Bailey says Hi

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It was 8.37 am. We were supposed to be arriving at Alfea for 10 am. I wonder who decided that people aren't allowed to use a portal to get to Alfea? Maybe I'll look into it.
I had already woken up at 8 and I was ready to head downstairs for breakfast. Calypso was still getting dressed.
I was wearing a blue top with free arms and I was also wearing some blue leggings. My shoes were black and I had just let my hair flow down to my side.
I went halfway down the stairs before I realised that I had forgotten my phone upstairs.
Sighing softly, I climbed back up the stairs to get it.

Sighing softly, I climbed back up the stairs to get it

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"Good morning" greeted Calypso.
She was wearing a really nice purple two-piece that matched with her eyes.
"Morning" I replied, "Should we head downstairs?"
"Alright, lemme just grab my phone"
A minute later, she came out.
"Stephanie said that we would meet her and the others at Alfea"
She informed.
"Okay, let's eat breakfast and we can head out."
We climbed down the stairs in Sync.
One we entered the kitchen, I immediately smelt my mother's famous Breakfast Pita-Pizza.
I knew Calypso smelt it too.
"Hmm" She breathed in.
We sat down at the table with my mum and my twin siblings.
Scarlett and Hunter were ten-year-olds. They both had green eyes and blonde hair. They looked the exact same except that Scarlett's hair was mid-back and Hunter's was shoulder length. I would say they were identical but I don't think that boys and girls can be identical.
They always dressed in grey and white. I still don't know why.
"Morning, Calypso, morning Ariel!" They both greeted. Lexi and Apollo came padding over to us.

"Sup my man," said Hunter to Apollo.
"Sup my girl," said Scarlett to Lexi.
"Yum, this is really good!" Complimented Calypso. "Can you give me the recipe? Maybe I could try to make it with Juniper next holiday"
"Sure and thanks" My mum replied, trying to hide the smile on her face that a The Princess Of Majesty Liked Her Food.
It was now 9.00.
"I think we should start heading to Alfea" I suggested and passed Lexi to Calypso, Apollo was to be collected by Juniper, Calypso's sister, in the afternoon. "Anyway, Scarlett and Hunter have school."
Their school starts at 9.30 and they come back at 3.30.
"Alright then, bye girls" Waved my mum.
"Your dad asked me to say goodbye because he had to go to work early." She said to me.
"It's ok. Bye!"
Calypso covered her face with a mask. I don't know why she does it but then again, her name means 'she who conceals'.

We arrived at the bus station after about fifteen minutes. I adjusted my coat. The only reason I can actually survive here for a long period of time is 'cause I can use my lion powers to warm me.

"It's like a thirty-minute bus ride, right?" I asked as we sat down.

"Yep, these intergalactic buses move really fast," Ariel replied.

"Alright then, I'll just try to finish this book, its called 'Something In The Water'"

"Cool name"

I quickly checked the time on my phone, 9.19.


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As we were getting off the bus, we saw a fiery redhead enter.

"Yo, Ariel and urm.. purple hair... Calypso!" Called Arisa. "The others are waiting for you at the gates, bye!"

"Thanks, and bye!" I replied, whilst Ariel waved.

We watched as the bus drove away.

"Let's go now, we don't want to keep the other waiting, do we?" Began Ariel. "Oh, and we need to go and get our room keys."

"Alright, alright," I replied and pulled my suitcase along and placing Lexi on top.

"Calypso! Ariel!" Called out Trinity. "Over here."

I waved vigorously to her and picked up my speed.

"We're second years!" Shouted Stephanie.

"And I'm the first year!" Shouted a blonde hair and green-eyed girl who sounded slightly similar to Stephanie's voice.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, guys this is Bai-" Began Stephanie before she got interrupted.

"Hi!" The blonde greeted. "I'm Bailey Rayne Cepter, the second princess in Lynog and Stephanie's first younger sister.

"I've heard about you," Answered Ariel, "Welcome to Alfea! Now come on Bailey, we need to get you to the courtyard for The Ruler's speech."

"The ruler?" Questioned Bailey.

"Ms Griselda" Replied Trinity. "I'd get on her good books if I were you, we are all on her bad side and it isn't fun."

"Although," Started Elena, "You being Stephanie's sister might automatically put you in her bad books"

We all laughed.

"Let's go," I urged whilst Lexi walked in front of us., "we need to get our keys."

" And see what room Bai is in, if there are any mean girls, be sure to tell me Bai and I'll kick their arses." threatened Stepanie.

"That reminds me," Began Bailey. " What powers do you all have?"

"All of them, I'm the guardian of Domino" Said Elena.

"Fairy of waves at your service." Said Aqua

"Fairy of Electricity," Said Trinity.

"Wildlife, but you already know that" Stephanie replied.

"I'm Ariel, the fairy of The icy seas, weird one, I know."

"Calypso, Fairy of lions," I said, the asked. "How about you?"

"Bailey, Fairy of Necromancy and Light, pleasure to meet you," she smiled.

"Who would have thought that you had Necromancy?" Asked Trinity "your so bubbly, I would have thought it was only light"

"Haha yeah". Bailey replied.
"Wait." Interrupted Aqua "what is Necromancy?"
"Basically," began Bailey, "Necromancy is a spiritual power, I can talk to spirits, summon them, travel to the world of dead/spirits and more"
"Alright let's go get our names on the list"
We walked over and everyone said their names.
"Miss Bailey, I do hope you won't cause as much trouble as your sister did." Warned Ms Griselda.
"Yes miss" replied Bailey and she hurried over to us.
Next, we listened to Headmistress Faragonda's speech and were about to collect our keys.

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