It's cursed...

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"Elena!" Someone called.

I turned to look at the direction of the voice.

"Hey, Arisa!" I called, waving at her.

We hugged and after chatting for a while, we saw Stephanie, Ariel and Trinity.

"Hey, guys!" Trinity called, waving enthusiastically.

We replied and Stephanie finally noticed her brother.

"Cyrus!" She called, running into her brother's already open arms.

It felt nice to have a sibling, however, I was thankful for my cousins. Arisa ruffled my hair when she caught me staring.

"You've got me. Don't worry."

I smiled at her.

"I'll call Falen," Aqua informed as she turned away from the group.

"Aright Arisa!" Cyrus called, "Let's fight."

Arisa rolled her eyes, "It's not a fight, it's a spar. I told you yesterday."

"Guys," Aqua called, walking back over to us. "The other's said we should meet in their dorm."

"Is that allowed?" Ariel asked. "It doesn't seem very appropriate."

"Michael gained permission, we just said that it was for help on machinery, which is technically true. And we're only allowed in the living room." Trinity informed.

"Oh alright..." Ariel agreed after moments if silence.

After saying bye to Arisa and Cyrus, we set off to the boys' dorms'.

"Aqua, guys!" Falen called. "I'll lead the way."



We arrived in the room. I stood awkwardly at the side whilst the girls made themselves comfortable.

"Hey girls," Tyler greeted as he walked into the living room. He was followed by the other guys.

"We were quite shocked by Trinity's call about you guys needing a ship. We do have one, however, there is a slight problem."

"And that is?" I asked the girls and I shared a look of confusion.

"The ship is cursed," Micheal stated. The girls and I, except Calypso, burst out laughing.

"Cursed?" Elena asked, her eyes glowing green with amusement.

"Hey this is serious, it was the Alpola. The strongest ship Red Fountain has ever seen before a measly lightning strike brought it to its end. It's cursed because it was so strong and got destroyed by something so weak." Eldon explained.

"So can't you just fix it?" Aqua asked cocking her head to the side in confusion. Calypso told me that she did that a lot. I had started to notice too.

"Well, it was built with machinery magic, we know how to fix it however it won't work with our tools," Jadon explained. They were trying to do something. Calypso gave me a look. I replied with a nod.

"So what do you want us to do?" Calypso mumbled from behind her mask.

"What?" Chris asked, obviously not hearing her.

"She asked what you want us to do," I replied.

"Well, we need you to borrow the tools for us...then we can return it!"

"I'm not getting in trouble for leaving again," Trinity stated, shaking her head.

"No!" Tyler tried. "It'll be more of a day trip, just go on Saturday and come back before Alfea's barrier goes back up."

"Some of us have classes," I added.

"You said some, not all." Tyler continued. "It'll be fine."

"Okay, we'll go next week, you guys have to be planning though, because I'm not paying for the travel," Trinity stated. "Where are we even going?"

"Andros." The boys stated.

"Do you know how far that is?!" Aqua burst out, she didn't look angry. Her eyes still held that mischievous spark. "You'd never get there in a day travelling normally, it only goes fast for the beginning of the school year, I'd have to leave at four if I wanted to get there! And it's further than Lastrix!"

"Well, we were hoping you could go there via Ariel's snow portals?" Jadon replied, looking at me. Trying to sort of distract Aqua.

"That was fun. Omg. Retake!" She squealed. We all ignored her.

"You can't tell me what to do...but fine..." I replied. Cheers erupted in the room.


We rode back to Alfea on the hoverbikes I made, although I had to make three more for the others. So, after a quick riding lesson, we headed back to Alfea.

"So, Stephanie and I have cooking class tomorrow so that's why we can't go tomorrow," Ariel explained as we walked into her and Calypso's room. Both sides were nicely decorated and you could see a clear image of both their characters.

"But we have the class early because of the freezer thing, can't we just go after?" Stephanie asked, taking a seat on Ariel's bed. She looked out of the window and so did it.

The leaves on trees were slowly beginning to turn to a reddish colour. Autumn was coming. Leaves had already begun to fall and Trinity had even told us and showed that she had already starting putting most of her warmer clothes in her closet and the cooler ones in her suitcase.

I, on the other hand, had done nothing relating to that subject.

"Oh yeah..." Ariel drifted off for some time before resuming again. "I did not think about that option."

"So," I asked. "Where are the tools? And why are they in Andros and not let's say Zenith perhaps?"

"Well, when I was younger, I learnt that the tools are in a museum in Andros." Elena began.

"Sweet!" Stephanie exclaimed. "I've always wanted to rob a museum, can we wear masks?"

We all ignored that statement.

"And they're in Andros because the techno fairy was raised in Andros. She didn't want to be stereotypical and move to a technological planet, you get me?" Elena continued.

"Oh yeah, definitely," I replied, totally understanding. Stereotypes were still a big thing that had to be addressed.

"You know what I wanna do this year?" Stephanie asked.

We looked at her in question. As if to say 'go on'.

"I wanna go on a mission."

I looked at her in a duh tone.

"We are, you're forgetting that everything we're doing now is about your aunt."

I said.

"Oh yeah, are you guys okay with that?" Stephanie inquired. "I forgot to ask."

"Yh, I've always wanted adventure in my life," Elena stated.

We all nodded in agreement.

Adventure was something everyone did.

Whether it was saving someone or just going outside your bedroom. Everything was an adventure, as long as you tried something new.

Hope you all liked this chapter. Don't forget to vote, comment and share. AccidentalJenius x

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