12: Dr.Kayleigh is always here.

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Kayleigh POV

So we have all of our bags in Katie'a car once again and Riley's stuff and we are all heading off to the airport. This is the last time we are going to be in America for a while and I'm actually going to miss it. Katie drives all the way to the airport with me, Alli and Britt in the back seat. "So are you guys ever going to talk again?" I ask Alli and Britt because they were sitting together and looking completely opposite ways. They both just shrugg and keep looking away from each other. "So never again? You're going to let a boy mess up your guy's friendship you have had for like nine years?" I ask and they both shrugg but this time they actually look at each other. "I don't know about her but I miss our friendship. It's been really hard not telling her stuff." Britt says looking back at me. "Yea, I agree. We have been friends for that long and my cousin can't get in the way of that can he?" Alli says. "So you guys are friends again?" "Yeah I'll be friends if you want to be." Britt says to Alli. "Yeah I want to be friends again." Alli said leaning over and giving her a little hug. "Great so if you ever need anything Dr.Kayleigh is always here." I say as we finally pull into the airport parking lot. We go through security and get on the plane an take our seats then I decide to text Lou and tell him I'm on the plane.

Me: Hey Lou I'm on the plane :)

Lou: Great me and boys will be at the airport waiting on you girls to get here :)

Me: Ok babe be there in about and hour or so.

Lou: I'll be here :)

Madison POV

So I'm on the plane and I'm about to go live with Zayn. I need to tell Zayn about my mom thinking that I'm here for my studies. But when, I want to tell him in person not over text. So I guess I'm going to have to tell him when I land. If I don't tell him now I won't have enough courage to tell him ever. I'm honestly scared of what he'll think about this. What if he gets mad and wants me to go back to America. I can't do that though, I can't go back to America right now and live with my mom. She'll know that I didn't go to England to study anything, yeah eventually I'll have to tell her but until then I can hopefully live with Zayn with no problems.

Me: Hey Zayn remind me I have to tell you something when we land.

Zayn: Ok babe is something wrong?

Me: No I just need to tell you something.

Zayn: Why not tell me now?

Me: because I need to tell you in person.

Zayn: I'll remind you ok see you in half an hour.

Me: Ok babe bye

Zayn: bye

Great now my head is telling me I shouldn't tell him. I have to tell him now, why am I freaking out about this? He won't be mad, he'll just question why I did it. It's not a big deal she was never in my life.


We are landing now. So excited to see Zayn again. I've missed him so much. The plane lands and as I stand up I look out the window and I see Zayn. I can see him standing there holding a baguette of flowers. I get off the plane and run straight over to Zayn and leap into his arms. "I see you missed me." he says laughing then kisses me on the cheek. "Yea I did!" I say kissing him on the lips. We hug a bit longer. "So what was it you had to tell me?" "Oh yeah it's about me being here." "Go on.." "So my mom called today and I told her I was packing and she asked where I was going and I said England then she asked why and I said because I'm studying something to do with the enviroment. She doesn't know I'm staying with you." "Why didn't you tell her?" he asked seeming a bit angry. "Because she wouldn't let me of she knew the real reason. What does it matter if she doesn't know the real reason why I'm here. She has never been there for me in my life, why would I matter to her now?" "Babe, your still her daughter she is still needs to know where you are." "I know but please don't be mad at me. I'm already mad enough at myself." I say and he pulls me into a hug. "I understand everything. It's your decision not mine. I'm not mad at you, I was just curious to why you would lie to her." he said looking down at me and he gives me a rather long kiss. "I'm so glad I'm back." I say, "I'm so glad you're back here with me." he says kissing me again.

Katelin POV

*Rewind to when the plane first landed*

I'm the first to step out of the plane and I can see my curly haired green eyed boy. I run straight toward him and jump into his arms. He lifts me up and spins me around. We kiss for a while. "You really missed me?" I ask. "Yea every second I missed you. I would have texted more but we had interviews like everyday." "It's fine. I missed you a lot as well." I said and we kissed a bit longer. "Wait, don't you have a dog?" Harry asked laughing some. "Oh yeah I almost forgot about her." I say walking away from Harry to go get Riley. "Ok Harry this is Riley." "That's your dog? But she's so small." he said laughing. "Yeah, she is really small but that's as big as she'll get. Do you want to hold her?" "Yeah sure." Harry says holding his hands out and I give him Riley. "Harry you look so cute!" I say laughing and taking a picture of him holding her. "Thanks I really like her though she's really cute." he says petting her and smiling. "You seem like a five year old." I say laughing. "Oh well I really like her." "Do you want me to hold her now?" "No I'll hold her." he says still petting her and smiling a lot more now.

Brittney POV

*Rewind to when the plane first landed*

I'm super nervous about seeing Ni. I can't just run into his arms and kiss him like crazy. But we should atleast kiss once right? I mean he missed me like crazy. Now we have to get off the plane. I see Niall and his kind of brown kind of blond hair. I walk over to him and give him a huge hug. "I missed you like crazy snowflake." he said as I looked up at him ad then we kissed. "That's the Niall I missed." I say giving him another kiss. "Snowflake I'm so glad we're back together. I couldn't think about anything but you. You're all that I can think about." "Niall I couldn't think about anything but you too. I couldn't imagine not being with you." I say to him and we kiss again. "Ni?" "Yeah?" "I'm yours."

Allison POV

So we all got of the plane and I have been with Liam for a few minutes now. We have kissed some and we have been hugging a bit. Then I spot Niall and Britt being even more lovey than ever. "Liam what happened with them?" "Well the last night you guys were here Niall broke up with her. So Niall was all depressed as of the day you guys left. Like he wouldn't eat, sleep, or even talk. So I had Harry call her and I guess they are back together now." "Why did they break up in the first place?" "Because Niall was over thinking everything. He thought that they were rushing everything like you said. He thought that you were right and they needed a break." "Oh, well I kind of feel bad that I messed them up. I wasn't really that mad at them I was more mad about the tour thing. But I was still a little mad at them for rushing stuff. I'm glad they are together though." "So are you two still fighting with each other?" "No, we're friends again." I say with a smile me and Liam kiss one more time and then we get my bags and then head back to our home. "Are we home yet?" I ask Liam while he drives us there. He starts to smile. "What?" I ask him. "You called it your home." "Yeah so it's my home now." "No it's our home now." he says smiling at me.

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