Let the wedding bells ring

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Today's the day,what you all have been waiting for. The most exciting day ever! The day Taliah and Dominic get married. I'm so excited,and I just can't hide it,I'm about lose my mind. This wasn't the end;this is a new beginning. The begging of a long lasting relationship. The begging of something huge. The begging of a new generation. The climax of love.

"Will you take Taliah Demetrius Tatum;to be your lawfully wedded wife,for richer or for poor,in sickness and in health,till death do you part?"said the preacher. With no hesitations,Dominic answered with an,"I do." "Will you take Dominic Ty'darius Griffin;to be your lawfully wedded husband,for richer or for poor,in sickness and in health,till death do you part?" "I do."answered Taliah,with tears coming down her face. "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your lovely bride."continued the preacher. They shared a passionate kiss. Everyone was clapping and cheering for them,as they walked down the aisle.

The reception. . . . .

(wobble playing)

Dominic and Taliah got on the dance floor and began to dance to the music. All of Dominic's cousins got their phones out and started to video tape it.

All my ladies in the room let me see ya just,
Push it up push it let me see ya just,
Hey Big girl,let me back it up;
Let me back it up

"You better dance,baby!"said Taliah,watching Dominic dance. Everybody was dancing to the music,having fun. It was like a reunion,but without the fights. Did I just say that? oopsss. . . .

A glass was clinging. Everyone got quiet so Dominic could talk. "First off,I wanna thank everybody for coming out and supporting me and my lovely bride;and secondly,I wanna thank 'erbody for sending us congratulations cards and gifts,thank you;and last but not least,I wanna to say something to my beautiful wife. Baby,I wanna thank you for putting up with me. I love you so much,and I care about you. I can't imagine my life without a you in it." Tears started coming from his eyes,so he wiped him. He was getting ready to say something else,but he just started crying again. The crying began spreading,like a virus. Taliah then cried,then her mom,then his family and friends,soon enough almost everyone was crying. Dominic then got up enough courage to say what he was going to say. "I know that b-b-being with me is hard,but you've changed so much of me;and I thank you. I love you."said Dominic. "I love you too,baby."mouth Taliah,as she blew him a kiss.
To Dominic and Taliah;may they have a happy,long,everlasting,blessed marriage. Keep God first,and you'll stay together.

(K-Ci and Jojo all my life playing)

Dominic reached his hand to Taliah,in favor of a dance. She grabbed his hand,and was led to the dance floor. She wrapped her arms around his neck,and he wrapped his arms around her waist. As they waltzed to the music,their minds weren't focused on who was watching,it was focused on them. As they continued to dance slowly,they thought to themselves how the future was going to be like. The more they thought about it,the more love they give each other. Taliah laid her head on Dominic's chest,and he kissed her on her forehead. To think that they are gonna spend the rest of their lives together. . . . .

*Comment on my book*
Check out my book "The Significance of Love" . I apologize for deleting "The friendship trap house",it wasn't my thing. God bless you and I'll see you when I see you.

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