Chapter 19: Jenna I Don't Want To Go

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*Ashley's P.O.V.*

I looked down at Zack holding me like his life depended on it.

"Hey buddy what's wrong?" I ask him and hug him back.

"Ash-wee! Are you okay?" He asks. His face is covered in tears and his voice is shakey.

"Yeah what about you?" I ask.

"I'm scared." Zack confesses.

"Well you don't have to be. Do you know why?" I ask.

"Why?" Zack asks.

"Because I'm your big sister and will always protect you... by tickling!" I start tickling him and we fall off the bed in laughter. I keep going though.

"Ash-wee stop!" Zack laughs.

"No!" I said as I continue. I look up when the door opens. I see Luke steps into the room.

"Hey I though we were gonna play cars?" He plays like he's hurt. "Oh I want pay back too!" Luke gave a fake mad face.

"Come join in then!" I grinned at him.

"No! No!" Zack laughs and giggles as Luke joins in.

"No what?" I laugh at Zack.

"No stop it!" Zack laughs.

"Do you surrender!" I laughs.

"Yes! Stop it!" Luke and I glance at each other then we quit tickling Zack. Zack breathes heavily as he sits up.

"Hi momma!" Zack says and runs and hugs her. I look up and see Jenna.

"Hi sweetie. Ashley are you alright hon?" Jenna asks and walks into the room. She sits down in my wooden rocking chair by the door. Zack runs up to her and sits in her lap.

"I'm alright just worried." I give Jenna a knowing look.

"Okay. Zack I called Uncle Clover he said he wants to take you out. He said he needs your help picking out the best Nerf guns. Why don't you go get ready for Uncle Clover." Jenna set Zack down.

"Okay momma!" Zack raced off.

"Lucas I think you deserve to know what your getting yourself into." Jenna said.

"No not yet." I said with a sigh.

"Ashley he deserves to know." Jenna gave me a motherly look.

"What went down that makes you think that?" I ask getting a little frustrated. I ask not wanting to ruin my friendship with Luke just yet. He doesn't need to know.

"John came over." Jenna says.

"So? Luke met John twice with me." I argue back.

"Ashley! He needs to know! John abused me and you went into shock again! Poor Zack has to go to my brothers just so I can address the problem!" Jenna said glaring.

"Sorry Jenna." I give in. I climbed up onto the bed and curled into a fetal position.

"Lucas-" Jenna turns to me but is interrupted when there is a knock at the door. "I'll be right back. Ashley go ahead and start telling Lucas." Jenna got up and left.

"I'm so confused about what you guys are talking about." Luke says and sits on the end of my bed.

"Luke since you, uhm, what all went down while I was out?" I ask.

"Well John came screaming. I got Zack out of there. John hit and kicked Jenna. I moved your body up here and had Zack watch you. I broke John's nose and possibly his hand-" before he could finish his sentence I jumped on him. He actually had the courage to stand up to John even though he did this to me!

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