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After explaining everything to Jaehyun and Jaehyun explaining everything to the others after they had arrived at Taeyong and Kun's place, the guys were looking for a solution for their problems.

"First of all; who are we even fighting? Yeah, the hunters, but why so suddenly? They haven't appeared in almost two decades," Jaemin asked. "Someone must have told them about us or something, I mean, it's not like we all went around showing our powers to the world."

"Yeah, you're right. As far as I know, we all have been pretty careful," Jisung added. Then, the youngest suddenly realized something. "Wait, the first attack happened the day Ten transferred here, right? Perhaps they've known about Ten before and tracked him down?"

The guys nodded slowly, seeing as it was a possible option, but something seemed off about it.

"That can't be, the hunters in Thailand have been gone for almost a hundred years by now," Ten claimed. "Nobody I know has ever been hunted there, and, believe me, I know a lot of people."

"Well, then, it must me something else," Sicheng contemplated.

The conversation went on, everyone making up more or less wild conspiracy theories, but Jaehyun noticed something. "Johnny, are you okay? You've been oddly quiet," he said, worrying. He had known Johnny for long enough to know when and if the other guy was bothered by something.

Johnny squirmed a bit in his seat, clearly uncomfortable with all the attention on him.

"Well, I don't really want to accuse someone or anything, but what if someone in our close proximity, maybe even our class, has known about us and formed something like an alliance with the hunters?"

The room went oddly quiet after that, everyone trying to comprehend what Johnny had just said. The possibility was definitely there.

Ten decided that it was time for him to say something.

"Want to come to Thailand for the night? I don't really think it's safe here."


A week later and none of the guys had been able to figure out what was behind those attacks. It had been suspiciously calm, too, seeing as no more hunters had appeared. Jaehyun had pretended to be a new student at the school, signing things up with the headmaster and all. Luckily, he had been assigned to the class the others were in, too.

The other students were pretty suspicious of him in the beginning, especially after his very sudden and dramatic appearance. Sure, their memories had been wiped, but he had just busted in during class on his official first day, looking completely disheveled after having overslept since he had been the only one staying at Taeyong's over night to keep track of things. Kun had also stayed behind, but at a friend's place.

Great first image.

After what was like three days, though, and the others had seen how he naturally clicked with Johnny, Ten, Taeyong, Sicheng and Kun, a certain fellow student of theirs decided to approach him.

It was Yuta.

"Hey, Jaehyun," Yuta had stammered during a short break after appearing in front of Jaehyun's table. "I just wanted to say hi, since I feel like nobody except those five guys actually acknowledges your presence here," he chuckled.

Jaehyun smiled timidly. "Thanks, nice to meet you. Yuta, right?"

"Yeah, that's me. Also, could I join you guys during lunch?"

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