To You

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My friend



She doesn't like angst.

So she


She wrote... fanfiction?

Of my fanfiction?

She made Michael... not die?

I want to keep the ending of All My Love as it is in the 'canon' fanfic, but... I love what she's done.

She is a beautiful human and she can do no wrong, so I'm putting this in here.

Also this note is 69 words.

Micheal didnt think he would ever wake up again.

He didn't want to.

But somehow, he was awake again.

"Oh my god Micheal."

Micheal recognized that voice.

He turned his head, looking at the brown haired boy sitting in the chair next to him.

That was the voice that broke his heart.


Micheal was confused. He was supposed to be dead. It was supposed to be over. Jeremy was supposed to be on a date with Christine, and he was supposed to be six feet under.

But instead, Jeremy was sitting right next to him. Micheal locked eyes with him for a moment. Same crystal blue eyes. Same messy brown hair. Same freckles dotted like constellations across his face. Same Jeremy. But why was he here?

"I'm sorry Micheal."

Micheal looked at him again. Jeremy looked like he had been crying. His face was all red, and his eyes were glassy. He looked the same as when he had fallen off of a swing in seventh grade, and had broken his arm. Studying Jeremy, Micheal almost forgot he was supposed to be dead.


"Why are you here?"

Micheal registered the rest of his body for the first time. He was lying down. His head hurt. And the bed he was in was uncomfortable. He looked around him. A cup of orange juice was on a table next to him. The walls were light blue and blank. There was a white curtain with small blue triangles on it. The room smelled like bleach and fabric softener.

He was in a hospital.

"Because you're my best friend."

Jeremy's voice cracked slightly when he was talking. He was quiet, even quieter then usual. He stared at the floor, and Micheal watched him pick at his nails. Jeremy always did that when he was nervous. Was he in heaven? That wouldn't make sense. He didn't belong in heaven. And even so, if this was heaven, his chest would be flat. Micheal felt a sob deep in his throat.

"I'm so, so sorry Micheal."

Jeremy had switched to gripping the sides of his chair. He was staring down at the floor, and his eyes looked like they were tearing up.

"I messed up so bad."

Micheal stared at him. Was this some kind of weird, ghost vision? Was this Jeremy showing up briefly to tell him he's sorry just before Micheal finally dies?

"One of your moms found you. I'm not sure which one."

Jeremy didn't let Micheal say anything, just continued talking in his quiet, cracking voice.

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