4: Don't do it again Mr.Payne

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Katelin POV

Where are we going to sleep? There are three beds and two couches. "Well Katie you and I can share a bed." Harry says. "That's fine with me!" I say being extremely happy Harry freaking Styles likes me! "Alli you and Liam can share a bed and so can Niall and Bri unless you girls don't like that idea." I say. "Fine with me." Alli says while staring directly at Liam with a huge smile. "Fine with me too!" Brittney says while taking a break from kissing Niall. "Wait what about me and Kayleigh?" Madi asks. "Well there are two couches and four people.You guys figuer that out!" I say. "Where are our bags Alli?" Brittney asks. "They are all in the bathroom." she says back. I walk in the bathroom to find all of my clothes in my Gir backpack from ninth grade. "Nice choice in luggage!" I yell to Alli. "You're welcome!" she yells back to me. "So where is that bedroom we are sleeping in at?" I ask Harry. "Right this way." he says with a cheeky grin. "We got to the room and there was a huge window that is open and you can see all of Ireland. "The view is beautiful Harry come look!" I say. "My view is beautiful too." he says as I turn around and see that he is talking about me. I quickly pecked his lips and walked into the bathroom connected to our room. "Where are you going?" he asks. "Well I can't exactly sleep in my jeans." I say locking the door behind me. I get dressed in some gray short shorts and a neon green crop top. I go back to see Harry on his laptop and he has no shirt on. "Please tell me you have some kind of pants on." I say. "Yea, I got on my boxers." Harry says laughing. "What are you doing on the laptop?" I say jockingly. "Checking Twitter and putting up the pic of me and you at the reunion." he said. "Great, so now people can see how big of a dork I am?" I ask. "No so people can see how beautiful you are." he says back. I lay in the bed next to Harry as he closes the laptop and turns out the light. "Goodnight Styles." I say. "Goodnight Katie." he says kissing my forehead. We fall asleep in each others arms.

Madison POV

Best night ever! I refused to sleep with another girl so I had to share a couch with Zayn. He was so nice to me, me let me chose what side and wheter I wanted to sleep on the inside or the outside. Me and him were snuggled together on the couch. I realized that rushing things won't be such a bad thing, I mean if we both like each other what could possibly go wrong? So noe everyone else is awake and Zayn is the last to wake up, of course. We all ate breakfest but there wasn't enough seats so Brittney and Niall shared one and so did Katie and Harry. "How was everyone's night?" Liam asked. "Amazing!" I said.

Brittney POV

So me and Niall slept in the same room. I can't really say bed because I woke up to Niall asleep on the floor. So I got up first this morning to get ready and take a shower and everything. As I got dressed in a little white dress and started to do my hair, Niall walked in with his guitar in hand signing and playing As Long As You Love Me by Justin Bieber. Once he finished the song we shared a long kiss. He had pulled away and said "Be my girlfriend Brittney." "No." I said trying to play hard to get. He starts to get a little upset. "Why not?" he asks. "It needs to be special." I say. "That wasn't special enough for you?" he asks seeming a little angry. "Babe, that was beautiful but before we are boyfriend and girlfriend we need to go out on a date." I say. He looks sad still but it does need to be special. "Ok so tonight you and I are going out, just us two." he said. "Wait Ni! Where are we going?" I ask while he walks out the bathroom. "You'll see later babe." he said comming back to the bathroom, kissing my cheek and leaving again. I curled my hair and put it back in a lose ponytail. I walk to the kitchen to see only Niall and Liam there. Liam making breakfest for ten people and Niall eating as much food as ten people. As I walk in Niall's jaw drops. "Babe you look absolutely amazing." he said. "Thanks babe, you could use a hair brush." I say laughing as he rolls his eyes. Everyone else eventually comes in the kitchen, Katie and Harry being extremely lovey dovey and kissing a ton. Zayn and Mad are actually talking. Kay and Lou are talking like they are best friends and for Alli and Liam they act like they have been dating for a while they seem to know every little thing about each other.

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