My freshman life be like

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Taliah woke up with a craving. Not just any ordinary craving like pancakes or ice cream,but she had a craving for. . . . Making love. Yeah I said it! She knew what she wants,and she knew who to get it from. She heard footsteps coming up the stairs and got scared. She pulled the comforter over her head. The footsteps began to increase in volume. "I don't want no trouble Jesus!" She clutches the thick blanket into her hand and begins to shake. "Taliah, baby you up?"said Khalil,holding the plate of food in one hand,and a cup of Orange juice in the other. "Oh;it's just you."said Taliah,exhaling in relief. "What you mean it's just me? What,you thought I was somebody else?" There was a long silence between the two. "I don't know. So is that for me?"said Taliah pointing at the plate and smiling. "Uhhh--- no." Said Khalil. Her smile slowly faded and turned into a demonic face. Khalil then chuckled,and walked over to her bed. "I'm kidding;sure its for you." Khalil then sat next to Taliah,and gave her a kiss on the lips. "So,what is it?" "It's an omelet. You likes,right?" Taliah began to giggle. "Yeah I likes."responded Taliah. "Try some."said Khalil,feeding her a chunk of food. " Mmmmmm,Khalil this so good . . . ." "Now this is the second time you said that!" Khalil confronted. Taliah was at a lost how that just popped up instead of a "thank you" or "you know I try my best to make you happy". "Okaaaay,when did I ever say it before now?" Khalil gave her one of those you know when looks,and then bit his lip. "Get your mind out of the damn gutter!"said Taliah,shoving Khalil. He started crying laughing,and she couldn't do nothing but join along with him. "You know I love you."said Khalil,wrapping his arms around Taliah and kissing her on the cheek. "I love you too baby."said Taliah. Khalil starts kissing her on her neck.(just what everyone's waiting for,huh?) Taliah turns herself around and wraps her arms around his neck. She then lays down on the bed. "Are you for this? 'Cause da last time you couldn't handle it. . . . " said Khalil,clowning. Taliah rolles her eyes and nods.(she's gonna nodding alot in this story.) He then takes off her big Jackson family reunion t-shirt off,and shows her sports bra. He starts to slowly kiss her stomach. "You like that,don't you?" Taliah didn't answer his question the way she wanted to answer it. Instead,she said"Mmmhmm." What she really wanted to say was,"My nigga;could you hurry this up so I can go?! I got things to do,and places to be baaby. I ain't got time for none of 'dis sh#t!" He then losses the indigo blue gym shorts and faded red briefs. "You like what you see?" Taliah got all hot and bothered inside. Looking him up and down,she then said "come here chocolate daddy!

There's a time and a place for all this;but today,just ain't the day.;-)


The door is pounding like crazy. "Baby don't answer the door;it might be your tight ass boss Raymond."said Khalil,over exaggerating the name Raymond. "It might be one of them hoes you was messing with before me." Said Taliah,clapping her hands,making it seem ghetto. So Khalil decided he wanted to answer the door;you never know,It maybe one of his old ex's. He opened the door and threw his hands up in the air. "Taliah;it's your sister Aaliyah." He rolled his eyes. Aaliyah pushes Khalil out of her way. "Nice to see you too,bighead." Said Aaliyah,laughing and hugging Taliah. "What's up lee lee?" said Taliah.(short for Aaliyah) "Well not much. since I am a senior,there's just nothing to do but tell you freshman that staying in college is a competition."said Aaliyah,going into their refrigerator. "Don't you eat? I mean every time she comes over,she heads to the fridge. Do us a favor,and STAY OUT!" Said Khalil. "Leave my sister alone baby;can't you see she's sad?"said Taliah. Khalil was confused,he didn't see any sign of Aaliyah being sad. "Why she sad?" "This is her last year. . . . " "so what's the problem? If this is your last year,you need to cheer up."said Khalil,patting Aaliyah on the back.

"Shut up,Jaboris!"said Aaliyah. Taliah's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She starts laughing. "Oowww! She called you by your middle name."said Taliah,laughing some more. Khalil bald his fist and breadth heavily. "You mad? Good!" said Aaliyah. He was trying not to laugh at the way Aaliyah rolls her eyes like a monkey. The image coming to his head over,and over,and over,and over again. He couldn't help but let out a big laugh. "Look at your damn face when you did that. Look,don't do that around me again." He continued to laughing. He saw the seriousness on both of their faces,and faded his laughs and chuckles and giggles away with a "Hmmmmm. . . . ." Aaliyah then sucked her teeth,followed by her eyes rolling again. Needless to say,he laughed again;but he played it off with a cough. "I better get going. I'll be seeing you tee tee."said Aaliyah,hugging her sister again.(short for Taliah) Then she left.

"Khalil,why in the hell are you mean to her?" said Taliah. "She was being mean to me when I used to come over to y'all house and see you. But oh,not today! Today I got retaliation,revenge,and getback. Yes I did,yes I did." Said Khalil. Taliah began snickering. "Okay,she was kinda mean to you. . . ." "Kinda?! That bitch was mean as hell!" "Ayyyee! That's my sister okay?"said Taliah. Khalil then gave her the I'm sorry face. She loved that cute little face so she couldn't stay upset at him. He wrapped his arms around her waist,and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her head is then buried in his chest. He raises her hand,and kisses her. "I love you Taliah."said Khalil,rubbing the side of her face. "You know I love you too."said Taliah,kissing his forehead. She grabbed his hand,and pulls him into the other room. He shuts the door and locks it.

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