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It was the loud bang she felt on her head that woke Wendy from her sleep and not the incessant sound coming from her phone. She rolls over the bed using the pillow to cover her head from one corner of her ear to another in a bid to stop the headache which only seemed to become worse. She immediately takes a pain relief medicine and turns to answer the phone which began to ring almost immediately.

"What! Right now" She exclaimed.

Wendy had just been offered the position of the chief investigator of a crime that has now gained prominence in Gowon Estate, Mosalasi. She had been told to report to the Superintendent office before noon for further briefing on the issue.

"I just arrived yesterday, and I'm not sure I can make it on time" she said.

"Just come over anyway, and I'll  make it up to you" the caller said. 

It spread as a wild fire through Region 106 that  a new investigator would be recruited to take over the recent crime incidences, following the recent murders. All over the region, no one doubted that the new investigator would be Chiwendu Agu, popularly known as Wendy because of the huge role she played in unravelling the identity of the Scarborough rapist  whose victims were school children. Wendy knew that she couldn't have unravelled the mystery save for the help of Charles, a private investigator who performed autopsy of the corpse, DNA of victims and engaged in other vital investigative procedures; thus, providing her with clues.

She entered into the building coloured cream and blue alongside the Lagos colour in between. The Lagos colour consists of small straps of the colour blue, red, yellow and green arranged horizontally. Students of the State High School situated beside this building which has the the signpost- The Nigeria Police Station chat with friends while walking into the school compound; while some student who couldn't resist the aroma coming from Iya Basira fries, wait to purchase the hot yam, akara, or puff-puff with peppery sauce.

Wendy entered into the narrow corridor of the Gowon Estate Station Headquarters. She sees a pale looking girl plaits of all-back sitting behind the receptionist counter. She guessed she must be new officer because of her sparkling black and black uniform; and perhaps, not the enthusiastic type because of her pale face. Wendy herself didn't wear a uniform but a white top and jean trousers. As a Special Agent, she is not supposed to be known but reverse is the case here because of her popularity among the people.

"How can I help you ma'am" the lady asked when she noticed Wendy already passing by her without paying any regards.

"Actually, I'm here to see Mr Jones. Mr Jones Freeze and I'm late already" Wendy said determined to ignore her.

"Be rest assured that you can report any case to me  or to any member of the staff without directly seeing the Superintendent"

"And besides, he is in a meeting right now" the receptionist said as a matter of fact.

"Oh, I see. Have this" Lilian said showing her I. D Card while the receptionist looks on with awe.

"Can I go now?"  Wendy now says impatiently.

"My apologise ma. I never knew you were the awaited investigator"

"No problem. You were just doing your job"

Wendy entered the boardroom where the meeting was being held as directed by the receptionist after knocking twice. She noticed the office smelled of rust and cartons. At the time she entered, Mr. Jones was having a heated conversation with two of her colleague and a man she hasn't seen before.

"Excuse me please, I didn't mean to be late" Wendy said as she walks into office taking the vacant seat opposite Mr. Jones.

The seat beside the one she sat had already been occupied. Wendy noticed that he had an oval face complementing his hair that is waved into tiny plaits of dreads. His eyes are obviously brown and he has a scanty eyebrows. Looking around the office, she saw the pictures of the president and vice president displayed on the wall. The table were she rested her palm was scattered with papers and pictures.

" Well, I can see that the pictures displayed here catches your attention and I hope it does until the murderer is caught". Mr Jones said.

"What do you mean sir." Wendy said giving him an incomprehensive look.

"Call me Jones,  Wendy I've told you this before"

"As I was saying to your colleagues before you arrived, and saying now to you, these pictures you see here are the victims of the serial killer whom I call the devil. We've been trying all we can to catch this criminal but it has all come to nought as a result of the incompetency of some individuals that should have had a better sense of the issue" Jones said eyeing Michael.

"But, you would agree with me that I actually did my best" Michael replied tersely.

"And you will agree that you best wasn't any good though" Jones replied.

"Anyway, this is why we as a region choose to employ your service after your help in the recent incident" he continued.

"I perfectly understand what this means , and we all promise to do our best" Wendy replied.

"You all should walk as a team like the previous time. Initially, I chose Michael here to carry out some investigation" he said referring to the new colleague Wendy noticed.

" However, his family became affected by this case and due to his own silliness, I must add. What I mean is that his wife and daughter was killed by this devil. And so, I have decided to lay him down" Jones said brusquely.

"If you don't mind sir; I mean Jones, I think he'll be of a great importance as we would develop on his recent finding concerning the murderer.
"Right, Anita?" She gestures to Anita sitting adjacent to her.

"Right" came the response.

"I think so too" Peter, another of her colleague concurred.

"Then, if Mike is still interested, I'll let him tag along. However, all his findings should be scrapped; that is, I want a new start on this. You all will report any progress made to Peter who will in turn inform me. Wendy is the chief investigator, but note, I want you all to work together." Jones said rising up.

"Expecting a good report soon" he says as he leaves the board room.

The trio looked at one another in bewilderment after Jones left the office as they became occupied in their own thought.

"Now" Peter starts softly breaking the silence that seemed to be taking control.

"I'll start by saying we should all go have a good time" he says giddily as he jumps out.

One after the other, everyone leaves as if on a queue. Wendy decides catching some sight outside but sees Peter on the other side asking for bribe from a Danfo driver.

"Such a disgrace!" She says to herself as she looks on.

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