Mafia Wife

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Current Name|Francesca Cassoeula
Dead/Former Name| Angela 'Angie' Piadina
Age| 22
Gender| Female
Sexuality| Bisexual
Crush| TBA (maybe)
Physical Appearance| Francesca, simply put, has a very warm and tender look to her- she has very mellowed, lightly tanned skin and rounded features all around, which makes her seem very approachable and friendly in nature. She has dyed strawberry blonde hair that falls just below her neck that she normally keeps up with a few locks clipped back and the ends curled upwards. She has round, pale blue eyes and thin lips: she looks very neat and organized save for an odd birthmark stretching across her face, which is a thin line that stretches from the corner of her left eyebrow down to the right side of her jaw- she often refers to this as 'a slipped sculpter's chisel' mark. She looks relatively small compared to others, standing at a height of 5'1".
Clothing|Francesca, while she normally may change up her wardrobe, normally has one common element in her clothing; a white leotard that she wears under just about everything that shows off a majority of her back. Over this, she dons a pale pink see through shirt with long, puffy sleeves that tighten around her wrists and a see througu assymetrical burgundy skirt that stops just below her knee. With this, she wears high black leather boots with heels that make her stand at 5'3", with the boots themselves reaching up to her knees (she normally ends up hiding something like a knife or something inside one of her boots). She also wears some jewelry- more specifically a pair of diamond stud earrings and her wedding ring, which has a hidden compartment underneath the moonstone gem where she can hide stuff (something she requested herself when she got the rings.)

Personality| At a first glance, Francesca seems like a normal housewife, let alone a mafia wife; she seems very caring in nature, as well as very sweet and bubbly. Not only that, but she could easily be dubbed a perfect trophy wife; quiet and gentle, with a dedication to taking care of people and a loyalty to her loved ones. And, for the most part, this guess is right: she really is a loving and bubbly person that would do just about anything for people, so that's not entirely off.
But, like anyone else, she has another side to her.
She's far from the naive thing many people believe her to be; more often than not she's able to catch onto something quick if she doesn't already know about it. Not only that, but she knows how to pull strings to try and get what she wants; either through using her looks or force, it doesn't really matter to her. And the especially odd thing with all of this is that she can switch between personalities quickly; she can go from innocently bringing out food and chatting with people to slamming a person's head into the table in an instant. Of course, she doesn't do this mindlessly; if she's not doing it to get answers or defend herself, she's doing it to protect a loved one.

Likes| Music, cooking, dancing, going out for long walks in the sun, watching the sun rise, having something to care for, and the botanical gardens near her childhood home.
Dislikes| Silence for long periods, anything overly sour, sitting still for long periods of time, quite a few fellow Passione members (*cough* especiallyPolpoandLuca *cough*), the rain, yelling, and being alone in her apartment.

Backstory| Francesca was originally born in Milan to wealthier parents under the name Angela Piadina, and quickly took up domestic tasks- she would follow the maids around and help them out, so she grew acquainted with handling things around the house quickly. Of course, as she grew up she also took up the arts, particularly dance; this love of dance would eventually transfer over to a career as a nightclub dancer, where she would soon meet her future husband Giuseppe Cassoeula. He asked a friend of a friend- the boss of the club- to bring the then 17 year old over, which he did; and, being unaware of his status of a member of Passione's 'tax collection' branch, she decided to start dating him. Her parents decided to dig into the history of Giuseppe and presented the evidence of his working with the mafia to their daughter, and- even with the threat of being disowned being held over her head- she continued to date him, loving him dearly. Simply leaving her past idenity behind (with a name change and a dye job), she ran off with him to Napoli, where they married a year later. They lived together for the next 2 years in a surprisingly loving relationship, and Francesca was shaped into her current self via interaction with her husband's work partners and a worry that she might end up dead if she didn't adapt to the violent lifestyle of the mafia. And so, life continued on for them, and their relationship remained... well, oddly stable, considering her beloved husband was in the mafia.
Then... well, he was killed.
She didn't know how, but she simply received the news from a note at her front door and a bloody finger with his wedding ring still attached. She knew he had been murdered, but why and by who... well, she didn't know.
But she was determined to find out.
And so, visiting Polpo, she decided to take his lighter test to officially join Passione and take her husband's place in an attempt to figure out what happened.
She earned her stand Night And Day in the process, setting off her journey to figure out what and who caused Giuseppe's death.

Stand Info| Her stand is named Night And Day, and takes the appearance of a two headed pitbull that's roughly the size of Francesca herself (save for an inch or two). It has a harlequin color scheme, with one side having pitch black fur and red eyes (which is Night) and the other side being a pure white with sky blue eyes (which is Day). It attacks via loud, rumbling growls and barks, bites, and slashing motions.

Stand Stats|
Power- B
Speed- C
Range- E
Durability- A
Precision- C
Potential- E

Voice Claim|

• Francesca's going after her husband's killer to try and avenge his death; she's certainly tried to move on, and she's managed... for the most part.
• Even when not in combat, Night and Day will present themselves when they want (like Sex Pistols). They do this simply because of Francesca normally spoils them by giving them lunch and petting.
•Francesca's favorite flower and color is lavender.
•She can cook just about anything; cannolis and desserts, however, are her specialty.


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