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Name| Ophelia Stride
Nickname(s)| Ophie, Effie (usually used by those that know her/ she close to; she doesn't care who calls her which)
Age| 19
Gender| Female
Sexuality| Bisexual
Physical Appearance| Ophelia herself has black hair that she keeps in a simple braid (usually slung over her shoulder), fair/ lightly tanned skin, thin eyebrows, and dark green eyes. She stands at a height of 5'7", and has a very slim figure.
Clothing| She wears a faded black hooded cape with a silver buckle holding it together, a pale grey dress with white wrappings on the arms, pale baby blue stockings, and grayish-black boots up to her knees. To top it off, she dons a single dark blue earring in her right ear, encased in a thin 'cage' of bronze.
Ethnicity| American
Personality| Ophelia herself has earned a reputation as a very quiet, very emotionally distant woman, often not allowing herself to get too close to anyone or speaking to people when it isn't needed. However, if she makes an exception, she'll warm up to being around a person, doing whatever it takes to defend those she cares about no matter the risk.
While she may seem like she wouldn't try to do anything to help resolve a situation or a person, she proves the contrary; she's a determined person, and will at least try to assist in resolving most problems.
Overall, she's a very distant and reserved person in many social situations, but when it's needed, she's persistent and determined when it comes to fighting (when she believes that she should get involved) and defending those she cares about/ feels close to.
Likes| Warm places, hiding away in her cape hood when an ordinary social situation becomes awkward, dark and muted colors, being able to get away with her silence, and messing with her earring when she gets the time.
Dislikes| Being forced to interact with people when she doesn't want to/need to, having absolutely no clue what she needs to do in and out of fights, anything cold, being dragged into situations she would have no involvement in otherwise, and being forced to talk.
Backstory| She grew up in a small country town, dead in the center of America to her father Jeremy and her mother Delilah. Her relationship with her parents was normal and fine up until she was seven, when her father disappeared out of the blue. Afterwards, Delilah just became strict and controlling, making sure that Ophelia did whatever she wanted and didn't give her much control in what she could do or say out of fear that her daughter would disappear like her husband. It was during this time that she began noticing- or more likely acknowledging- her Stand Bloodwater, as she considered him her only friend up until she ran off to Japan.
Crush| Cherry boi (kakyoin-)
Blood Type| A-
Other| •Despite the fact that she usually doesn't talk, she still finds ways to communicate; she'll mouth what she wants to say, use a few simple hand signals, or write her thoughts down (if she gets the chance.)
•She knows some basic first aid; granted, she can only treat minor injuries, but it's better than nothing.
•Ophelia always has her cape on- no matter what, even when she sleeps, she never takes it off.

Stand User or Nah?| Stand User
Stand Name and Ability| Bloodwater- it can manipulate its own acid to create almost anything (e.g, weapons, defensive barriers, etc.)
Stand Stats|
Range: B
Durability: D
Potential: C

here's my terrible oc-
(I'll go back and add Bloodwater's details later-)

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