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Mrs. Faith Agu was surprised when she saw Wendy approaching the house. Not that Wendy was not welcomed there - her daughter is always welcomed to the home. But it was the sudden visit that got her worried.

" Welcome darling! What a surprise" she said instead as Wendy gave her a bear hug.

"Oh mum! I know you have loads of question in your mind" Wendy said.

"But I really missed that deliciously prepared Oha soup of yours. The main reason for my "homecoming". She said with humour.

If that was the truly the reason, Wendy could have visited the previous day because that was when she could have eaten the Oha soup. Mrs Faith had just prepared Nigerian jollof. She need not beckon Wendy to eat for Wendy did justice to it immediately.

" So tell me what's eating you up" Mrs Faith asked after the meal.

"Mom, I really don't want to talk about it. I just came here to relax"

"Yes, you have to believe this" she added after noting her mother's disbelieving gaze.

" Really Wendy, you know this is the last place to come relax if you need a space. I know you want to talk about it but I'm sorry I'm not in the mood to coarse"

"But first things first, why did you do this to yourself"

Wendy knew the subject her mother was trying to make her engage in. This isn't what she came her to talk about. But trust her Mom, always finding an opportunity to  bring out this topic. Her mom was right. This is the last place Wendy comes to anytime she needed to relax.

"Hello, I'm not here to talk about my matrimonial home. I have other pressing issues"

And yes, talking about her matrimonal or what she would prefer calling her  her "battering memorial home" where she had been battered and oppressed. Right,  Dave just beated her once and that was what called for a divorce from her. Other than that, she had been feeling he was oppressing her by demanding too much of her time from her. For God's sake, he couldn't just comprehend that she had no time to stalk around the house when she had all other important issues to attend to; especially, the matters of the state. She had even suspected something shady about him, something she wants to believe it's only her imagination.

"I don't believe I can do this anymore." Wendy started.

"I just wanna resign and relax. I mean everyone thinks that I am the pillar crime solver of the previous one; both of us know that it is not true"

"Wendy you told me of how he requested that you should keep it low, and I asked you if you felt comfortable about that.

Okay, that was another discussion that was out for her.

" Anyways, Mr. Jone Freeze feels that the the level of investigation done is not accurate. He wants a new beginning. But I can't do that because with the evidence and in for gathered, I feel we've made progress and all"

"I don't really know the way you guys handle your jobs but we all want this criminal to book."

"I suggest you take some vacation. You know, it's been a while you took a real vacation" Her mother said as she went to pick up the landline that has being ringing now for the third time.

Right from the time she started preparing to come to her mother's place, she knew that she was making a huge mistake.

Wasn't a mother supposed to have a little sense of empathy for her little girl?

She knew she took after her mother by being head strong. She knew she had made her decision before she came here. She just did this to confirm.

Wendy has decided not to drop the previous result of the investigation. She would prove her competence to the board.

Although, she needed to prove it more to herself because all and sundry believe in her- that was why they made her the chief investigator, right?

" Charles on the line"

"He wants to speak with you" her mother said looking at her intently.


Two months ago

" Wendy where have you been?" Dave asked her for the umpteenth time.

Wendy had gone to the vacation with Charles against the instruction of Dave, her husband. But they had gone there as undercover cops to pretend as teachers in order to discover the rapist. Wendy had lied that it was a vacation so as not to blow any whistle. However, Dave didn't seem secure about this idea. Wendy always wonder if she had given Dave any cause to doubt her. She knew Charles showed interest.
her but she had told Dave that there was nothing for him to worry about.

"Answer me, Wendy!" He demanded.

"You know alright" Wendy shouted.

"I told you already so you don't expect me to repeat myself" she said tensely.

Her statement was interrupted by a slap from Dave. She never expected it. At that moment, she saw him as a devil. Despite keeping his secret and being with him, she never believed that he would treat her this way. She felt he has treated her dishonourably. As a result, she filed for divorce.

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