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Name| Camorra Hoffa
Nickname(s)| Cammie, CH
Age| 16
Gender| Female
Occupation| Pianist
Nationality| ... Italian
Sexuality| Demisexual, bisexual when adjusted/ gotten used to people

Physical Appearance| Catalina is a slightly pudgy girl of average height, standing at a height of 5'7". Being an albino, Camorra has very pale skin and pink eyes naturally; however, her eyebrows and hair are dyed charcoal black, and her hair flows down to her upper back, with her bangs usually being tucked behind her ears. In terms of facial features, she has a narrow face with a softly shaped jaw, a button nose, thin eyebrows, smooth cheeks and heart shaped lips.

Clothing| Camorra's go to outfit is a white u-neck t-shirt tied to a knot just above her navel with a high waisted plaited pale orange skirt along with lavender thigh high socks and patent leather mary janes. On top of this, she also wears a sunflower yellow cardigan, large oval glasses, and paints her nails a periwinkle color.

Personality| Initally, Camorra comes off as a very bubbly and social young woman, always greeting people with a wink and a smile. She makes herself out to be a very friendly, very charismatic and charming person; and, for the most part, she is... at a first glance.
Simply put, Camorra just puts this up as a front- in reality, she's a very nervous and insecure person when it comes to her abilities and her social life. She normally finds herself fretting and worrying over what her future will be like and what she will be, and often just finds herself facing an existential crisis more often than not. She tends to overthink things, and is very cautious when it comes to new situations. At her best, she is a very caring and thoughtful person (and she still retains some of her charm), but at her worst she is a very fretful and woeful girl that- when she's not pushing people away- will be very overprotective of her friends and loved ones.

Likes| Playing piano, making kandi bead bracelets, visiting the older libraries and bookstores, writing in her journal by water fountains, the smell of coffee, and quiet places.
Dislikes| Losing her glasses, a poorly tuned piano, strawberries (just the fruit), books in libraries or bookstores that are written on or torn, strangers flirting with her

Backstory| Camorra had a normal enough childhood; her mother and father were present in her life, and their relationship was completely healthy- they doted over her, and she doted over them in return.
However, when she was 13, she started showing signs of what they thought was asthma; they figured it was asthma, since it just ran in the family, and after their one family doctor (who hadn't been the most honest when creating his resume and presenting his credentials) had diagnosed her with asthma, it seemed to prove their worries- and so, out of worry for her well being, they sent her off to live with her aunt and uncle in the countryside of Tuscany so she could get some cleaner air.
Camorra, while surprised by her diagnosis with asthma, simply rolled along with it, and soon adapted to small town life in the countryside; she started playing piano for the town's church, found a job at the antique store, and even started attending school there.
However, the best part of it all came to her in the form of befriending a girl named Adelina Blue, a girl she met through one of her aunt's friends. The two quickly bonded over a shared love of classical music, making bracelets, and swimming, and they became best friends quickly. They were best friends for the next two years and a half, swimming in the nearby lake and making friendship bracelets when they weren't having sleepovers or studying together in the library. And soon, the albino found herself developing a crush on Adelina- and she was crushing hard. She was going to confess to Adelina the day before their school's spring dance when Adelina told her something very important.
She had a crush on a boy named Emiliano and wanted to take him to the dance.
Camorra knew Emiliano; he was the son of the local baker, and as sweet as his dad was... he was a bastard. He was known at school as a reckless, easily angered boy that always got in trouble at one point or another, and as much as Adelina doted over him... well, he never gave her the time of day. Camorra knew he wasn't any good for Adelina, but... well, she just loved him so much, and Camorra knew that Adelina was a smart girl; maybe he wasn't as bad as she thought. And so, she said nothing when her best friend had asked him out.
And even when he had accepted the invitation, she didn't voice her worry; all she did the night of the prom was stay at home and watch a movie.
She hadn't even suspected anything was wrong until the police showed up at her aunt and uncle's house and asked for her a few days later, when they told her that something had happened to her dear friend.
Turns out that Camorra was right to not trust Emiliano.
In the middle of the dance, he had taken Adelina out to the lake and they had... well, made out on the dock, to put it bluntly. Emiliano had tried to push it further, but when Adelina refused, he went mad. He grabbed her by the neck and began to strangle her, pushing her head under the water and holding her there until she stopped struggling. Afterwards, he had just... pushed her body out into the middle of the lake and walked back home. He had been taken into custody once they found the body, and when Camorra had asked him why, all he said was one thing;
"I don't like being told no."
When he told her that, it was at that very moment the teen found the true reason she had been experiencing all these sudden chest pains that made her want to pass out and made it hard for her to breath. It wasn't asthma.
It was anxiety.
And that anxiety made itself clear when she reached through the bars and grabbed Emiliano's neck through the bars and wringed it as hard as she could, tears running down her face and her lungs making it hard to breathe until she was pried off of him by the police.
After that, she just seemed like an entirely different person. After the funeral, she gave up her job at the antique store, dropped out of school, and developed a strong fear of water- it was hard to enjoy something when it had claimed your friend's life. The only thing she kept doing was playing piano at the church- it made her feel better, and managed to get her to feel less sad.
It was a year later when she had turned 15 that she moved off to Naples without a word, settling down in the Forcella district. It was there that she tried to reinvent a new life for herself, becoming a pianist to pay the bills while she tried to limit her encounters with people- out of a fear of either ending up like Adelina or experiencing a loss like that again. The only person she truly let close to her was the 'ghost' of Adelina, now known as Madame Blue- and even then she was reluctant to get close to her.
After all, it's hard to let yourself connect with someone you failed to protect.

Stand Name + Info| Madame Blue
Madame Blue presents itself as Adelina- it took on her likeness down to a t, really. However, it didn't just take on the form of her- oh no.
It took on the form of her corpse.
Madame Blue has very pale brown skin, with choke marks clear around her neck and hazy grey eyes with no clear pupils. She has kinky black hair help in a bun that's barely held together with how much hair has escaped, and she dons a faded blue dress with long sleeves that ends just below her knees, with black flats and her nails painted a (now chipped) periwinkle color. She has bubblegum pink lipstick smeared across her lips and some of her cheek, and she appears to be forever dripping wet with water.
Madame Blue's Stand ability, in a rather cruel twist of fate, is water manipulation; she can take available moisture and process it into actual water, which comes out of her eyes and mouth (disgusting) and she can then... well, manipulate it into armor, weapons, or even an extra appendage if she wanted.

Stand Stats|
Power- C
Speed- C
Range- A
Durability- A
Precision- C
Potential- B

Voice Claim|

Extra Info|
•As self 'punishment' for letting Adelina go off with Emiliano, Camorra will have Madame Blue essentially flood her throat- instead of water going in, it's water coming out. Odd, yes, but she considers it fitting punishment.
•Madame Blue makes gargling noises to communicate- Camorra hates it.
•Camorra douses herself in perfume- she always uses a 'Sea Breeze' smell, since it was Adelina's favorite.
•Camorra, whenever she plays piano, tries to look away from reflections, especially when she sings along; that's usually where she sees Madame Blue, and it usually makes her panic a little.


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