The date

15 0 0

Later that evening. . . .

Taliah thought that it wouldn't hurt to go out with a friend. But,her problem is telling her boyfriend Khalil. She don't care,though. She's 19,has her own place and car,she can make her own choices. She then pulls out the "Good god" dress. It's laced up in the back,and silky in the front. It shows your curves,your edges,you butt,and your boobs. This is indeed gonna be a night to remember.

(Taliah brushes the ends of her wavy hair)

Khalil:"why you all dressed up?"

(Taliah pauses)

Taliah:"I'm going out with my friends."


(Walks away,but then turns around)

Khalil:"Baby,I wanna apologize for what I said earlier. I didn't mean to not get you anything,its just-- I feel I've already given you what you need-- love."


Taliah:"you have,trust me."

(Puts on eye liner)

Khalil:"well I hope you enjoy your birthday."

(Walks over and kisses her,walks away)

Five minutes later . . . .

(Taliah comes out of the room)

(Taliah leave out the front door)

(Waits outside)

(Dominic pulls up;gets out of car)

Dominic starts looking Taliah up and down and bits his bottom lip. "Damn girl! You look amazing."said Dominic,smiling from ear to ear. Taliah gets a little intimidated from his words. "Thank you."said Taliah,flicking her hair back. "So,where are we going?"continues Taliah. "How did you know we were going something?"asked Dominic. Taliah rolled her eyes." I'm not stupid;I know what wear something nice means."said Taliah. Dominic then opens the door for Taliah. Taliah then grabs Dominic's hand,and steps in the car. "The Lord."said Dominic,getting in the car,and driving away.


In the restaurant. . . . .

"Good evening,you two. Maybe I take your orders?"says the--- waiter.

Yall thought I was finna say cashier? At some drive thru window? :-D

"Yes,I would like your baked chicken with a side of potato wedges. Thank you."said Dominic. "And what will it be for the lovely lady?"asked the waiter.

                 Taliah's p.o.v.

Perhaps a salad will do--- but I'm soooo hungry! What I really wanted to do was go to the drive thru at Angus Burger's shack!

"I'm gonna go with the your pork chops,a nice large juicy steak,fully cooked; side of onion rings,french fries,and . . . . a nice salad. Thank you."said Taliah,smiling how ever so fake.

"May I interest you in a beverage?"said the waiter. "Yes,can I get an ice tea,sweetened?"said Dominic. "I'll have the same."said Taliah. "Coming right up."

(Waiter comes back with drinks)

(Dominic & Taliah raise their glasses up)

"A toast; to the best incredible 19 years of your life,happy birthday Taliah."said Dominic,as they click their glasses together. Even though they've known each other for a short period of time,the toast made it seem like forever. Love,forever.

*Comment on my book*

Stay tuned for when Khalil shows who he really is to Taliah. . . . . . .

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