Fantasy OCs

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Name| Sakhet
Species| Sphinx
Gender| Female
Sexuality| Asexual
Appearance| Sakhet resembles any other sphinx of her species, having the lower half of a lioness with tawny brown fur, two large wings that resemble those of a raptor, and the head of a woman. Regarding the actual head itself, Sakhet has a narrowed and almost sharp face shape, with high cheekbones, a high nose bridge, and thin lips. Her skin is a somewhat golden color in nature, and her eyes are the same color as her bobbed hair- jet black. In terms of accessories, she wears a gold and ruby sun disk headdress and a simple golden bangle on her right paw with a ladle carved into it- a gift from a friend. In terms of size, she is considered a runt in her species; she's roughly as big as an elephant.
Personality| Sakhet has two main sides to her personality; a careful, usually motherly figure that tries to take care of allies and a battle oriented creature, intent on destroying everything in her path (the latter being normal for her species.) However, despite the sphinx's normally violent nature, Sakhet manages to keep her temper under control and restrain herself to assisting others- however, her self restraint normally tends to diminish whenever she finds herself in a stressful situation, and it is especially quick to vanish when an ally is injured. The most notable part of her personality is that, regardless of if she's angry or not, is how loyal she is; no matter what, if she believes someone is an ally, she will keep close to them and would much rather die before letting them be hurt.

Abilities and Weaknesses|
•Flight- Sakhet is able to thrust herself into the air with her paws and... well, use her wings to fly- she can reach fairly high in the sky for her size (about roughly 1,100 feet off the ground), but she doesn't use this for travel, and she doesn't even normally use it other than to bound forward and briefly glide down somewhere else
•Sharp claws and teeth- she has 3 long claws on every paw, and large canines that could break through metal if she truly wanted to do it; this, when paired with her quick reaction time, truly can make her a decent foe in combat (she doesn't use this often unless she loses her self restraint)
•Healing- This is a trait she earned based on the goddess she was named after; she has the ability to heal with... well, her saliva. With a lick or a spit on a wound (kinky but aight), she can heal an injury easily... however, she cannot heal chronic illnesses, regrow someone's limb, or heal anything she can't physically see or touch (for instance, she could heal a gash or even a broken bone, but she couldn't heal something like a tumor). She also cannot raise anyone back from the dead.
Likes| Warmth, being under the desert sun, the feeling of sand, dirt, or grass being under her paws, taking care of her friends, and Finika's food
Dislikes| Being in the cold, losing her self restraint, most other sphinges, mice and rodents, allies being hurt, and most modern machinery.

Backstory| In Egypt, sphinges were traditionally named once they began to display signs of their personality- specifically after gods and goddesses with the same personality. However, even when she hadn't quite earned her name yet, Sakhet had made herself well known amongst her kind; she was... well, a female Egyptian sphinx. Yes, her father, head of their small tribe, had bred with a Grecian sphinx (which are more traditionally females) and forcefully brought Sakhet over, but she was nonetheless a female sphinx amongst the mainly male tribe, making her a rarity. However, despite her almost runt status being the smallest out of the group and being the only female there, was quick to earn her name, taking care of allies and quickly defeating most of her enemies in a fiery rage- this earned her the name Sakhet, after the goddess of war and healing. Time passed, and Sakhet grew into a fine sphinx, and she was constantly preparing herself for when she'd take over as head of the tribe... until, after her father's retirement away from the group to pass in peace, the tribe had turned against her and put Osiris in charge, simply putting her off to carry on the tribe. In a fit of rage, in the dead of night, she attacked the larger Osiris, and was quickly pinned to the dirt and forced to surrender. As punishment, she was banished from the group, and was forced to wander around in the desert until, on the edge of starvation, she was found by Finika, who (after plenty of reluctance on Sakhet's end) fed the sphinx, which- in return- earned Sakhet's gratitude and friendship. From there on out, they began to travel together.

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