You Don't Know Me Anymore

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(Or alternatively, I Love You, and Goodbye)

(Trigger Warning: Self-Harm)

(Michael's POV)

"Alright," Jeremy said, looking around the basement, "I think we have everything we need for the most epic videogame binging sleepover since Middle School. What do you think?"

I looked up from where I was sitting on the bed. I saw piles of already-unfolded blankets by the beanbags, which were set up in front of the couch, facing the TV. I saw bags of snacks, Mountain Dew Red, and other assorted snack items on the table against the far wall. He had set up anything he could think of that we would need, really, and all in ways that would be easy-access for us.

"Yeah, looks perfect. What are we gonna play?"

"What do you think?"

I smirked at Jeremy. "Apocalypse of the Damned?"

"Yes! We were stuck on level nine for so long, and then the whole... thing with the... thing... happened, and we never really got around to finishing it, and I just thought, what a better way to do this, than to just... pick up where we left off?"

I grinned, then blushed and looked down, wiping my face of any reaction. I knew how much this little reconciliation sleepover meant to Jeremy- it just didn't mean that much to me.

"Sounds like a plan."

(Jeremy's POV)

We had been playing Apocalypse for three solid hours, and were now stuck on level ten, when Michael yawned.

I did not fail to notice this. "You wanna go to sleep, bud?" I don't know why, maybe it was my tone, but Michael brought up his walls out of nowhere, and said coldly,

"Ehh... maybe a bit. We don't have to, though, if you wanna keep playing."

"No, no, man, it's fine. Heere-"I pulled out an old joke of ours- "Take these pajamas." I handed Michael the clothes that had been folded and waiting on the back of the couch.

Michael sighed. "Alright, Heere."

My face dropped, because when Michael used my last name, he wasn't joking. He had started doing it in Middle School- using last names for people he didn't know. 'First names are for friends, last names for everyone else.' he would say.

I also knew that Michael didn't need to. He could have just said 'alright' and ended it there. But no. He was reminding me. Reminding me of all I'd done wrong.

I deserve it.

I looked down at Michael, only to find him looking back at me.

"What? Aren't you going to get changed? I'm sleeping in this, if you're waiting for me."

"No, that's not it. It's... It's just... could you turn around?"

"Turn around? Like face away from you?" I laughed. "What, afraid I'm gonna judge your dick? I've seen it all before, Micha, don't you remember? We're- we used to be- best friends."

"It's not that."

"Then what is it?"

"You don't need to know."

But I want to. Really, what is it?"

"You're pushing it."

"No I'm not. If we're gonna be friends, we gotta tell eachother things, right?"

"No. We just have to not hate eachother."

"I don't hate you."

Michael sighed. "I know. Just turn around."

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