Chapter EIGHT - I Do

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Chapter EIGHT



"You seem nervous ma." I said as I looked over at her, taking my eyes awyay from the road. She smiled slightly and shook her head as she held Marion tighter in her arms. This would be a tense trip for the both of us, especially with both of the babies. Amani was sleeping in her car seat in the back & Marion was in my mother's arms as I drove to Dade County Correctional Facility to see the man that made me possible.

Today was their first visiting day after a long time, so we wanted to come out and check up on him to see how he was holding up in here. As much as I didn't want to bring Amani along with me, I did so she could finally meet one of her grandfathers. Andre and I had a big argument about me bringing her, but at the end of the day I made the decision final. I didn't want to go agains't what he said because it was his daughter as well as mine, but I wanted her to meet him.

I'd been released from the hospital about a week ago and things have been stressful every since then with this new life style. It's hard adjusting to having another person to look after 24/7, but she's worth it. I'm still staying in the apartment just as I was before I had the baby. Although Andre and I are back on good terms now, I don't think I'm ready to move back in with him just yet. I enjoy having just me & my girl alone, but that ends because he stays over everynight.

We pulled up to the facility and the guard at the gate opened them up for us. We found a close park ,both grabbed a car seat, and headed for the doors of a place I thought I'd never face. Today was a cold winter December day, best believe Amani was wrapped up in 2 shirts, socks, thick botties, warm pants, a jacket, and skully on her head. I wasn't taking any chances with my baby becoming sick. I just hope bringing her here was a good idea and not a bad one.

After going inside and being checked by the guards at the door, we were finally able to be escorted into the big open visiting room. They found us a table and we sat there and patiently waited on him to come out from the back.I mentally prepared myself to see my father after about 7 months of his departure. I was only a couple of months then, but now I was the same person with a new title.

"Are you okay mom?" I asked as I hugged my her from the side tightly. I could already tell this would be an emotional time for her, but I'd be here right by her side just like the last time we were here. She was the only thing I really had left other than my new family and baby brother.

"I'm fine, thanks baby girl." she smiled weakly and held her hands together tightly as she took a deep sigh.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out quickly. I rolled my eyes at the name that popped up on the screen, but didn't hesitate to open the message and read every last word of it.

Hubby- Aye, call me when you get back. I'm out with Mac.

I simply shook my head in disapproval. If he was with Mac then you already knew he was doing something illegal that could land him in this very place, selling drugs. I thought this would all be over after Amani got here, but I guess I was highly mistaken. I learned now that, a nigga gone do what he want to do and ain't nothing gone stop that. Some people just never change and I'm sensing that in Andre right now.

The buzzer beeped from the door and in walked a man that looked so familiar, yet so unfamiliar. He was dressed up in his orange jumpsuit with the number 131105 written above his pocket in black bold letters. I thought he'd look rough when we finally came face to face, but it look like he'd just had an haircut, his goatee was shaved neatly and he looked clean with the new reflexive Jordan 13s on his feet. How he manajed to get those were a mystery to me. I guess my dad still had his 'plugs' behind these walls.

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