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(No POV)

The whole squad was on vacation; they had all just graduated.

"Okay, so, me and Jenna over there, Rich and Jake, there, Jeremy and Michael, and Chloe and Brooke in that one." Christine pointed in turn to each of the four beds in the hotel room.

She had set up her and Jenna because she knew nothing would happen; her being ace, and Jenna being aro/ace; Brooke and Chloe were together because they were dating; but the other four were struggling with their pairings.

Michael and Jeremy both liked eachother, but had no idea the other returned their feelings; Rich and Jake were in the same situation. Everyone else could tell, and it was agonizing.

Christine was just the one to finally do something about it.

-time skip because I'm lazy and also If I Could Tell Her is playing and hot DAMN Ben Platt's VOICE-

(Jeremy's POV)

I lay awake, trying to tune out the moans coming from Rich and Jake's bed- I seem to be the only one left awake otherwise. I'd always had trouble falling asleep at night, so I'm not surprised I'm the only one left awake.

I look over at Michael laying next to me. I can't believe this is happening- not that anything is really happening- but still, he's right there, so close... I turn onto my side, getting right up against his back. I drape my arm over him.

"Jere? What... what is this?"

Well I guess he isn't asleep.

"Uh... cuddles? It's comfy."

"You're spooning me. Couples spoon, Jere, not friends."

"Well, just pretend we're a couple then." Where did that come from? Oh well, it's out now, I guess.

He turns around, pulling me into his chest.

"I'm not gonna do that unless it's permanent, but we can talk about it later. By later I mean in the morning. Right now I want to sleep, and not think about it." He rests his chin on top of my head and sighs.


When I wake up, he is still wrapped around me, and I find that my arm is resting over his torso, holding him as well.

Even though he is a bit shorter than me, he is always the dominant when we cuddle, or anything of the sort. No homo, though!! We do things like that, but only as friends. Even though I wish it was more...

I shake the thought away, shifting a bit in an attempt to get out of his arms. He grunts and rolls over, facing the ceiling."

I get up to use the bathroom, passing Rich and Jake's bed in the process. The two are cuddling in bed, presumably naked, and they look more peaceful than I've seen either of them in a while.

I feel a pang of jealousy go through me, but ignore it- it isn't worth my energy right now.

When I'm done in the bathroom, I grab my phone from the nightstand next to mine and Michael's bed, and snap a picture of my friends. I hear a faint giggle from behind me.

I turn and see Michael sitting up, watching me.

"What's so funny?" I whisper, suddenly nervous.

"Why did you take a picture?" He laughs, trying not to be too loud.

"I'm gonna show it to them at their wedding."

Michael was laughing so hard now, he was curled up on himself- he barely made any sound though.

Then I remember our conversation from last night- or maybe only a few hours ago?- Who knows, really. I set my phone back on the nightstand, and carefully sit down next to Michael.

He must sense my tension, because he stops laughing, and looks at me with worried eyes.

Here we go.

(Michael's POV)

I stare into Jeremy's eyes, wondering why he seems so off- then I remember what I said last night.

I had been tired, and I had just wanted to be near him and go to sleep.

"Michael..." he starts warily, "Do you remember... last night? What you said to me last night? When we were cuddling?"

I opt for playing dumb. "Uh... no. Could you... remind me?"

Jeremy gives me the run-through; he spooned me, I told him that's for lovers, he said pretend we were lovers, and then...

"And you said... you said, 'I'll only do that if it's permanent' or something. What does that mean? Like, if we started dating?" He starts panicking, speeding up what he says. "Because like, that's kinda gay, but like you're gay and I'm bi and like I dunno maybe you are kinda cute and maybe I like you but you probably don't like me and now I'm making this worseohshitohshitohshitMichapleasestopme-"

I put a finger up to his lips, and he stares at me fearfully.

"Jere... Yes I meant if we started dating. Yes I'm gay. I'm gay for you, though, so... as long as you'd want to date... I'd be fine with that. Overjoyed, really." I let out a dry laugh, 2 years of pining telling me this isn't real.

"Really?" He sounds like he can barely believe it. His eyes get all wide and hopeful... I giggle.


"And do you, Michael Mell, take Jeremy to be your lawfully wedded husband?" My Mama asks, a huge grin on her face.

I look him dead in the eye, noticing his tears of happiness.

"I do."

"Really?" He jokes, voice cracking.

I laugh at the old memories.


"I CALLED IT!!!!! I DID THIS!!!!!! I SET THEM UP!!!!!"

"Shut up, Christine."

"Oh, Jake, come on. You know she'll be yelling at our wedding, too. It's only a few months off......"


(Bitch idk)

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