29: I'll Be Home For Christmas (Part 2)

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Katelin POV

I woke up this morning at around 8 from force of habit. I mean for the previous decade I've been brutally awaken by Jordan wanting to open presents. I was still all alone in my house and so I went downstairs and got some Oreos. I have a strange addiction for them. They are like crack, I'm sorry but they are. I sat down in the living room, still in my pjs, and just watched some Christmas movies. While enjoying my Oreos I heard some rustling coming from the tree across the room. I got up from the couch and went to examine it. I found a huge box standing behind the tree. How did I even miss that when I walked right passed the tree to get to the kitchen? The thing was freaking heavy. I grabbed the box and slowly pulled it into a clearer view. I'm guessing this is what Haz sent me, but how the hell did it get inside? I checked the tag to make sure. It said 'From: Harry To: Katelin'. Well since its for me I better open it. I somehow got the lid off the tall box, but I couldn't see what was in it. I was going to tip over the box but before I could touch it the walls fell down. I ran straight into his arms and kissed him like he'd just come back from war. He lifted me up and twirled me around. "I've missed you like mad." Harry said smiling. "I've missed you too." I said giving him another kiss as he put me back down on the ground. "Only you would eat Oreos for breakfast." he said as we sat on the couch together. "It's Christmas, a time for special things." I said eating another Oreo. "So I got you a present." he said sitting up. "Harry, you being here on Christmas is enough." I said. It was true, I wanted him here today so badly. "But I got you something anyway." he said holding a long box out infront of me. A box big enough for jewelry, this boy knows my weakness. I opened the box to see a silver necklace that had my name in cursive across it. "Harry!" I said happily. "You told me a while back how you hated that you always wanted a necklace with your name on it but there were never any that spelled it right. So I got one made for you." he said. I pulled the necklace out of the box and admired the beauty of it. "Here I'll help you." he said reaching for the necklace. He had unhooked it and put in around my neck. Once he had hooked it back together I looked down at it. It was absolutely adorable, I loved it. "Harry, this is perfect. I love it." I said giving him a kiss. "Glad you enjoy it baby." he said after the kiss. "And now, your present." I said standing from the couch. "You didn't have to get me anything." he said. "Oh, but I did." I said going up the stairs. I kept it up here so when Harry came home he wouldn't see it. "Close your eyes!" I yelled from the banister. "Ok, they are closed!" he yelled back. I came walking back down the stairs with it in my arms. "Since you enjoyed having a dog and I had to give Riley back to Jordan I got you this." I said standing infront of him. Once the sentence was over he opened his eyes to see the Swedish Vallhund puppy I was holding in my arms. "Katelin!" he said happily. I knew he loved dogs. "Here, take him." I said holding him the puppy. "So it's a boy puppy? He's perfect." Harry said as his eyes lite up while holding the dog. "Yea, I don't have a name for him but I thought you'd like to name him." I said sitting beside Haz while he played with the dog. "Well, I have absolutely no idea. Why don't you pick." he suggested to me. "Well I had three ideas. Parker, Harley, and Mojo. I like all of them but you know it's your dog so you deicde." I said. "I like the name Mojo for him." Harry said petting the dog as it fell asleep. "Mojo it is!" I said sitting beside Harry on the couch. "Oh babe, you need to go get ready." Harry said. "Wait, for what?" I asked getting worried. "You're meeting my parents today." he said with an innocent smile because he knows I hate it when people spring things on me like that. "I'm what!?" I yelled jumping from the couch.

Kayleigh POV

6 in the morning! Even when I don't have presents I still wake up this early! This isn't right! This just tells you that Christmas screws people up. I took a shower and got dressed in some clothes since I knew the girls would be coming over today. I went to the living room and turned in The Christmas Story. I love this movie. I made some pancakes and sat down and ate them. As I finished my pancakes there was a knock at the door. It's not even 7, I guess Al or Mad couldn't sleep. "Hello?" I asked as I answered the door. I saw a man dressed as Santa. "Ho Ho Ho, merry Christmas little girl." he shouted at me. Little girl? "Hello...Santa? Is there something you needed?" I asked. "Just wanted to know what you wanted for Christmas." he said waiting for a response. "I want my boyfriend to come home." I said nodding my head. "Well I think I can arrange that." he said laughing. He was doing something with his hands but turned away from the door so I couldn't see him. When he turned back around I just kissed him. He picked me up and took me back into the house. "I've missed you Babycakes." Louis said through the kiss. As he put my down I just stared into his blue eyes. "I've missed you more." I said. We just stood there and stared at each other, taking in the fact that we were together again. "Well it's a good thing you're dressed." he said with a smirk. "How is that a good thing?" I asked and laughing at his smile. "We'll we have somewhere to go today." he said as he put the hair on my face behind my ear. "And where would that be?" I asked. "Um, Doncaster." he said with a look of innocence. "Why?" I asked in fear of his answer. "I told my mum that we would go see them today. So guess who gets to meet them?" he asked acting excited. I just froze. "Wait, so I'm meeting your family?"

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