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Calypso seemed to look a little frustrated with herself but I brushed it off after she put a smile on her face.

"We really made it," Murmured Stephanie.

"Of course we did" Trinity muttered.

"Just be careful," I warned. "Just because we came here a different way, doesn't mean people won't here us. Now Elena, let's begin the ritual"

"Okay so urm, first, I'm going to need all of us to sit in a circle." She mumbled.

We formed a circle and held hands.

"Now put the necklace in the middle." She added.

"How am I supposed to do that when we are holding hands?" Asked Stephanie.

"Well, you're obviously going to remove your hands, put it down, then put your hands back" Stated Elena, whilst rolling her eyes.

"No shigglenugget Sherlock" Replied Stephanie as she placed the necklace don.

"Huh?" Asked Trinity.

"Just a saying." She replied.

"Girls," I warned. "Let's try to focus."

"Alright, now I have to form these weird planet things, like a planet for the magical dimension, earth and *shudder* oblivion." Replied Elena.

"Okay..." She closed her eyes and her hair began to flow upwards a glow formed around her and started to spread to us. I looked up to notice my hone blonde hair rising up. Looking down, I noticed we were no longer on the floor, but floating up.

As we slowly drifted back to the floor, three planets formed in front of Elena, one was black, another was green and the last one was blue.

"Here comes the simple bit," She laughed. "She looked at Stephanie, I'm going to have to say her name out loud though."

Stephanie looked around as if scared of getting in trouble.


"Well, her full title is, Princess Royal, Duchess Harlow of Lynog" I gulped and silently hoped that the Sage's of Lynog would forgive me.

"Sorry," Began Trinity "But how do we know that your aunt isn't dead?"

There was an audible gasp.

"It's alright, you were just curious" I nodded in understanding. "Well,we had all thought of that but when Bailey was fourteen, she was able to speak to dead ghosts and travel to the world of dead, note this was before she got her light magic, so she did but everyone said that no one under that name or rank had entered through the portal of death."

"Oh okay," Said Trinity, "Sorry again."

"Back to what we were doing," Ariel pressed on.

"Oh yeah!" Elena remembered. "Find Princess Royal, Duchess Harlow of Lynog"

We waited...

And waited...

And waited...

Elena turned to me with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry, I don't think it worked."

"Aw man!" Groaned Trinity.

"So close yet so far..." Mumbled Stephanie.


I continued to look at the planets.

"Wait! I exclaimed. "Look, it worked!"

The girls turned to where I was looking, "she's on earth!"

Stephanie whipped out her phone and took pictures.

"Now we can tell Headmistress Faragonda!" She exclaimed.

"We can't tell her just yet, she's too busy with the first years, anyway we now have to do major planning if we want to be the ones to help her." I spoke quietly.

"I guess you're right..." Stephanie mumbled before her face brightened up and she ruffled my hair. "We're really close!"

"Hey!" I fakely scolded, "My type of hair is extremely hard to contain!"

"Alright, alright let's get going" laughed Ariel. "I for one want to get a good night sleep"

"Unlike Stephanie, who will be on her phone all night" Added Trinity.
"So true" replied Stephanie.

And just like that, the voice that was in my head yesterday had disappeared.
I got up, chose a purple baseball shirt, baseball bottoms and some white trainers and of course, socks.
I exited the shower fully clothed. Ariel had already left so I grabbed a book and walked into the living room.
"We're gonna head to the library" informed Stephanie.
"You, go to the library?" Laughed Bailey, who seemed to be sat on one of our chairs.
"Hey, I can be smart when I want to" Defended Stephanie and she popped on her round glasses.
"What about breakfast?" Ariel asked.
"Forget breakfast," Stephanie replied. "We can get some snacks later."
"No way!" Argued Ariel. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!"

"Actually" Butted Aqua "Its dinner, because you need energy to survive the night and to not die."

Ariel gave her the 'shut up' look.

"Oops sorry" Aqua hushed.

"Now back to what I was saying..." Continued Ariel.
"Fine we can have breakfast" groaned Stephanie.

I had a strange feeling that this was how mornings we're going to be from now on.

"Alright, let's go now" I urged.

Elena walked beside me.

"How was your night?" She asked.
"Quite peaceful," I replied. "I had a few flashbacks but it was nothing special."
" I have a question," Elena asked.
"Go on," I answered.

"How do you walk around normally, I know you're not The Guardian, and you don't have many powers but how do you walk around or live without stress balls and all that?" She asked.

"Well," I began.
" I meditate a lot but mostly, when I read, it takes me to another person's life and I guess it just helps to pretend to be them."
"So what am I supposed to do?" She asked curiously,her eyes turning turquoise.
"Well... You paint so maybe, when you paint, try to picture an emotion from it or when you feel a certain emotion, paint it."
Her eyes turned green.
I saw that we had reached the cafeteria.


I thought hard about what Calypso had said, however my thoughts stopped short when Trinity dragged me towards the queue.

I grabbed seven trays, plates, knives forks and spoons.
I passed them out to Stephanie, Ariel, Calypso, Trinity, Bailey and Aqua.

They all murmured a quick thank you.

"Oohh," gushed Trinity, "I'm getting waffles!"

"I'm getting toast," simultaneously stated Bailey and Stephanie. They looked at each other and collapsed into fits of laughter.

"Alright you two," chuckled Ariel. "Let's get food, I hear some nice eggs calling my name."

"As do I!"Added Calypso.

"Pancakes for me" smiled Aqua.

"I'll get crossaints and some nice hot chocolate" I said.

Trinity was done and was waiting for us. "Doesn't that make you sleepy?" She asked.
"Not for me" I answered.

The Gemlix Club Book 2Where stories live. Discover now