.Part 5: Day 1 training.

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*****Another long chapter*****


"Up up up.... Come on Maddie get up." Petal squeals to me. I groan at her before looking at the clock which reads 8:30am. Why so early? I wondered "you've got training in an hour, now hurry up" she says like she knew what I was thinking. I walk into my on- suite locking the door and having a nice hot relaxing shower. I don't really have showers, well not with warm water. It's normally cold water if I have one.

I press the scent button letting me pick over 20 different scents. I decide to use the rose scent as it reminds me of the meadow next to the forest in district 8. When I'm finished in the shower I go back into my room to find the training clothes I'll be wearing today. It was a black top with black bottoms with '8' printed on the shoulders of my top. I put my hair into a fish tail braid leaving my face natural and making my way to the living area for breakfast. I find everyone already sitting down eating before I had even came in. I sit next to Aaron and we say 'hi' before I ask an avox for a 'pancake' which Aaron said he's had and they're delicious.

When it comes back it has strawberries and sugar on top. I scoff it down in minutes. "Right let's go we dont want to be late on the first day" Dominic says. "Dont try and show your main skill today, save as much as you can for the private sessions." Carrie advises us. "Show them you do have skill just not on your best weapon otherwise they will use it against you. Oh and whatever you do dont make yourself look weak, you'll be the first kill on their list." We both nod before me and Arron make our way to the lift to go down to the bottom floor/ basement; the training centre. "You nervous?" Arron asks me. "No not really are you?" I ask. "A little but more excited than anything." He says with a little chuckle. "Yes I guess, like Carrie said make sure you don't look weak, the careers always target the weak first" I confront him. He nods. "Okay" "good" I reply. The door opens and we start walking to the circle created by all the other tributes in the middle of the room. Looks like we're the last ones here. We are not late its just everyone's early thats all.

I stand next to Aaron and the district 6 boy, then the trainer started talking. "Morning everyone, now I'm going to start of with a simple rule, don't fight with the other tributes you'll have plenty of time for that in the arena" is all I hear before blanking out. Well that was until I could feel someone looking at me. I start to scan the other tributes trying to notice who it is until I came across district 2, Cato of course it had to be him. He winks at me again but I just ignore him going back to listening to the trainer.

"Blah blah blah........ you may begin" as I guessed the careers which is tributes from 1, 2 and 4 all scurried to the weapons, while tributes from 10-12 go to the climbing station. Me and Aaron however go over to the camaflage section to start off with.


Its now lunch and so far me and Aaron have stayed together at the camouflage section and at the poisonious station. At the moment me and Aaron are sitting on a table with Carrie and Dominic at our sides. We're talking about stragies when I couldn't keep my eyes away from Cato. He is sitting at a table a couple in front of us however sitting facing me. He's so gorgeous his hair, his muscles his..... Oh, shit he knows I've been looking as he's met my gaze and he's got a cocky smirk on his face, which is damn... pretty sexy I have to admit. He gives me a weak smile making me blush. Gosh Maddie what's up with me? I'm still blushing so I face away from him and turn back to Aaron.

Beep beep........

Everyone started to rise chucking things away and going back to their training obviously meaning its the end of lunch. Before Dominic leaves I ask him if I should show the other tributes that I can throw a spear and he said I should, so that's what I'm going to do.

I walk up to the spear station which I think Marvel? Comes to I've seen him and he's really good with a spear. Well anyway I walk up to it as I see the careers are having a break still and eyeing the other tributes. I pick up a spear and a trainer comes up to me "you sure your at the right station" He asks me unsure. "Excuse me?" I ask annoyed. "I just don't think this is the right station for you" he says. I chuckle "okay whatever you say" I walk away from him with my spear in hand, letting it mold to it like its a part of my hand and looking at the dummies before me. I go to the 15m mark from the dummy and im ready to throw. I take a deep breath before letting it fly in the air with so much force I didn't even know I had. The spear landed right in the centre of the dummies heart making a big thud when it hit it. I turn for another spear got one and let that one fly too. This one landed in the brain. I look around seeing the trainer who I spoke to earlier back away from me letting me walk by him. I also see the careers watching me shocked with what they had just witnessed. Well I would be shocked too if I just saw a girl from 8 throw a spear.

At least they know now what I'm capable of.

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