The perfect couple

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Taliah is cooking,and Dominic is taking a shower. He comes out the shower,and downstairs to the kitchen. "Good morning,beautiful."said Dominic,kissing Taliah on the cheek. "Good morning,my love."said Taliah. "So what you cooking?" "Breakfast."said Taliah. "Mmmm,smells good;but I'm not hungry."said Dominic,wrapping his arms around Taliah. "What do you want?"asked Taliah. "Milk."said Dominic. "There's some in the refrigerator. Want me to pour you a glass?"asked Taliah. "I want chocolate milk."said Dominic,in a sweet innocent voice. "Where you finna get chocolate milk from?"asked Taliah,turning off the stove. Before he could say anything,he looked down at Taliah breasts,and began to smirks. "No uh uh. You ain't getting none of this milk."said Taliah,pointing at her chest. "Fine. Can I have you,then?"said Dominic,giving Taliah a turn-on face. "Just make it quick."said Taliah. He then grabs her by her thighs,and puts her on the kitchen counter. "Boy,you so nasty."said Taliah,wrapping her arms around his neck. They shared kisses. Dominic then takes off her pink panties,and leaves her top on. He then takes his towel off,and puts his penis in her. She let out a loud moan and grips on the side of the counter. "I love you so much,baby."whispered Taliah into Dominic's ear. She then starts kissing and licking and sucking his ear. He loves the ways she does that. He then hit a sweet spot,which caused her to slap him in the face.Hard. "so violent."said Dominic,going at it again. "Mmmmmmm."moaned Taliah. He started going at it faster and stronger. Taliah then got louder. She felt him inside of her stomach(weird,right?).

She then came,and ended it nice and smooth. Dominic then put the towel back on and gave Taliah her panties to put on. "Can you fix me a plate before I leave?" asked Dominic. "Sure;where you going?" Said Taliah. "Work."responded Dominic "Okay."


A hour later. . . . . . .

Dominic comes downstairs with his Aeropostale® v-neck t-shirt on,joggers,Jordan brand shoes,with a Chicago bulls snapback,and a gold chain around his neck. "You gonna call me later?"asked Taliah,giving him his keys. "Yeah. I got to go,I love you."said Dominic,kissing her. "Bye." Then Dominic leaves.

Not everybody in this world has that kind of relationship;and if they do,it won't last--at least not like that. Love one another as Jesus Christ loves us;unconditionally.

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