Chapter 17: Down The Stairs We Go!

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*Ashley's P.O.V.*

"Thanks Luke." I mumble and walk out of the hospital. I notice a black Ashton Martin DBS Superleggera. I follow Luke as he makes his way to the car he pops the truck. He sets my things in the truck then helps me to the front seat. After I sit down he takes my crutches and puts them in the backseat. Once all the doors are closed he gets in the driverseat.

"Can we stop somewhere to get food? I have money on me to pay for it." I asked breaking the silents.

"Sure, where do you want to go?"

"Can we go to Hardees?" I ask once he starts driving. After two hours we ate and were heading to Jenna's place. The sun went down by the time we got there and it was eight p.m.

"Thanks Luke. You are welcome to spend the night since your house is so far away. It's the least I can do after you helped me and paid for me to eat today." I plastered a smile on my face.

"I'll spend the night, but only to help you. Besides, I think I might have an extra pair of clothes." He got out. He stood before me with two backpacks on his back and my crutches in hand.

"Thanks," I look down with a hint of blush on my cheeks. We walked to the door and I knocked on the door. I'm too lazy to dig in my backpack on Luke's back to look for my keys.

"Just a second!" I heard Jenna's voice along with her clodhoppers on the wood floor. "Yes?" I saw Jenna swing the door open before I could react she pulled me in. I almost lost my balance when Luke set his hands on my waist to sturdy me.

"Thanks again hero," I mutter. "Jenna is it okay if Luke spends the night?" I ask will pleading puppy dog eyes. I felt as Luke removed his hands and shut the door.

"Yes that's fine. Go clean up for dinner though you have about an hour." She rushes back in the kitchen and I see my little buddy come running from downstairs.

"Ash-wee!" He squealed jumping up and hooking his legs around my waist. His arms held tightly to my neck. I didn't even have to hold him because he held himself up.

"Hey buddy." I hug him back as I stumble at the impact. I quickly regain my balance without help as Zack holds onto me. "Buddy I got to go upstairs. You know me, I'm pretty clumsy."

"I'll say. If you weren't so clumsy you wouldn't have fell in the woods!" He smiles up as me with excitement.

"Yeah true, but buddy now I have to go up the stairs which means I can't hold you this time." His face darkens at realization.

"You can still jump through doorways with me right?" He frowns tears almost in his eyes.

"I can still jump through doorways don't worry." I glance to my right to see a fearful Luke at what I just said. "I'm going to need your help though." I look back at Zack who then lights up. He jumps down and take me hand.

"Come on, I'll help you up the stairs to!" He jumps up and down with excitement.

"I'm coming," I place the crutches on the first step. Luke followed behind us.

"I have to set my things in the guest room." Luke claims, but I think he actually said it in incase I fall.

"Okay Ash-wee jump thru the doorway to me." Luke stood behind me because this time he claimed he forgot where the guest bedroom was.

"Hey Zack I think I just saw a race car out the window." Luke says. As soon as Zack turns around Luke lifts me up quickly and set me thru the doorway. "Now you can say you jumped cause you were in the air." Luke whispered to me. His hot breath fans my neck next to my right ear.

"Th-thanks," I stuttered with tingles all over my neck.

"I'm going to go show Luke to the guest bedroom. You need to take a shower though you stink." Zack walks past me as he pulls Luke.

"That was mean dude!" I say back childessly. Before they go out of earshot. I grab some pj's and get into the shower carefully. After almost falling when I slipped I got out. I blow dried my wet hair a little where it was still a little damp. I put it in a messy bun on my head. I slipping into a white short sleeved crop top and black and white plaid pajama pants.

"Dinner!" Jenna screamed from downstairs. I grabbed the crutches and hobbled to the stairs. I was doing good until the last three steps. That's when I tripped and fell the rest of the way. I held my head as I heard Jenna walk into the living room and gasp. I looked as four feat almost flew down the steps.

"Ashley are you alright?" Jenna knelt beside me.

"Yeah just tripped." I gave her a weak smile and trying to get up.

"Ashley hold still," I heard Luke growl and before I could look up to see his expression he was next to Jenna on my left holding my arm. About three stitches fell out.

"Ash-wee?" My heart broke as Zack's sad voice filled the living room.

"I'm fine buddy. It's just like I said I'm clumsy." I laugh and pulled him down next to me. "Jenna you, Luke, and Zack go eat I can go to the hospital on my own." I say confidently.

"No, I will go with you." Jenna says standing up and grabbing a towel from the kitchen.

"Ms. Taylor if I may, you have to stay here and take care of Zack after all it's his bedtime at ten correct? It's already nine thirty." Luke says as Jenna hands him the towel.

"Fine, but can you take her Luke? I know it's a lot to ask since with have been so kind." Jenna says firmly.

"I can take her don't worry." Luke tells them with confidence.

"Jenna I'll be fine." I say.

"Be home as soon as possible." Jenna tells me. Zack gives me a quick hug and I kiss his head good night if I don't make it back in time. The two of them go to the kitchen to start there meal. I whimper a little in agony when they leave the room forgetting Luke was there.

"Princess hid the pain, but why?" Luke starts to pile pressure on the wound making my whimper again.

"I didn't want Zack to worry." I try to stand up but Luke doesn't let me. Instead he lifts me to my feet handing me the crutches. I slip into my black flip flops that were by the door.

"Thanks Luke again." I say as we head to the hospital.

"Princess thats the filth time you've thanked me since we got you in the car. You don't have to thank me. I'm your friend and friends help friends." He says taking a quick glance at me before turning it back to the road. 

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