was busy talking to Brittney." he answered. "How was your day?" Bobby repeats himself. "Oh, best day ever!" Niall said as Brittney starts to blush. "Hey Alli are we going home tonight?" asks Kayleigh. "Yeah we can spend the night." I say back. "Wait what am I going to wear to bed, or tomorrow?! What am I going to shower with?!" Katelin says freaking out. "I already have some clothes packed incase we had decided to spend the night tonight." I say. "Oh...k." she says. So now the reunion was over and we all were going to stay with the guys in their little hotel room tonight. We all get there and settle in when Louis says "Let's play truth or dare!"

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