17: It'll be cute babe.

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*It's been three says since the his got their dresses and Britt finished planning prom. She had called Madi's parents and they are coming up today and should be here in about ten minutes. Madi is freaking out. All of the girls and guys are getting dressed and ready for prom as well. Boys at Harry's flat and girls at Madi's flat.*

Madison POV

My mom and dad are going to be here in London in like ten minutes! My mom and dad are going to meet Zayn! My mom will find out the truth! What if this goes awful and my mom hates Zayn and Zayn doesn't like her?! I need to just relax! Everything will be fine! Right? All the girls are done and look amazing and I still have to do my hair. I curl the ends and braid a strand around my head to look like a hair band. Then I hear a knock at the door and I start to freak out! "Who is it?" Katie yells. "It's Harry open up!" He yells. "No, not until Mad's parents are here and we are all ready!" she yells. "Ok, ok just saying I see a silver escalade pulling in right now." Oh my God! That's my mom's car! "And there is a blue truck behind it!" Harry yells again. That's my dad! I'm completely freaking out now! You can hear Harry greet them and tell them I am in here. Then there is a knock. "Madison? It's mom, Rebecca you there?" "Yea mom give me a second." I say standing up and walking over to the door to see Eliza and she runs in and gives me a hug. "Hey Ellie." I say to her. "Hey mom." "Hey darling was that boy who greeted us your date to this dance thing?" "No mom that was Harry, Katie's date. My date is Zayn." "Then why did he look so familiar and why does that name sound familiar?" "Because mom they are in a band named One Direction. The band I was completely obsessed with." "And one of them is your date?" "Yea you'll meet him in a few minutes along with the others." Katie says waking over to my mom and I. "Katie you look good." "Thanks Rebecca." "Is your mother here?" "No, but you're like my mother kind of so it's all good. Would you like to sit down?" Katie says taking my mother to the living room. "Hey Mads." Jacob says to me giving me a hug. "Why are you here?" "Why would I want to miss the chance to one, come to England and two, meet this guy that's crushing on my little sister." He said laughing. "He's still older then you Jake." I say laughing. "True but still would be good for him to know that if he hurts you he'll have to deal with me." Jake says walking into the kitchen and getting some water. "Hey dad." "Hey Madison. Why are you all the way in England for anyway?" I pull my dad to the side and tell him about Zayn and everything. "So you're living with him?" "Yeah dad, please don't get mad at me. I'm already mad at myself for not telling mom and I thought you'd be the one person that wouldn't judge me." "I'm not judging I just wish you would have ran this by me when you moved here. Or even went to Ireland." "I'm sorry dad I swear the next major thing that happened you'll be the first to know." He nods and hugs me. "Ok, can we get the guys now?" Brittney asks and I nod. "Jake! Run to the room next door and say that we are ready." I say to Jake and he does as I say. Then the boys all walk in. Surprisingly they all match our dresses. Harry has a pale pink bow tie. Lou has on a deep dark blue tee shirt underneath his blazer. Niall has a white flower thing pinned to his blazer, not a boutonniere. Liam has a purple tie. And Zayn has a pocket hanky that's the same color as the top if my dress. "You look amazing Paige." Zayn says waking through the door. "You look really good yourself." I say giving him a kiss and forgetting about my family being right beside me. "Eh-hem" Jake says. "Oh yea, Zayn this is my mom Rebecca, sister Eliza, brother Jake and dad Adam." Zayn shakes all their hands even Eliza's. "Pleased to meet you all. Glad you could come today to see Paige's prom." "Why do you call her Paige?" My mom asked. "I don't know I've just always liked the name. If you don't like it I can call her Madison." "No it's fine just wondering why." "So Brittney where exactly is this prom thing?" I ask her. "Oh there is a limo coming...wait it's already out front." Britt says looking out the window. Everyone goes down to the limo and gets in even my family. "Wait we didn't get pictures." My mom says franticly. "It's ok Rebecca you can get pictures at the venue." Brittney says and my mom nods. We literally have been in the limo for an hour. "Brittney where is the venue at? Ireland?" Katie asks. "No we will be there in a few minutes." Britt says. We ride in the limo for five more minutes then we arrive to the middle of no where."Britt, there is nothing here." I say. "Yea there is you just can't see it yet." She says getting out of the limo. Everyone gets out and we walk a few feet and see a giant tent full of lights. "Britt, that's beautiful." I say with amazement. "Thanks it took forever to find a person that sets up tents in the middle of no where." She says laughing. "I would have if you asked me." Harry says. "Yea, I could have but I wanted it to be a surprise for everyone." Britt says and he nods. We walk down to the tent and their is already music playing and food and a photographer set up. Lucky the floor of the tent was solid so our heels didn't sink into the dirt. "Oh Madison you and Zayn come stand over here so we can take a picture of you two." My mom says and I grabbed Zayn's hand and pulled him over where she was. She took a ton of pictures and she makes us pose in different ways. "Ok now Madi turn toward Zayn and look up at him." "Mom is this really necessary?" "Yes now do as I say." And I do. "Sorry about all of this I didn't expect her to want to make this a big deal." I say to Zayn. "It's fine, I don't mind taking pictures." "I don't get why she wants so many pictures." "Because you look gorgeous babe. If I had a camera I would want a ton of pictures of you. Oh wait I have my iPhone with me." Zayn says running over to my mom and giving her his phone so he can have pictures of us. "Ok now I will get a ton of pictures too." He said smiling. "Ok so Madi you and Zayn kiss." My mom yells. "Mom!" "Come on it'll be cute babe." Zayn says smiling. He leans down and kisses me and again I forgot about my family being here so we kissed for a while. "Ok you two can go enjoy your prom now." My mom says as the kiss ends. and me and Zayn go to the tent.

Zayn POV

I got a picture on my phone of Paige and I kissing. I'm glad Rebecca suggested it. Paige does look good tonight. I think I might ask her to be my girlfriend tonight. I have no idea how, I guess I'll just ease into it. Start a conversation with her and just get up to the point and ask. That'll work, I hope. "Zayn you want to go dance?" Paige asks. "I'll try to dance." I say with a slight laugh. We go to dance and we are literally there for hours. "Paige, you want to go eat something? We have been dancing for a while now." "Sure, I'm starved." She says walking past me and going to the food tables that are set up. We get some pizza, I know so classy for a prom that took almost a month to plan. We sit at a table and watch the others dance like idiots. "So Paige, I never asked you what do you want me to call you?" "I don't care I respond to Madison, Mad, Madi, and now Paige so whatever you feel like calling me." "So I'll call you whatever I feel like calling you?" She nods. "and, what do you think about this?" I ask. "What the prom?" "No, us." "Honestly, I've never met anyone like you. It seems like I've known you for much longer than what I really have. I feel like I can tell you anything." "I feel the exact same way Madison." She starts to smile at the fact I called her, her real name. "You do really?" "Yea, I do. I want you yo be my girlfriend Madison. Will you please be mine?" "Yes Zayn I will be your girlfriend." She begins to smile and then we kiss again and Louis walks over to us seeing us be all happy. "What wrong with you two?" He asks. "Well nothing really me and my GIRLFRIEND were just having a talk." "Did you say girlfriend?" I nod. "Great that leaves me as the only one without a labeled girlfriend." He says walking away. We finish our pizza and go back to dancing. "So Mad have you had a good prom?" "Yea, actually best prom ever." "How so?" "Well I had an amazing time with the best prom date who also happens to be my boyfriend that I live with in London." She says making sure the last part was a bit quieter so her mom didn't heat. "I'm glad you're having fun. And I am a pretty good prom date aren't I?" I say laughing. "Yea you are." Then a slow song finally comes on. Faithfully by Journey. Me and Mad slow dance the whole time and at the end we kiss. "You know what?" I ask her. "What?" "That's our sing now. Everytime you hear that song it should remind you of how much I love you." She kisses me again. "I love you too Zayn."

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