"Becoming Human.": REMAKE

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Name| Coppélia (sometimes adopts the surname Leto when in hiding)
Age| Was designed to resemble a 26 year old; however, she has only been active for 3 years
Gender| She presents as a female
Sexuality| Panromantic asexual

Physical Appearance| Coppélia has an oval shaped face, with full cheeks, a snub nose, rounded square shaped eyes, and natural lips with a slightly fuller lower lip (her lips are slightly lower down on her face; they're a few inches higher up from her chin, and a few lower than her nose). She has porcelain colored skin, with a few scratches and buffs on her cheeks and forehead, dark brown eyes, and thin cocoa brown hair that reaches just a half inch or two past her ears, with center-parted bangs that reach her chin (her bangs are most commonly kept tucked behind her ears.) She has a very slim and fit figure and stands at 6'3".
Clothing| Coppélia dons a white muscle top (which she wears a black bandeau under) along with a very loose fitting, open front dark red and black plaid jacket that reaches the middle of her thighs (the sleeves are so long they normally cover her hands; she rolls hers up to the elbows). She also wears loose fitting jeans with holes worn in the knees and up the legs, with the bottom of the legs being cuffed. She also wears worn dark brown leather Chelsea boots that are at least a size too big (not too hard to tell, judging by the fact that she stuffs her boots with tissue paper.) She also wears a pale pink, white, and light red kandi bead bracelet that reads 'Hard Candy' on her right wrist while on her left wrist she wears a white and pale blue kandi bead bracelet that reads 'U R HUMAN' in silver letters on white beads.

Personality|Coppélia, simply put, is a very thoughtful, very careful, and very curious person- she always wants to know more about the world around her and will do just about anything to do so (this can be a strength or a weakness for her depending on the circumstances). Knowing that she's on the run, she doesn't want to risk the lives of others or herself and therefore is very reluctant im nature to spring forward into things; this translates over to letting herself close to people, as she doesn't want to get too close out of the fear they'll turn her in. However, if she does allow herself to get close, she can prove to be a very sweet and loyal friend, as well as protective- she'd do whatever it takes to take care of those she holds dear.
Another trait she's known for is her naivete; she doesn't know much about the world around her besides what she was programmed with, and therefore doesn't quite understand a lot of things; this can be another one of her weaknesses, as she may not understand the risks of certain situations beforehand. However, her naive nature doesn't correspond with stupid; she can prove to be very smart and logical, always thinking- however, she tends to take things literally, meaning she doesn't exactly understand idioms or some social cues.

Likes| Stars, watching the night, trying to answer paradoxes and philosophical questions, learning about her surroundings, keeping her hands busy and her brain sharp, learning of other cultures, most animals, and being able to pass off as a human.
Dislikes| When her eyes flash or pulse, not understanding something well enough, heavy rain, getting strangers too caught up in her travels/chases, the company that created her/the hunters after her, and feeling emotions that she doesn't quite understand.
•Quick Learning- Coppélia has the ability to absorb information and learn something quickly; it doesn't take too long for her to learn (she learns best through physical examples and demonstrations, however.)
•Emotion Projection- it explains itself; any emotions she may be feeling can be shown through her eyes, particularly in the lights around her irises. They flash certain colors under certain situations that correspond with her feelings (icy blue for alarmed/threatened, golden for curious/learning, red for anger/emotional instability, etc.)
•Basic security- includes hand to hand combat and weaponary combat; basic enough to defend herself (she doesn't understand this entirely and therefore cannot hold up too well in combat for extended periods.)
•Heightened Reflexes- Can respond to stimuli quickly; mostly consists of heightened muscle reactions and thinking during stressful situations.

Backstory| Coppélia was created by an engineer named Caractacus Langston and his young boss Caspian Leto, modeled after Caspian's younger sister that had died thanks to high blood pressure and a subsequent aneurysm. The point of her creation was to originally serve as an assistant/servant, which Caspian wanted created in his sister's image due to what killed her; she died due to high stress (which caused her high blood pressure), and he wanted something that could take stress off of people.
Coppélia was an interesting invention for Caractacus, because while he had built androids before... well, Coppélia was different. She was meant to closely resemble and act like a human, entirely free thinking- overall she was meant to be a human... but not biologically human.
And it worked; after years of adjustments and Turing tests, she was finished, able to pass off as a human and displaying... well, free thinking abilities. Exactly was she was built for.
But... something happened.
Sometime after her creation, before she was to be publicly displayed before mass production and selling, she started showing her own emotions. Her own thoughts, yes, those were fine, but emotions? That wasn't good, and Caspian knew it; so he tried to take her apart himself, using the machine that had assembled her. She pleaded and protested, but he didn't listen.
Until she told him that she was scared... and that hit something inside him. Maybe it was just because she looked like his sister, but... he couldn't bring himself to destroy her.
So he didn't. He let her go, let her run away and be free, and he thought that would be that.
But Caractacus didn't take too calmly to that; he wasted so much time on her, for her to be eventually mass produced and sold; he spent years on her. So when she ran off, and his public opinion began to falter... oh, he wasn't happy. So he began to send bounty hunters after her- to capture her and send her back.
But unfortunately for him, she was always one step ahead.
And so Coppélia's still on the run, trying to find somewhere where she can be free and safe.

Voice Claim|

Extra Info|
•She carries a collapsable axe that she hangs on one of her belt loops; nobody quite knows where she got it.
•Coppélia can manage to cry; she was built with tear ducts that shed artifical tears... odd design choice.
•She doesn't mind doing chores or helping out; she'll do it often for those that let her stay in their homes.
•She tends to space out when she sits still; not only that, she remains very quiet and may focus on the ground- it's only until she's interacted with.
•She has a certain mode where she can project memories; she acts like a movie projector, but... well, just for her memories.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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