Firebug (another jojo oc. shocker.)

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Name| Brone Aquila
Alias| Firebug
Age| 19
Gender| Female
Sexuality| Bisexual
Occupation| Self-employed arsonist for hire
Nationality| Irish (on her father's side) and Italian (on her mother's side)

Physical Appearance| Brone stands at a height of 6'2", has a very slim yet athletic figure, and has very fair skin with slightly darker 'sunkissed' spots around her face, neck, and hands.
She has stern dark brown eyes and her neck length, wavy, platinum blonde hair is slicked back with a few pale brown streaks visible from before she dyed her hair. In terms of actual facial structure, she has a lean face with a rounded jaw, a broad nose, small ears and thin lips. In terms of special attributes, she has skin grafts along the entirety of her lower legs, on a small patch of her stomach, and around her lower back, with faint- yet still clearly visible- scars present around the edges.

Clothing|While out in public and on the job, Brone dons a sheer black mesh crop top over a robin's egg blue bralette with a solid white cropped blazer, along with black lace up jeans (with the laces drawn very loosely) and chunky black ankle boots with white laces. When she isn't on the job, her clothing is much more plain- she just wears a robin egg blue tank top with white cargo shorts and sunflower yellow platform sneakers.

Personality| Brone tends to be a very collected and stoic individual, often waiting to see where a situation will go before jumping into action. She is also very clever and quick on her feet, usually able to think out an answer or solution as soon as it springs up. She can come off as very frigid and aloof initally, but she can prove herself to be very loyal and protective of those she loves at her best. At her worst, she can come off as overbearing of loved ones, very stern, and very distant- however, she's mostly like this out of concern for those she holds close.
However, the most important thing about her is that she's a pyromaniac, and fire is something that will make her feel more relaxed and calm- she wouldn't say she's addicted to it, but fire is something she's... very protective over.

Likes| Warmth, the smell of smoke and burnt matches, feeling the rough texture of wood against her fingertips, the sight of embers, being able to care over someone else, and being able to take care of her 'son'.
Dislikes| Running out of matches, whenever someone douses her fires before they can spread (especially on a job), people asking about her skin grafts, dimmed lights, and overbearing cold.

Brone never really knew where her father went. Of course, she couldn't really remember him- from what she had heard, he had run off when she was three or four, so he didn't really linger in her memory- so she couldn't really miss him too much. That didn't quite bother her. What did bother her was when her mom started letting people live with them when she turned eight. It was fine enough at first- just a few friends of her mom and their friends renting out a few rooms in their small apartment, nothing more. But when they started running out of room and more boarders started coming in, they had to keep them wherever they could, meaning that Brone had to start sharing a room with- at most- two or three people at a time.
This didn't really bother her too much once she got used to it- yeah, it was awkward having one or two other people come in and out of your room at all hours, but she adjusted to it fine. Hell, she even got along with some of the tenants she had to room with.
But then Lorenzo moved in.
He wasn't like the other tenants she had to room with- he wasn't as neutral as the others had been. If anything, he began to grow into a fatherly figure for her, and she saw him as one of her closest friends; she trusted him enough to be able to vent to him, he'd take her out for gelato when she passed a test, and would even buy her gifts- not even just on holidays. He felt like family to her, and she trusted him with all her heart.
But then he started being more sour towards her- specifically when there was no one in the house. He'd burst into a fit of screaming at her over nothing, throw things at her, and slam her into the walls- if it was anything violent, he likely did it to her. When it first started happening, she tried to report it to the others, but Lorenzo would quickly clean up his act and return to the sweet man he normally was- he'd make it out to seem as though he had done nothing and she was just lying, and (after a few glares, whispered insults, and the threat of revealing her darkest secrets) they'd go back to their normal, former friendship for a while.
Then it'd just loop all over again. The same cycle, repeated over and over.
Since she couldn't tell anyone about it, the then ten year old began to seek comfort in one place; the small fireplace they kept in the living room. She'd always set the fires in the evenings during the winter, adoring the amount of power it gave her to be able to control something that held so much destructive energy, and the one thing she loved the most was to watch the fire dance as it burned. To be so close and yet so safe while something with the ability to cause so much damage sat just in front of her gave her so much confidence and power in herself- she couldn't help but be enamoured by it. It was her only escape, and she'd bask in it whenever she could. But soon, she began trying to seek the comfort out elsewhere when she couldn't get to the fireplace. She started stashing matchsticks away in her bed and would disappear into the bathroom, striking them and watching the flame burn down to the pads of her fingertips. When she turned twelve, she'd sneak out in the dead of night to join in the bonfires with the delinquents in the alleyways, flicking lit matches into trashbins and disappearing into the night before they could be caught for the arson. When she had turned fourteen, she began to gather pictures and reminders of Lorenzo and burn them whole during her own self held bonfires, occasionally dropping off a charred remnant by Lorenzo's bed as a warning. The fire gave her power and strength she never had otherwise- it gave her the ability to survive and push past her abuser.
But it only then got out of hand when she turned seventeen.
She had planned Lorenzo's death for the past few months after her birthday- she planned it so it would correspond with the exact day he had started to show his true colors.
She had bought canisters of gasoline from the cornerstore the next block over through one of her friends.
She had stolen duct tape from another one of the tenants.
She even went through the effort of disabling the fire alarms the night before and plotting out multiple escape routes. She planned it out to a t- set the fire when none of the other tenants were home and when Lorenzo was sleeping in their room. She would burn this house down with him inside, and let no one else be hurt- that included the small 2 month old in the next room over. She would claim no innocent lives.
Only his.
And so the evening of April 22nd came- everyone else was either out partying, out doing errands or just doing their jobs; the then 17 year old didn't care what they were doing. All that she cared about was that Lorenzo was sleeping in their room- she knew because she could hear the bastard snoring, even from the living room. And so, she set her plan into motion.
She sealed the window in her bedroom shut with the duct tape and took the gasoline, sprinkling a trail from the window out of her room down the hall and throughout the length of the apartment- save for where the baby was. Once she was sure she had sprayed down practically every room, she disposed of the gas canister in her room and grabbed her box of matches before leaving the room, locking the door and sealing it shut with tape- just in case.
From there, she went on to seal practically every other exit- the only one she didn't seal was the front door. That was her escape.
Once she had finished, she had taken the baby out of his room and carefully manuevered her way into the living room, keeping the baby tucked carefully into her hoodie as she backed towards the door. Taking a match, she struck it quickly, throwing it down onto the gasoline trail and setting the living room ablaze, burning through her legs and even parts of her stomach before she had turned around to take her leave, scorching her back as well. She resisted the pain, however, quickly moving to get out. She had to get herself and the baby to safety.
She ran out of the apartment as quickly as she could, running down the hallways and out the door and into the nearest alleyway, clutching that baby as close to her as she could manage as she did so. She knew no one would suspect her running away with the baby- with how she was burned, she knew everyone would just think she had escaped the fire. The only time Brone had slowed down was in the alley, when she heard Lorenzo start screaming- not out of guilt. Not out of sympathy or doubt, not to second guess her thoughts.
Just to bask in the misery he was in. She was just happy she got her revenge.
With that, she disappeared into the city and ran away, taking the baby boy with her, naming him Aithe, dying her hair and getting skin grafts in an attempt to cover her trails. With that, Brone was done with being the victim. Now? She was a firebug, finally having power she never had before, and now being able to use it to her advantage to survive.
And, as morbid as it sounds...
she couldn't have it any other way. She was a new person that day- a new Brone, with a new accomplice she named Firestarter.

Stand Name & Description| Firestarter-
Firestarter manifests itself as tiny flecks of fire; whenever Brone strikes a match and she's going into full Firebug mode, they'll appear. They can grow in size depending on how big the fire is, and tend to take a golden yellow or bright orange, with simple dark brown dots for eyes and mouths- occasionally, the mouths might shift to show emotion.
Stand Ability| Firestarter essentially has the ability to speed up the burning process- when given the chance, they can envelop something the size of a normal living room in less than five minutes. Along with this, they can shift their burning patterns; this can either make the crime scenes look like accidental fires or allow Brone and allies escape unharmed.
Stand Stats|
Power- B
Speed- B
Range- A
Durability- C
Precision- A
Potential- E

Voice Claim|

•Brone has burned off her fingerprints, and it wasn't even just because of her escape plan; she had done it on accident far too many times before, so the accident just allowed her to burn the rest of them off.
•She doesn't seem to think of her pyromania as odd- if anything, she's surprised more people don't have it.
•Her mother and the other tenants don't know she and Aithe are still alive or living by their own free will; she feels bad for just leaving them behind, but she doesn't really know how she'd be able to explain it.
•Contrary to popular belief, she is not affiliated with Passione.
•Brone is definitely protective of those she considers close (not a lot of people, but still), but she's moreso of Aithe; she's very attached to the two year old.

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