The real you

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Four months later. . . . .

(Khalil's walking back and forth,cussing under his breath)

(Taliah walks in happy)

Taliah:Hey Baby! How was your d--- babe you okay?

Khalil walks up to Taliah,and pushes her."You,Are nothing but a straight HOE!"

Taliah: (sobbing) What did I do to you?!

Khalil:I found out about the date you went out on;and with my boy Dominic? Are you out of your fuckin mind?"

Taliah:This was FOUR MONTHS AGO! Why are you bringing it up now?

(Khalil then grabs her arm)

Khalil:Don't you ever raise your voice at me again! I am your man,not some punk ass nigga you can just push around you understand me?"

He then grips on tighter to her arm. "Khalil stop you're hurting me!"said Taliah,trying to yank away from him. "I ain't hurt yo' ass yet."said Khalil,letting go of her wrist. She finally realized what kind of man Khalil really was. . . . a crazy nigga! He wasn't drinking or smoking or sniffin 'dat hoowee;that's just who he really is.

"What the hell is going on with you?"said Taliah,crying. Khalil then chuckled,expecting Taliah to make him feel sorry. "There's nothing going on with me,I'm just fine! But there's something going on with yo' thotty ass!"said Khalil,pointing at Taliah as though she was the suspect,and he was the victim. "Baby whatever I did,I'm sorry. You know you acting like a little b--" "I wish you would say bitch!" I wish. . . . "I was going to say a childish Bastard!" ( that was close enough.) Khalil laughs,then backhanded her.

Slaaaaaap! Taliah then falls on the ground and cries louder. "Shut your ass up!"said Khalil kicking her in the stomach. "Bitches like you make me sick to my stomach." said Khalil,going in the other room,and slamming the door.

Taliah's p.o.v.

I am so mad right now! How could he do this to me? I give him my heart,and he fuckin broke like it was glass! I know that going out someone I don't know is bad,but Dominic was only trying to help my birthday become better;it's not like we did anything stupid! I can't believe Khalil. I wanna just-- just-- just--

(End p.o.v.)

Taliah rans to the kitchen,grabbed a knife,and started filing the edges. After she filed it,she looked at the knife as it shined in the light;"perfect."said Taliah. She walked to the room,and opened the door. . . .

What is Taliah gonna do with that knife? Is she gonna kill Khalil? Stay tuned. . . . .

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