Chapter 9: Divorce

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"Where do you live Ashley? I can take you home," Luke said as he grabbed my hand.

"I live at nineteen Athena Lane," I say as Luke starts leading me home.


"Is this it?" Luke asks as we walk in Jenna's driveway.

"Yeah, thanks Luke!" I say and run up to the door, where my backpack? I ring the doorbell and seen a red eyed Jenna with tear stains on her face. Then I see Zack push his way in front of her.

"Ash-wee!" He yells as I pick him up, he has some tear stains as well and is in his pj's. Jenna hugs me and Zake as she has her head over my shoulder.

"Ashley who is that?" Her voice is trembling and she is so shaken up.

"Luke, he helped me get home after the intruder came and kidnapped us. He said I hit my head really hard, and that we barely escaped, but I don't remember anything." I say as Jenna lets go of me. She walks past me to Luke.

"Luke?" Her voice is so gentle I could barely hear it.

"Hm?" He asks when he finds his way out of his daze.

"Thank you for bringing my baby girl home, do you live far from here?"

"Nah, I live about five more hours away from here. I should probably start if I want to use the moon for light." Luke turns to leave but Jenna stops him.

"You can stay here until morning if you'd like, it's the least I could do since you brought Ashley home to me." Jenna hugs him and leads him over to us. Jenna leads us into the house and goes upstairs to set up the guest bedroom. Zack fell asleep in my arms as I rubbed his back so now he just lays his head on my shoulder asleep.

"I'm going to go put him to bed do you mind waiting here?" I ask Luke.

"Can I just follow you?" Luke asks gently.

"Stalker," I giggle as I start up the steps with Luke following me. I can't see over Zack, I take a step forward, but miss it terribly. I go to tumble backwards but Luke grabs my waist sternly so I didn't fall.

"My hero," I say looking at Luke, and then break down laughing.

"Yes princess?" Luke asks.

"Thank you hero," I walked to Zack's bedroom but before I can walk through his door he stops me.

"Jump remember," I look down at Zake who mumbled in his sleep. I jump through the doorway making the sleeping Zack giggle a little in my arms. I set him in bed and cover him up. I turn his light off and crack his door.

"Why did you jump through the doorway princess?" Luke asks stunned.

"Well hero, Zack and I made a pack when he was five that we had to jump thru doorways. Maybe he'll let you join the pack one day," I giggle as I walk to my bedroom.

"So this is the princess's room," Luke is in awe as he walks into my room behind me.

"Yep," I walked over to my desk at the edge of my bed. There wasn't a lot here, a small closet, a bed, a desk, and a dresser. That was it, my bed was simply black, my walls were white. I grabbed my rose key chain that I used for good luck and walked over to Luke.

"Here, for a thanks for helping me. It might give you some luck," I walk away from my room and to the guest bedroom.

"Hey sweetie I just finished setting this place up for your friend." Jenna said as she saw Luke approach. "Meet me downstairs don't bring your friend," she whispered in my ear as she gave me a hug. Jenna walked away and I saw her form fade down the steps.

"Well this is the end of the tour hero, I hope you sleep well, oh and the bathroom is near my room if you need anything. Your welcome to the fridge if you want a midnight snack."

"Goodnight princess and thank you for your courtesy." Luke says to me.

"No problem hero, goodnight." I walk away leaving Luke in the guest bedroom. I walk down the steps gently not to wake Zack.

"Ashley, why are you full of bruises?" Jenna says to me when I reach the bottom of the steps. Should I tell her?

"I think the person who kidnapped me beat me." I say with a small sigh.

"Wow they did a number on you child," Jenna brushes her hand on my cheek with a slight wince from me.

"I'll tell John what happened, oh, and the court day was settled. We are going to court with John in a week. I want to know if you want to stay a week with John then a week with me or if you want to leave it how it is. I can even say you want half the year with me and then half with John." Jenna says trying to get my perspective.

"Can you fight for full custody of me?" I ask gently.

"I can but if we lose then John can get full custody of you," Jenna says sourly. I don't want to be stuck with John.

"Jenna why do you guys fight over me but not Zack, after all he is your real son?" I ask gently trying to not push it.

"John doesn't care about Zack, he cares about you for some reason." Jenna then sighs, "I think it's time I tell you the real reason me and John divorced.

"Jenna what do you mean, it was my fault you guys divorced because you guys couldn't handle me." I say.

"No that's not it child. John was cheating on me and thought I cheated on him when we had Zack, but I didn't. John got real drunk and started being abusive, so I got a lawyer and when John was drunk we asked him to get a divorce. He was so out of it he agreed." Jenna sighed with a small tear.

"Jenna, are you okay?" I ask gently.

"If he ever hurts you, you'd tell me right?" Jenna's soft hurt eyes looked deep into my soul. I felt bad I had never told her the pain John has caused me the last four years.

"Yeah of course," I hid the lie and yawned, "Jenna may I go to bed it's near midnight and I haven't gone to sleep yet?" I ask yawning again.

"Sure sweetie, goodnight." I walked up the steps and to my room, I know they didn't hear me and Jenna talking but I still act like nothing happened.

As I approach my room I see my phone sitting on my bed, I must've dropped it. I grab my headset and plug it into my phone I press play on my music. I change into my white crop top and black and white plaid pajama bottoms. I got onto my bed and slid under the covers. I placed my headset on and felt the vibration as the music drowned out all silence and noise allowing me to forget myself and sleep.

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