25: Stop freaking out.

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Harry POV

"Katie, we can go to the hospital right now. This plane can take us there. But I can't stay." I say rubbing her back trying to comfort her. "No Haz, if you can't stay with me I don't think I'll be able to handle being with him." "But baby, he's your brother. He needs you. How about we stop by for a few hours then take a trip back home for my interview tomorrow morning?" she nods wiping away the tears rolling down her cheeks. I pull her into me and she lays her head on my shoulder. We stay like this till we arrive to California and get to the hospital. We get off and Katie does really do anything. I hold her hand and just lead her through the hospital. We get to the front desk. "Excuse me. We are here to see Jordan Harvard." I say and Katie squeezes my hand a little when I say her brother's name. "Yes, he is in surgery right now. You'll be able to see him in a few hours." she says and I can hear Katie begin to cry again. I turn around and hold her in a hug. "Katelin, listen to me. Everything will be fine. Nothing bad is going to happen to him. He's already in surgery so they are taking good care of him." she begins to cry harder. I begin to walk toward the waiting room, still holding Katie. We both decided to stand outside. By now Katie isn't crying anymore but she just seems so depressed. We walked through the parking lot and strangely no fans noticed who I was. "Katie. You need to talk. Tell me what you're thinking." She stopped dead in her tracks. "Harry, my own little brother is in the hospital. I don't know what happened to him. I don't know where my parents are. I don't know what the surgery is for. I just don't want him going through this! He's only 10!" she yells and tears begin to roll down her cheeks again. Now some fans heard her yell Harry so girls were walking toward us. "Come here." I say grabbing her hand and pulling her to a dark alley way by the hospital. "Stop freaking out. Yelling won't get you anywhere. We can find your parents and ask them what happened ok, just calm down Katie." I hugged her again. We both walked back into the hospital and found Katie's parents walking back from the cafeteria. "Mom Dad!" She yelled running toward them. "Katelin!" they yelled engulfing her in a hug. "What happened to Jordan? Why is he in surgery?" She said bluntly. "The doctors said it was nothing serious and that we shouldn't worry." "That didn't answer my questions." She said growing angry. "We took him to the park and he was playing basketball. There is a road next to the courts and the ball somehow rolled across it. So Jordan walked across the road to get the ball. On his way back there was a car coming up the road to quickly. We tried yelling to Jordan but he didn't hear. The car hit him and then the driver just left him." "Was he unconscious? How did it hit him? Why weren't you two there to keep him away from the road!?" Katie asked yelling. "Katelin there is no need to yell. Your mother already feels awful." Her dad said. "My little brother is in surgery right now! My little brother that I basically raised because you two were always busy or gone! It's all of your fault that he's in there! If you watched him he wouldn't need to be in there right now!" I had to pull her away. "Come on Katie let's go back outside." I said grabbing her hand. "Harry! It's their fault! I leave my little brother for like three months and he's in the hospital!" she started to yell at me. "Katelin it's not their fault. They didn't choose to have him get hit by a car." "I know Harry it's just he's to young to be in this situation, that should be me in there. Not him, he's only 10." "But it's not Katelin." Tears once again began to fall down her face. I hugged her for a while. She was finally well enough to go back inside. I wonder where the others are. Right as we landed Katie and I ran toward the hospital. "Can we go back now?" she asked still sobbing a little. "Yes, anything you want." I said and we walked hand in hand back into the hospital. We just sat in the waiting room and watched all the little children play with the toys. Katie sat there seeming like nothing in the world mattered, like she had nothing to care for anymore. I got a call on my mobile so I had to step out for a moment.

Katelin POV

I have the most awful feeling about Jordan. I have a feeling something even worse is going to happen to him, and all because I wasn't there with him to save him. I know what Harry said was true but I just wish that it was me in the OR and not him. I can't imagine being here without him. Yea, I've been without him for the last three months but he's still my little brother, I still basically raised him. My parents were always to busy to give two shits about either one of us. Yea, I cursed I do it when I'm angry. But seriously they never were there. Oh I'm sorry Katie you can't go try out for the play today because you need to go home and watch the baby. No Katie, you can't go hang out with your friend you have to go home and watch the baby. That's all I ever heard when was younger. And my parents wonder why I never went out with my friends when I was in middle school, it's because of them and their obsecion to constantly work. I was to far in thought to notice Harry left. I didn't really come out of my thoughts until he came back and sat down to start telling me some stuff. "Katelin?" he asked bringing me fully back. "What?" I said. "Did you hear I word I just said?" "No not really." I said lifelessly. "So Simon called and said that we have to go back to London soon or we won't make it in time for the interview. Are you sure you want to go back?" "I..I don't know. I want to stay here but if I do I'll be depressed and you won't be here to comfort me but I'll be with Jordan but if I go I won't be depressed and I'll have you but I won't be with Jordan." "Well how about you come with me tonight and as soon as the interview is over tomorrow we can fly straight here?" he suggested. "Yea....let's do that." I said with no emotion whatsoever in my voice. "Well I bet Liam will want us to head back in an hour so you have until then to change your mind if needed." Harry said rubbing my back again. "Thank you so much." I said actually looking at him while talking this time. "Foe what?" "For being such a perfect boyfriend, for dealing with me. For not leaving my side when I'm completely depressed." "I would never leave you, unless you wanted me to leave. That's the only exception though. I wouldn't let anything stand between you and me." "I love you Harry." I said and gave him a kiss. "I love you too Katelin." he said in the kiss. At this point right here I figured out that this is the boy I'm meant to be with, the boy that made me feel happy when I was probably at my saddest. I knew that Harry Styles was the one.

Liam POV

Today was probably the best birthday I could ever ask for, well except for Katie's brother being here but other than that I had the best day possible. I got to share it with the best girlfriend I've ever had. I can't even believe she put all this together, the cake and presents ad getting us here with Simon's permission. Seems like a lot of planning to get ten people halfway across the word. Anyway Simon had just called me and said that we had to be back in London in about an you if we want to get enough sleep for the interview tomorrow morning. All of us, well except Katie and Harry, have been on the plane for since we landed. We had decided to give them some alone time. "I wonder what's going on..WHAT IF HE'S HURT REALY BADLY AND KATIE CAN'T GO ON ANYMORE?!" Louis basically yelled at the top of his lungs. He looks out for Katie like he's her older brother or something, I'm guessing were she with Haz. "Lou, calm down. Everything will be fine, you shouldn't be worried about this." "I just don't want her getting hurt. I don't want to see Harry hurt. Now if she gets hurt Harry will be sad that she's sad because he likes her that much." "I know he does, but worrying will get you no where. It just makes things worse." "Yea, you're right I just don't like being around sad people." Lou said. Wait who does like being around sad people?

*about an hour later*

Katelin POV

Since Simon called my brother has been out of surgery and I've gotten to talk to him some, although he's barely even conscious. Harry got to meet him, I actually think Jordan likes him. Other than the extremely fatal injury, I've had a good day. I got to go to Disneyland with my best friends and then my boyfriend got to me my little brother, and they like each other. All that's really wrong with Jordan is that he has a broken leg and he has a minor concussion. The doctors say that he's going to be fine, his concussion will heal in no time and his leg will be fine. We all have to leave now but Harry promised we would be back tomorrow. "Ok Jordan, I have to go back to London now but I'll be back tomorrow with Brittney, Alli, Kayleigh, and Madi." My friends really liked my brother, he's always nice and comforting when he needs to be. "Really? That's great!" he said trying to seem excited even though he is so weak. "Yea but I have to go." I hugged him. "Love you." I said to him as I pulled away. "Love you too Katie." he said. Even when he's hooked up to all those machines and wrapped up in bandages he's still so cute. I waved to him before I left the room. "He looks so helpless Haz." I said walking back to the plane. Strangely enough the airport was literally right next door to the hospital. I got on the plan and automatically was bombarded with question. "Is he alright? Are you alright? Is he going to live? Why is he in there? What all happened to him? Is he awake?"is what I heard from every which direction. "He's fine, he got hit by a car and has a broken leg and minor concussion and I'm fine as well. He is awake and talking and I'm coming back tomorrow." I was soon engulfed in a hug curtisey of Louis. "Lou in fine, really." "I know I just feel so protective all of a sudden." he said letting me go. "Can we go home now? I'm freaking tired." They all nodded and laughed a little, the whole flight home I slept on Harry's shoulder. I don't even remember landing at the airport, all I remember is Harry carrying me bridal style into the flat. He laid me on the bed but I got up and changed and brushed my teeth and what not then finally laid down. "Thank you Harry." I said into his ear while he was sleeping, or so I thought. "For what babe?" he said turning over to face me. "For everything. For being there for me, if it wasn't for you I have no idea how the hospital visit would have gone." "Well then you're welcome." he said with a smile. I kissed him. "I love you Katelin you know that?" he asked when the kiss ended. "Yea Haz I know. I love you too." I kissed once again. I laid my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat made me fall askeep.


Sorry for taking almost a month to update! Hope you like the chapter, I know not the best but oh we'll it's an update. Some more drama to come and the next couple chapters are going to skip ahead a little. Hope you like it! Comment and vote! Xx

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