Chapter 15

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Joker groaned, waking up to the sound of a car. He had dozed off while Batman was gone, not bothering with his medication if he would be woken soon. He sat up, wrapped in the blanket he was given. Batman exited the Batmobile, Joker watching as he walked over, a kiss planted on his cheek. Joker smiled, eyes not leaving him for a second. He jumped as a bag was placed next to him, told not to touch before he turned to change. His hair stuck up everywhere once he removed the cowl, Joker giggling.
"Oh, you think that's funny now?"
Batman smirked, leaning into Joker. He was too close so he leaned away, Batman getting closer. He flinched as his hair was touched. Batman quickly pulled away, seeing the tears starting to fill his eyes.
"Sorry. I was just thinking-..."
Batman sighed. Joker stayed quiet, burying his face in the blanket. Batman mentally cursed himself out. He thought he had been going too fast but didn't act on it.
"I'm so so sorry..."
He sighed. No amount of apologizing would help. He sighed and went to finish getting changed. Bruce was better at dealing with emotions than him.

Batman came back after a quick shower, making sure he was mostly dry. He frowned as he saw the way Joker clung to himself. He didn't know how much Bruce knew, but he figured it wasn't much.
He whispered quietly, not wanting to scare him. Joker turned to him, slightly startled.
"I uh... I'm sorry... Again."
"It's okay."

Batman sat next to him, surprised the bag was untouched. He brought the bag in-between them, looking at Joker expectantly. He watched him slowly reach in. The first thing he grabbed was a stuffed bear dressed as Batman. It was worn, an eye replaced by a light blue button.
"How did you..."
"I have my ways."
Joker opened the bag more, pulling out a pack of fairy lights. It was a big bag and he barely cleared the top.
"Did you rob my house!?"
"Wasn't much of a house."
"So? I lived there."
"Does that mean here is now your house?"
Joker went quiet.
"I-I guess..."
Batman smiled slightly, carefully taking the lights and putting them back in the bag.
"Come. Let's finish upstairs."
Joker nodded, arms wrapped tightly around the bat-bear.

"This isn't my room."
Joker said confused, carried into Bruce's.
"It is now."
Batman put Joker on the bed before leaving, Joker watching him cross the hall. He soon came back with his crutches and the clothes that were in the closet.
"That room will only be for emergencies. If there is an unwanted guest or a large party."
He placed the crutches on the end of the bed before climbing in with Joker. It was a massive bed, the two of them able to lay with a third between them. Yet they layed close, Joker snuggled against Batman as they unpacked the bag.
"Do you love me, or Bruce?"
Joker looked down. He didn't like choosing.
"I love both of you."
He whispered. Batman nodded.
"We love you too."

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