6: Diet... And excersise

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Madison POV

The guys are going on tour? But we just met. Well it is in like seven months but that's not enough time. I feel like crying but I can't something is telling me not to unlike Brittney who is a human waterfall. "Zayn, come on let's go clean your face in the bathroom." I said to him while I stand up. We walk in the bathroom and turn the water on. " So you're not sad about any of this?" He asks. " Yeah, I'm sad I don't see why I should cry about it I mean we still have 7 months so you have to leave." I say. " Yeah that's true." He says. I wipe off all the dry blood and his nose is a little swollen. " How long is tour?" I ask. "Uh...depends maybe 6 months and maybe a year and a half." He says making me feel even sadder. What if I couldn't see the boy I love for almost 2 years? It would be so weird not having him here. I feel like crying wait no I was crying. I thought the tears run down my cheek." I don't want to cry about this but what would I do without you for a year?" I ask him. " Well there's always texting and calling Skype. You'll see my twitcams and my concerts and everything." He says. " It won't be the same as you being here with me." I say. He leans in and kisses me we both smile during it. " We still have 7 months so let's not worry about it now." He says. "Yeah, I agree but first lets go to the hospital your nose is swolln." I say laughing because I was kidding. "Yea during that kiss it did hurt a little." He says laughing.

Brittney POV

Tour? Already? Yeah there is 7 months until then but I can't help but imagine what it would be like if Niall was gone for a year. We couldn't go on dates, or kiss, or anything except for talk. Tears can't help but fall from my eyes while I think of this, before it all comes out I run to mine and Ni's room. I start balling and crying so hard I can barely breath. Ni knocks on the door a few minutes later to calm me down. "Princess, can I please come in?" I hear him ask from the other side of the door. " It's open." I say with a slight wimper. He walks in to see me laying on the bed with my face and pillow soaked. "Why are you crying? We still have seven months." he says. "Because when these seven months are over me and you wont be to do anything together for a while year." I say. "Babe you need to calm down, you don't need to worry about any of this right now." he says holding me. "Fine but aren't you the least bit sad?" I ask him because he seems like nothing is going on. "Am I sad? Yea. Am I going to worry about it right now? No, I'm going to spend all the time possible having fun with my princess. I don't want to think about tour right now, I want to think about you and us." he says leaning in and giving me a kiss. When suddenly Alli walks in while me and him for a while. "What are you doing?" she asks us disgustedly. "Hey cuz! Just calming my girlfriend down." Ni says. "Your girlfriend? Don't you think you guys are rushing things?" she asks angrily. "What do you mean?" I ask. You guys freaking met a day ago! You two are already dating and you make out any time you get! That's what I mean by rushing things!" she says yelling at me. "So, I love him and why do you have to put your nose in it?!" I yell back. "You can't love someone after two days! Now go in the bathroom, your makeup looks a mess." she says shooing me away. "Well atleast my makeup doesn't look like it was put on with a paintball gun." I say back. "Well you know what Paris Hilton isn't the ideal role model. You're not suppose to be that anorexic." she says. "I have two words of advice for you .... diet... and excersise." I say as I know its at the point to where she really wants to hit me. Then Liam comes rushing in and holds Alli back before she could punch me. "Come on babe, lets go to our room so you can calm down." he says to Alli as they walk to their bathroom and then Liam comes back. "Why didn't you stop then?!" Liam asks Ni. "Because it was pretty funny and no one would have gotten hurt.'' he says. "Allison was getting pretty serious Niall she would have punched her." he says walking back to the bathroom.

Allison POV

Words can't describe how mad I am right now. They met almost two days ago! And they are already all over each other! "Babe, are you alright?" Liam asks coming back into the bathroom. "Yes." I snap back at him. "No you're not." he says. "No, I'm not its just that they are rushing everything! They met not even two days ago and they are making out and they are actually dating!" I yell at him. "And why does their relationship speed concern us?" he asks. "He is my cousin and she is my best friend! It's just weird I brought them all here to meet you boys and she is all over him 48 hours later!" I yell again. "And again how does this concern us? Why should you be mad that they are dating?" he asks being completely and utterly calm even when I'm yelling at him. "I don't really know why. I don't know it just doesn't seem right!" I yell again. Liam comes over to comfort me. "So if that's how they want to be let then be like that." he says grabbing me by the waist and hugging me from behind. "I'm not appologizing to her though." I said. "I didn't expect you to." he said giving me a kiss. "So about the tour, can we talk about that now?" I ask to get my mind off of Bri. "What do you want to know about it?'' he asks. "Ok, so where are you going and how long will you be gone?" I ask. "Well I don't know exactly where but it'll be places around the world and I don't know how long depends on how many shows and how many cities or countries. Could be 6 to 18 months babe." he said knowing I was about to start balling. "I can't stand to even think about you being gone that long." I say with tears rolling down my cheeks. "But we still have seven months until then. Why cry now?" he asks smiling. "I don't know." I say laughing at his goofy smile. "Ok, then no tears just enjoy the moment." he says as we go back to the living room.

Kayleigh POV

Tour? I don't know why I feel so sad about this. I mean I didn't think I would miss the boys this much, I mean I just met then officially. But oddly enough I think I'm going to miss Louis most of all. I actually think I like him now. Then I feel something, a tear, I'm crying about Lou? I'm crying that I wont get to see him? Why? I don't like Lou! Do I? "Love, are you alright?" Lou asks me. "Uh yea fine." I say turning my head so he can't see my tears. "Then why are you crying?" he asks. "Honestly I don't know Lou I....think....that....I .....I...." I say crying a little harder. "You what Kayleigh, what is it, you can tell me I can help." he says. "I'm in love with you Lou." I say crying and falling into him while he wraps his arms around me. "You really do?" he says with a hude grin on his face. "Yea Lou I do and now you have tour and..." I say as I raise up and get cut off becaude Lou kissed me. "You have no idea how much it killed me not to do that." he says smiling down to me.

Katelin POV

So the boys are going on tour. Usually I would be excited about this but that was before I met them, before I met Harry. I don't really have a feeling right now. I feel numb I guess is how you cpuld put it. "Baby are you ok?" Harry asks me. "I don't know. I mean I'm happy about it, it means you get to live you dream. Although I'm kind of sad because you'll be gone but I'm bot going to cry." I say. "Well if you're not going to cry, what aren't you moving? You're sitting there like a statue." he says. "I don't know, I just don't know what to do." I say still not moving. "Then come on." he says standing up an handing me his hand. "Where are we going?" I ask him. "To the club." he says with a smile. "But I'm to young I'm 17." I say. "You'll be eighteen in ten days they'll let you in." he says smiling still. "Fine so it me, you and the boys?" I ask. "Yea those are the only people old ebough babe." he says laughing as he pulls me up.


So me and the boys get to the club to get our minds off everything. Liam stayed with Al and Bri,Mad, and Kay all went to go do something. We are walking toward the door and the usher just let us through. Niall and Lou went straight to the bar, Harry and Zayn weren't going to drink. Me and Harry went to the dance floor as Zayn went to the bathroom. Me ans Harry dance for a while when we hear some yelling and then some glass shatter.

Brittney POV

So all guys, except Liam, and Katie went to the club. Alli and Liam were at the hotel and me, Mad, and Kay wanted to go shopping. No one knows we hang out with the boys so we don't get followed or anything. We walked to the nearest shop that's open at 9 and went in, surprisingly it was a dress shop. We start looking at drsses. "You know I never had my senior prom." Mad says. "Oh yeah because you graduated as a junior." Kay says as Mad nods in agreement. "I HAVE A BRILLIANT IDEA!" I say rather loud and with a large smile. "What's the idea?" Kay asks. "Well since Mad never had a prom and she has a date if she went to one, we should throw one for just us ten." I say as both their faces light up. "But kets bot tell Katie and Alli only the boys and we have to tell Mad's family becaue they would love to see her all dressed up." I say adding on to my last comment. "Ok but how are we going to get them to buy dresses if they don't know about it?"Mad asks. "We'll have Harry and Liam ask them to prom and then they can get the dress. You can only buy the dress after your guy asks you." I say making myself clear. Then I hear "If I'm louder would you see me....." and my pocket vibrate. "Hey Katie how's the club?" I ask her being all happy but I could tell something is wrong. "Not good, could you meet ne somewhere?" she asks. " Yea sure where at?" I ask her getting a little scared. "Uh..the hospital." she says.

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