Chapter Eight

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Bruce Wayne adjusted his overcoat, nervous as he sat in the car. It had been almost a week since Joker was at the Batcave. He didn't want to send him back so early but he had no choice.
"I'm sure things will be alright."
"Yeah, I hope so."
Bruce sighed, leaning back in his seat. Alfred was driving so Bruce could handle Joker if he started being uncooperative, which was most likely. Bruce frowned, thinking about his surprise visit a few days ago.

Batman jumped out of the Batmobile, frowning more than normal. He had brought Joker back to Arkham three nights ago, deciding to drop in for a visit. He had captured Twoface tonight so thought to kill two birds with one stone.
"Thank you, Batman, as always."
Batman nodded, watching them take Twoface away. He couldn't give them a chance to prepare for him, sneaking off to find Joker.

It didn't take long to find the new addition to the asylum, opening the door that leads to another hallway. He slowly walked through it, glaring as he saw two guards inside the cell. As he got closer he saw Joker, curled up on the ground. They made eye contact, a grin growing on Joker's face, quickly being replaced as he was grabbed by the wrists.
"Hands off the clown."
Batman said darkly, startling the guards. They dropped Joker to the floor.
"Batman! We didn't hear you come in."
"I would like to talk to the Joker. Alone."
"O-Of course!"
The two guards scurried off, leaving them be.

Bruce sighed, watching out the window as the car came to a stop.
"Thank you, Alfred."
He stepped out of the car, walking to the Asylum doors. He had planned this meeting on the phone yesterday, stepping inside to meet with the warden.
"Listen, I'm just going to get straight to the point."
Bruce started, sitting across from the warden.
"Batman contacted me wishing for me to lend a room to Joker. How much will I have to pay you for you to hand him over?"
"Money isn't everything Mr. Wayne. Are you sure Batman can handle everything?"
"As we have already discussed, I'm sure, or else I wouldn't be willing to pay for this."
He didn't care about the price as long as Joker was in his care.

It took a moment to get everything set, medication given to him in a paper bag. He set it in the car with Alfred as he waited for them to bring Joker out. Bruce frowned once they did. Joker was drugged, barely able to stay conscious. He had a straight jacket tightly binding his arms. Bruce opened the back door, letting the guard lead Joker inside. He thanked them once more before sitting in the passenger seat, Alfred driving off.

Bruce sighed, picking up the Joker from the backseat. Joker was barely conscious, groaning as he was moved from the comfy seats.
Joker whimpered, leaning into Bruce. Bruce stayed quiet and walked upstairs after Alfred. Alfred unlocked and opened the door, heading inside to put the medication down. The door unlocked and locked with a keycard, only one made. It couldn't be used from inside just in case the card was left. Bruce carefully put Joker in the bed, startled when the collar of his shirt was grabbed.
"Don't leave me Batsy... Please... Don't..."
"I'm not going anywhere, it's okay."
Bruce said, trying to mimic the voice modulator. He relaxed when Joker's hand lowered.
"Better... Not..."
Bruce smiled as he saw Joker get comfortable.
"I hope it wears off soon... We don't want him drowsy all day."
"Speak for yourself."
Bruce gave Alfred a stern look, knowing quite well it was a joke.
"I'll stay with him for a bit."
Alfred nodded, leaving the keycard on the table along with the paper bag.

"Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, borderline personality disorder, Insomnia... Damn. He'll probably need PTSD meds now too."
Bruce thought out loud, reading the medication list. He almost jumped out of his skin as Joker spoke.
"Where's Batman?"
"He's not here right now. I see you're feeling better?"
Joker said nothing, looking around the room. The closet had some clothes hanging up, the window blocked by a soft red curtain. The bedding matched the curtains.
How cheesy.
He thought, sliding himself further under the blanket.
"Don't you want to change? There's a bathroom if you need to shower. All those clothes are yours, they don't fit me, both literally and figuratively."
Joker frowned. He was in fact still in the Arkham uniform.
"I won't pass the bed, its okay."
Bruce focused back on the medication, letting Joker do whatever he wished. He smiled as he felt the bed shift, less weight on it now. The soft carpet blocked most footsteps but the tile bathroom didn't, Bruce listening to Joker walk to the bath. He got up and put the pills back in the bag, grabbing the keycard before leaving. With a smile he locked the door.

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